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Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Guide - Walkthrough and Rewards

Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Guide - Walkthrough and Rewards

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Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes quest guide for Infinity Nikki. This walkthrough includes how to unlock the quest, location, and rewards.

Table of Contents

Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes - Location and Rewards

Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Overview

Quest TypeWorld Quest
LocationWishing Woods
Unlock ConditionAfter completing Chapter 8

Quest Acceptance Location




Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes - Quest Guide

  1. Talk to Giroda
  2. Go to Avicinda in the Cavern Prison
  3. Find the spare key in the leaf piles
  4. Head to the Research Institute
  5. Check on the freed humans
  6. Report back to Giroda
Talk to Giroda
Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Map Image
Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Location Image

After completing Chapter 8, head to the Millewish Tree Temple and talk to Giroda inside the Temple of Wishes. You can use the Warp Spire in the area to fast travel to this location if you have activated it before.

Warp Spire & All Fast Travel Locations

Unlock Wishing Woods

If this quest is not yet available and you want to start it, you will need to progress the main storyline first to unlock the Wishing Woods area where the quest is located.

Chapter 8 Walkthrough Guide

Shrinking Outfit is also required

Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Image

To be able to get inside the small doorway of the temple, you will need to craft and equip the Starlet Burst (Outfit). You can unlock it by passing the Wish Pass Interview in Chapter 6: Encounter in the Woods.

Go to Avicinda in the Cavern Prison
Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Map Image
Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Image

Located just a short distance away, the Desperation Orb Warehouse serves as a convenient fast travel point. Once activated, this fast travel location ensures a more efficient journey, saving both time and effort when you need to return or explore nearby areas.

Talk to Avicinda

Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Image

Approach Avicinda and ask for the cage key. Avicinda hints that near the Research Institute, there are three piles of leaves, with the spare key hidden in one of them. However, the other two piles are rigged with traps.

Find the Spare Key in the Leaf Piles
Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Leaf Pile Map
Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes s Leaf Pile Location

From the Wishcraft Lab, head towards the west towards the rocky hills and fallen tree trunks near the Research Institute Cavern. You can use plunge on the leaf piles but its best to use Purification Orb from a distance to blow away the leaves and get the Special Research Institute Spare Key.

Head to the Research Institute
Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Chachada Image

Once you get the key, go to the Research Institute near the Wishcraft Lab and hand the key to Chachada.

Check on the Freed Humans
Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes human Image

Talk to Cyrel, Dominick, and Timo, the previously imprisoned human stylists whom the Faewish Sprites were hiding in the basement in Chapter 6.

Encounter in the Woods Walkthrough
Report back to Giroda
Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes Image

Head back to the Temple of Wishes and report the situation to Giroda. The 'Fifteen Years, Echoes of Wishes' quest will be completed after the dialogue scene.

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Infinity Nikki Strategy Team

Infinity Nikki Strategy Team

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