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Chirpy Repaying the Debt Guide - Walkthrough and Rewards

Chirpy Repaying the Debt Guide - Walkthrough and Rewards

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Chirpy Repaying the Debt quest guide for Infinity Nikki. This walkthrough includes how to unlock the quest, location, and rewards.

Table of Contents

Chirpy Repaying the Debt - Location and Rewards

Chirpy Repaying the Debt Overview

Quest TypeWorld Quest
LocationMemorial Mountains
NPCKilo the Cadenceborn
Unlock ConditionComplete "Fly Farther"

Quest Acceptance Location



Diamond x30
Bling x10,000
Mira EXP x400
Thread of Purity x30

Chirpy Repaying the Debt - Quest Guide

  1. Visit Kilo the Cadenceborn.
  2. Catch 3 Pin Hoppers.
  3. Talk to Chirpy outside the park.
  4. Inform Kilo about the situation.
  5. Take a photo.
  6. Talk to Kilo.
  7. Collect 3 Buttoncones and 1 Floof Yarn.
  8. Bring materials to Marques Jr.
  9. Complete the quest by talking to Kilo.
Visit Kilo the Cadenceborn
infinity nikki kilo the cadenceborn

Use the warp spire Beside the Statue in the Old Florawish Memorial and visit Kilo the Cadenceborn. Nikki and Momo will find him swarmed with Pin Hoppers.

Complete the Quest Fly Farther

To start this quest you need to complete its prerequisite quest, “Fly, Farther.”

Catch 3 Pin Hoppers
infinity nikki pin hopper in memorial

Use the Bug-catching outfit to catch all of the Pin Hoppers. Nikki and Momo suspect that someone might be playing a prank on Kilo as he becomes increasingly concerned with the strange noises he hears from the woods.

How to Catch Bugs
Talk to Chirpy Outside the Park
infinity nikki chirpy

Go to the woods outside the park and search the area that is marked automatically in the map. Nikki and Momo will find out that Chirpy is the one who released the Pin Hoppers on Kilo. Chirpy thought it would be a nice gesture to send Pin Hoppers to Kilo for mending its wings but didn’t know that the Pin Hoppers would scare Kilo. Nikki and Momo decide to accompany Chirpy to apologize and explain to Kilo.

Inform Kilo About the Situation
infinity nikki kilo

Go back to the Old Florawish Memorial, talk to Kilo and select the option, "Case Closed." Chirpy will apologize to Kilo and informs him that it will build a nest nearby and will become his neighbor. Chirpy has a new home and Kilo has a new audience for his poems. To commemorate the occasion, Kilo will ask to take a group photo with Nikki and Chirpy.

Take a Photo
infinity nikki momos camera

Use Momo's camera to take a photo. Make sure to include Chirpy in the photo. You can use a variety of poses, lighting and filters when taking a photo.

How to Use Momo's Camera
Talk to Kilo
infinity nikki nikkis album

After taking a photo, talk to Kilo and select the option, "About taking photos." Kilo will ask Nikki for the photo and Nikki's Album will open. Select the photo you've taken with Kilo and Chirpy and click Submit. Kilo will thank Nikki for the photo and this will complete the quest. You'll receive x30 Diamonds, x10,000 Blings, x400 Mira EXP, and x30 Thread of Purity.

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Infinity Nikki Strategy Team

Infinity Nikki Strategy Team

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