Getting the S+ Rank in Hardcore may the most challenging task in Resident Evil 2. Check out this guide on how to get S+ Rank on Hardcore Mode Scenario A, and how to unlock the Infinite Minigun for Claire.
Resident Evil 2 - Game Mode
Table of Contents
- Underground Facility to Parking Lot
- Parking Lot to 1st Electronic Equipment
- Balcony to Sherry
- Sherry to Sewers
- Sewers to Acquiring Spark Shot
- Spark Shot to G 2nd Form
General Tips
Story Progression and Walkthrough
<< Previous Part | Current Part | Next Part >> |
Opening ~ Underground Facility | Underground ~ Vs. G 2nd Form | Laboratory ~ Ending |
Claire (Scenario A) Underground Facility to Parking Lot
Underground Facility to Parking Lot Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
0 | (Optional) You can save for the first time |
1 | Take Elevator to underground facility |
2 | Get Frag Grenade at the lower stairs |
3 | Trigger cutscene after the fallen locker. Additional tips below. |
4 | After the event G to the 1st form match (about 4 to 5 minutes) |
5 | Climb up the ladder after fight with G and follow Sherry |
6 | Pull the lever to make a bridge |
7 | Organize items at the Operator Room |
8 | Climb the ladder and go to the parking lot |
9 | Examine the Parking Lot terminal at the exit of the parking lot and trigger cutscene |
Underground Facility to Parking Lot Item Location Chart
No. | Location | Item |
1 | Underground Stairs | Frag Grenade (below the lower staircase) |
4 | Machine Room | Green Herb (Map upper left,) Shard grenade (Map upper left, lower right) Red Herb (lower left) Handgun Ammo (Map lower right, lower left, upper left) |
4 | Machinery Room - Middle | Gun powder (climb ladder and left room) Green Herb (ladder climb to the left room) |
3. G 1st form battle

At this point it will be the first hardcore boss fight. Since HP is significantly more than lower difficulty levels, target its weakpoints. Use Grenades to deal damage as well. Also, it's grab attack can cause instant death, so counter with a knife or grenade.
Claire (Scenario A) Parking Lot to 1st Electronic Equipment
Parking Lot to 1st Electronic Equipment Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After the cutscene, go to the Firing Range and the door towards the kennel |
1 | Recover items in Firing Range |
1 | Go out the door of the parking lot and use the key of the car. Discard the key after unlocking the Police Car trunk |
2 | Head to the Kennel and kill 2 Lickers. Additional tips below. |
3 | Acquire Diamond Key in the Morgue Room |
3 | Since zombies beside the entrance are tougher, use a flashbang to deal with them so you can safely pass |
4 | Because there is a Licker on the ceiling on the way back, ignore it.(defeat it if you go to the Firing Range) |
4 | If you use diamond keys in the Firing Range, Discard it later |
4 | Get JMPHp 3 from trunk of car opened earlier |
5 | Head to the Elevator Control Room |
6 | Pull the lever at the elevator control room and get on the elevator |
7 | Organize items in the Chief's Office |
7 | Leave one hand gun in the Item Box |
8 | Get Relief in collection room |
8 | Get Heart Key from relief |
9 | Open the door of the Chief's Office |
10 | Get off the stairs |
11 | Open the interrogation room |
12 | Get the handgun bullets and return to the chief's office (ignore the enemy) |
13 | Climb the stairs to the East Storage Room |
13 | Defeat the two zombies in the East Storage Room |
14 | Get the Large Gear at the East Storage Room |
15 | Get a box of electronic parts inside the Heart Door Room. |
16 | Organize items in the Chief's Office |
Parking Lot to 1st Electronic Equipment Item Location Chart
No. | Location | Item |
1+ | Firing range | Metal box car key (desk immediately after Firing Range) Flame Rounds (shelf near the entrance in the Firing Range) |
2 | Kennel | Reinforced gunpowder (white)(basket just in front of the entrance) |
3 | Morgue room | (2nd coffin seen from the entrance )Flashbang (coffin at the left end as seen from the entrance) |
6 | Elevator control room | Blue Herb (entrance front) stock (entrance and locker in front) Enhanced explosive (white) (back of desk) |
7 | Chief's Room | Green Herb (communication passage) Submachine Gun Ammo (on the desk at the center) |
8 | Collection Room | Relief (On desk) |
11 | Interrogation room | Handgun Ammo (entered left desk) box (STARS Badge) (back shelf) |
13 | East Storage Room front | Flashlight grenade (locker on the balcony side) Handgun bullet (warehouse locker) |
14 | East Storage Room | Blue Herb (shelves near the entrance) Large Gear (above the middle box) Combat knife (heart key room) Electronic component box (heart key room) |
2. Kill Licker at the Kennel

