Check out this guide to find out your condition in Resident Evil 2! Find out what your condition is, & how to treat it using the different items you find in the game!

Table of Contents title here
What Is My Condition?
Your Condition Is Your Health

While playing Resident Evil 2, you may sometimes notice that there is a pulse that shows up on the lower left side of your screen. This is your condition, and it dictates how much HP you have left, and some statuses you may have.
Check Your Condition By Opening Your Inventory
To check your condition, you need to open your inventory. Your condition will appear on the lower left part of your screen.
Types Of Conditions
Condition Reference Table
Condition | Health & Effects |
Fine | You are in good condition. You will be able to sustain around 4 Zombie attacks before dying. |
Caution | You have taken some damage. Your movement speed suffers until you heal back up. |
Danger | You're health is in critical condition! Your movement speed is very slow, and sustaining another attack may kill you. |
Poisoned | You take damage over time until you are healed. You will periodically stop walking as you take damage. |
Increased Defense | Occurs when you use any mixture with a Red & Blue Herb. Increases your defense against enemy attacks for a limited time. |
How To Recover Condition
Use Healing Items To Recover Your Health
In order for you to recover some of your condition, you will need to use Recovery Items. The following items will recover your health, and eliminate any status ailments you may have sustained.
Item List Table
Item | Effects |
First Aid Spray | Fully heals your character |
Green Herb | When mixed with other Herbs, will heal a small amount of your health |
Blue Herb | When mixed with other Herbs, heals you of poisoning |
Red Herb | Increases the effects of other Herbs it is mixed with |
Herb Combination Chart
Herb Combination | Effects |
G+G | Recovers a moderate amount of Health |
G+G+G | Fully recover health |
G+R | Fully recover health |
G+B | Recover a small amount of health, and cure Poison condition |
G+G+B | Fully recover health & cure Poison condition |
B+R | Cure Poison condition, and increased defense for a certain amount of time |
G+R+B | Fully recover health, cure Poison condition, and increase defense for a certain amount of time |
How To Mix Herbs

To mix herbs into powerful healing items, you will need to combine them. From your inventory, select a Herb, and choose "Combine". Select another Herb to combine to create your recovery item! You can mix up to 3 Herbs at a time.
Restore Your Condition To Avoid Dying

It is important to keep an eye on your condition. Dying will make you lose your progress, and you will have to start over from the last checkpoint. Make sure to keep yourself healthy to avoid dying.