To survive the zombie apocalypse, you should be familiar with all the items you can find in Raccoon City! Learn about all the available items, item types and more in this guide.

Resident Evil 2 Database
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Table of Contents
Healing and Consumable Items
Items used to heal the player, and other consumable items.
Item | Description |
GREEN HERB | A standard recovery item. Consume to heal a small amount of health. Combine with other herbs to improve healing effect. |
RED HERB | Cannot be used on its own. Combined with Green Herb to restore full health. |
BLUE HERB | Cannot be used on its own. Can be used to cure poison status and improve defense. |
FIRST AID SPRAY | Used to fully heal your character, so keep an eye for this all the time. Check drawers and medicine cabinets for these. |
INK RIBBON | This item only appears in Hardcore difficulty and consumed when saving your game in the typewriter. |
WOODEN BOARDS | Used to board up windows to prevent zombies from coming through. |
HIP POUCH | Gives the player two additional inventory slots. Be on the look out for these. |
Ammunition for all weapons in the game.
Item | Description |
HANDGUN AMMO | Standard ammunition for Leon's Handgun. Usually the most abundant ammo type in the game. |
SHOTGUN SHELLS | Standard ammunition for the shotgun. |
MAG AMMO | High Caliber ammunition used for the Lightning Hawk Magnum. Usually scarce due to its high power. |
ACID ROUNDS | Special ammunition used for the grenade launcher. Deals corrosive damage and is effective for dealing with Lickers and "G". |
FLAME ROUNDS | Special ammunition used for the grenade launcher. Deals incendiary damage and is effective for dealing with Ivy type enemies. |
SUBMACHINE GUN AMMO | Ammunition used for the submachine gun. |
FUEL | Ammunition for the Chemical Flamethrower |
LARGE CALIBER HANDGUN AMMO | Ammunition for the Quickdraw Army and M19, and appears only on Side B Playthrough. |
NEEDLE CARTRIDGES | Ammunition for the Spark Shot |
GUNPOWDER | Creates ammunition when combined with other Gunpowder items. |
GUNPOWDER (LARGE) | Makes double the amount of ammunition when combined to regular gunpowder. |
HIGH GRADE GUNPOWDER (WHITE) | Creates Acid Rounds or Submachine gun ammo when combined with other types of gunpowder. |
HIGH GRADE GUNPOWDER (YELLOW) | Creates Shotgun shells or MAG Ammo when combined with other types of gunpowder. |
Items Overview
Stock Up on Healing and Ammo Items

Be sure to carry around healing items and ammo with you at all times, and always be prepared to engage! You'll never know when a zombie or the Tyrant will attack.
Maximize Your Inventory Space
As a true survival horror game, inventory management is key! Make sure you have enough space for all the items you need for the situation, and ditch unneeded items using the item stash.
Have Extra Space for Key Items

Make sure you have enough space for key items you may find, as these are crucial to progress the story. Unload some items as necessary.
Experiment With Item Combinations
Try out different herb combinations and maximize their effects. This also conserves inventory space since combined items take up only a single inventory slot.
Be On The Lookout for Side Pack / Bag Pouch
Always be on the lookout for the Hip Pouch item. This increases your inventory space by 2, allowing you to carry more items and ensure survivability.
Check out where to find Hip Pouches!