You need to go through the Kennel twice. So you need to take out the Licker in this room.
Claire (Scenario A) Balcony to Sherry
Balcony to Sherry Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Climb the stairs to the balcony |
2 | Get off the ladder |
3 | Go down the stairs and pull the lever (zombies are allowed to go through) |
3 | Collect the Green Herb × 2 |
4 | Pull the lever of the valve to extinguish the fire |
5 | Tyrant appears when going from door to helicopter |
6 | Lure Tyrant on the balcony and head to the main hall |
6 | Get JMP extended magazine from safe in waiting room (key: right 6 left 2 right 11) |
7 | Item management in the main hall (Make sure to carry with you STARS Badge and diamond key) |
7 | Convert STARS Badge to USB dongle |
8 | Go through the library to the linen room |
8 | Open the linen room with the diamond key (discard the key) |
8 | Get portable safe (spare key) |
9 | Get the sub machine gun using USB dongle at the STARS office |
10 | Head to the Safety Deposit Room (it is safer to go from the west office) |
10 | Defeat Licker in the hallway |
10 | Using the spare key in the storage cabinet (203) Get the Hip Pouch |
11 | Open the Operations room with the Heart Key |
12 | Get the tool |
13 | Go to the library via the main hall |
13 | Take the Large Gear from your item box |
14 | Lower the bookshelf using Tool key item in front of the bookshelf |
15 | Move the bookshelf using the tool and the bookshelf on the left once to the right |
16 | Go over the bookshelf through the ladder and go to Clock Tower |
17 | Insert the Large Gear in the place on the right |
18 | Collect the Large Gear and climb the stairs |
19 | Get Small Gear from the floor above and get Large Gear to replace it |
20 | Put the Small Gear in front of the stairs |
21 | Obtain the box of electronic components |
22 | Go through the East Storage Room to the Chief's Office |
23 | Solve the switchboard puzzle in the collection room |
24 | After checking the card key, proceed to Sherry part |
No. | Location | Item |
1 | balcony | Blue Herb (In front table) Handgun bullet (bench near the helicopter) Green Herb (at the end of the staircase) |
5 | 2F hall | Red Herb (as soon as you enter the door) |
6 | Waiting Room | Long magazine (safe) |
8 | Linen room | Enhanced gunpowder (white) Portable safe (above washing machine) |
Claire (Scenario A) Sherry to Sewers
Sherry to Sewers Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Sherry part starts |
2 | Immediately head back and open the stuffed doll |
2 | Get a block from a stuffed doll |
3 | Use blocks at the puzzle |
3 | Solve the puzzle to obtain scissors |
4 | Use scissors on the wall |
5 | Go down the stairs and check the keys at the head office room |
6 | Escape from the Police Chief |
6 | Hide inside the child's room near towel shelf. Then hide under the Desk shadow. |
7 | Get the key and go to the Police Chief's office and trigger the cutscene |
8 | Control returns to Claire |
9 | Organize items in the Chief's Office |
10 | Open exit of parking lot with card key |
10 | While avoiding tyrant, go back to the police station |
11 | Go near a wire mesh with two zombies |
11 | Passing through the door attracting zombies and tyrants after the destruction |
12 | Go down the street and get off the stairs (ignore the zombies under the stairs to dull) |
12 | A zombie dog in the back street knocks over a wire mesh (to reduce damage) |
12 | Zombies in the bus should be ignored |
12 | When your get to the orphanage, pick up items on the second floor |
13 | Get off the ladder from the Police Chief's Office to the sewer |
14 | After joining Sherry, escape from Tyrant to the elevator |
Sherry to Sewers Item Location Chart
No. | Location | Item |
11 | Police Station back street | Submachine Gun Ammo (basketball court) Green Herb (basketball court) Frag grenade (in the bus) |
12 | Orphanage | Submachine Gun Ammo (a washroom in the back of the child's room) First-aid spray (washroom in the back of the child's room) |
Claire (Scenario A) Sewers to Acquiring Spark Shot
Sewers to Acquiring Spark Shot Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Item recovery in the office after the cutscene |
2 | Go down from the hall near the office |
3 | Go down the path to the control room |
3 | You can ignore zombies in the control room |
3 | Open key locker (SZF) |
4 | Get out of the monitor room from the shaft on the left of the control room |
5 | You can change the item arrangement handgun to the SLS 60 in the monitor room |
6 | Take the processing pool bridge down and get the tool at the cable car platform |
6 | Get reinforced frame from safe (left 2 right 12 left 8) |
7 | Get off the stairs on the right of the processing pool |
7 | Defeat 2 zombies |
8 | Go down the stairs on the left and open the door with a tool |
9 | Get off the ladder to the lower waterway (OK not to take the key yet) |
10 | Go towards Supplies Storage Room while avoiding G adult form |
11 | Get a queen plug at the Supplies Storage Room |
11 | Take a spark shot after obtaining King Plug |
12 | Collect King / Queen plug and return to monitoring room |
12 | Pass G Adult Through the Side While Hitting With Spark Shot. Additional tips below. |
12 | Ignore the G adult before the ladder |
13 | When you reach the monitor room, install the plug |
14 | Item arrangement at the Monitor Room |
Spark Shot to G 2nd Form Item Location Chart
No. | Location | Item |
1 | The office | Reinforced bullet for SLS 60 (Beside typewriter) |
3 | Control room | Flame Rounds (entrance right corpse (zombie) Submachine gun bullet (locker with key) |
6 | Processing pool | Strengthening frame (safe) Blue Herb (zombies in the back of the safe) Red Herb (cable car platform) Green Herb (under the stairs) |
9 | Lower waterway | Green Herb (beside the first corpse descending from the ladder) |
10 | Supplies Storage Room | Red Herb (shelves beside entrance) Spark shot (room opened with King plug) |
12. Pass Through G Adult Form

