Infinity Nikki
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Need 99 Pearl Wings... Guide - Walkthrough and Rewards

Need 99 Pearl Wings... Guide - Walkthrough and Rewards

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Need 99 Pearl Wings... quest guide for Infinity Nikki. This walkthrough includes how to unlock the quest, location, and rewards.

Table of Contents

Need 99 Pearl Wings... - Location and Rewards

Need 99 Pearl Wings... Overview

Quest TypeWorld Quest
LocationBreezy Meadow
Unlock ConditionTBD

Quest Acceptance Location

Infinity Nikki - Need 99 Pearl Wings... World View
Infinity Nikki - Need 99 Pearl Wings... Map View


Mira EXP x400
Diamond x30
Bling x10.0K
Thread of Purity x50
Zephyr Bracelet x1

Need 99 Pearl Wings... - Quest Guide

  1. Talk to Molly.
  2. Catch 3 Pearl Wings.
  3. Catch 2 Blossom Beetles.
  4. Go to Cicia Art Academy Field Base.
  5. Talk to Pepsa.
  6. Complete the quest and collect your reward.
Talk to Molly.
infinity nikki molly

Start this quest by talking to Molly. She’s the troubled girl standing beside a post near the Bug Catcher’s Cabin in Breezy Meadow. Talking to her will reveal that Molly has been working to exhaustion by trying to catch 99 Pearl Wings and 10 Blossom Beetles as an assignment given by a sketchy professor in hopes of getting a letter of recommendation to attend Cicia Art Academy. Nikki volunteers to help gather the remaining materials.

How to Catch Bugs
Catch 3 Pearl Wings.
infinity nikki pearl wings

Pearl Wings are fairly common and easy to catch. You can use material track to find spots where you can catch these insects.

Catch 2 Blossom Beetles.
infinity nikki blossom beetle

Blossom Beetles can only be found in Breezy Meadow. If you notice a ball of flowers rolling, there’s a blossom beetle underneath it. Approach this insect slowly as it will immediately fly away when startled. After successfully catching a blossom beetle, you can also gather “Florapom,” this insect’s byproduct.

You Don’t Need to Catch 99 Pearl Wings

Despite the quest’s title, Nikki only needs to catch 3 Pearl Wings and 2 Blossom Beetles since Molly has already managed to catch most of them, which is the reason why she is so tired.

Go to Cicia Art Academy Field Base
infinity nikki cicia art academy field base map location

After delivering the materials to Molly, Nikki and Momo finds it odd when Molly told them that she’s going to meet the professor behind the bug catcher’s cabin late at night to submit the materials. Nikki decides to go to Cicia Art Academy Field Base to find out more about the situation. Use the Warp Spire to teleport.

Talk to Pepsa
infinity nikki pepsa

Pepsa is the administrator of the Cicia Art Academy Field Base. Inform her that Molly is being scammed. After the conversation, Nikki will confirm that someone is impersonating a professor to steal people’s materials and that Captain Hiya is closely looking into the case. Nikki decides to help catch the perpetuator.

Go to the Bug Catcher’s Cabin at Night
infinity nikki pear pal

Go to the Bug Catcher’s Cabin, marked on your map between 23:00 - 02:00 at night to carry out the sting operation. Use Pear-Pal to change the time if necessary.

How to Change Time - Run Pear-Pal Guide
Complete the Quest and Collect Your Reward
infinity nikki sting operation

After carrying out the sting operation with Captain Hiya and Pepsa, the apprehended criminal will be revealed as Gritty, a fraud, whose impersonating an academy professor to steal materials. Afterwards, Molly will receive a letter of recommendation from Pepsa. This marks the completion of this quest and you’ll receive a Zephyr Bracelet, 30 Diamonds, and 400 EXP as rewards.

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Infinity Nikki Strategy Team

Infinity Nikki Strategy Team

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Anonymous 1

Waiting until the devs fix the bug, still cannot finish the quest…

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