The G adult appearing on the way back is blocking the way and gets in the way. If you use the spark shot you got in the material store, you will not be able to move while the weapon charges, so let's slip through the side in that state.
Claire (Scenario A) Spark Shot to G 2nd Form
Spark Shot to G 2nd Form Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Go down the stairs in the processing pool and pull the right lever to the sewers |
1 | The G adult coming out from the side can be ignored |
2 | Open the door and get on the work lift lift |
3 | Defeat the zombies in the work room |
4 | Get the Rook plug |
5 | Take the plug and turn back the way to the monitor room (you can go on, but there are many zombies) |
6 | Solve the plug puzzle in the monitor room |
7 | Item arrangement (because it is a boss fight, submachine guns and grenades are recommended) |
8 | Save (second time) |
9 | Solve the power puzzle in the main power room (Answer: On, On, Off, On) |
10 | When exiting the room, G appears. Additional tips below. |
11 | Evade G attack from the ceiling |
11 | Break through the shutter and Go past the side of G |
12 | Move the crane and destroy G using the crane |
13 | After defeating G, Open the door of the garbage disposal and rescue Sherry |
14 | Head to the cable car to the laboratory |
Spark Shot to G 2nd Form Item Location Chart
No. | Location | Item |
1 | Sewers | Frag grenade (in the direction opposite to the lever) Blue Herb (front door) |
9 | Main power supply room | Blue Herb (next to garbage dumpster) Green Herb (before garbage dumpster) Red Herb (beside main power supply) |
12 | Water Processing Facility | Handgun Ammo (crane side) Flashbang (crane side) Combat knife (crane side) |
10. G second form (G2) Fight
Area Near The Switch Puzzle is Safe

G2's attack from the ceiling does not hit when standing next to switch panel. Wait until the attack ceases so you will not suffer unnecessary damage.
Wait Next To The Shutter

Once G2 roars, move to the side of the shutter when it begins to break the shutter. You can slip through the side as it breaks the shutter.
Aim at The Eyes With a Submachine Gun

The G2 is easy to damage because it fights in a narrow place. Since using recovery items can degrade your rank, we recommend fighting with guns that can easily damage, such as sub machine guns, to clear the game faster.
Check Out Claire Hardcore S+ Rank Scenario A Guide & Tips Part 3 Here!Getting S+ Rank Tips
You Can Stop The Timer by Pausing The Game

S+ Rank must be completed under a strict time limit. You want to take the least number of actions to complete tasks as possible so as not to waste time. Pausing the game (Option Button for PS4, Start for Xbox One) will stop the timer. This gives you time to review solutions for puzzles before doing them.
Check out All Puzzle List - Solutions & Tips here!Defeat Enemies on Frequently Used Paths

In Hardcore mode, if you get attacked twice, it's game over. Try to defeat enemies in frequently used pathways carefully and take time to defeat them.
Pick Up All Ammunition Items

Since ammo is scarce in Hardcore mode, you must have ammunition or gunpowder at all times. When inventory space is insufficient, prioritize ammunition and discard other items.
Quit and Load Save File When Game Is Over

If you die during the game, it's best to just load a save file instead of continuing. Continuing from where you left off adds time to your total playtime.
Use of Infinite Knife Is Allowed for S+ Rank Clear
Although the use of Infinite Guns is not allowed for getting S+ Rank, you can still get an S+ Rank when using the Infinite Combat Knife. This helps easily kill downed zombies and to conserve bullets.
Check out How to Unlock Infinite Combat Knife Here!Recommended Save Points
- G 1st Form Before the Fight (Secret Room Under Goddess Statue)
- G 2nd Form Before the Fight (Sewer Monitor Room After Solving Chess Puzzle)
- G 3rd Form Before the Fight (Laboratory - West Area After Getting the G Virus Sample)
In order to clear S+, you need to keep the number of saves to maximum of 3 times. The recommended points above are before major boss fights with G and instant death situations.
Check Out How To Get The S & S+ Rank - Requirements & Rewards Here!