CoD: BO4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (BO4) - Tips & Guides
Apr. 9 Update - New Mode: Infected & Alcatraz Blackout Map

CoD: BO4 | Apr. 9 Update - New Mode: Infected & Alcatraz Blackout Map | Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

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CoD: BO4 | Apr. 9 Update - New Mode: Infected & Alcatraz Blackout Map | Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - GameWith
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Check out the April 9 CoD: BO4 update! This summary includes more information on the new game mode Infected, new Blackout Map: Alcatraz, skill divisions, and more!

Apr. 9 Update - New Mode: Infected & Alcatraz Blackout Map
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Table of Contents

New Multiplayer Mode: "Infected"

New Game Mode: Infected
ReleaseApril 9, 2019
Platforms- PS4
- Xbox One (to follow at a later date)
- PC (to follow at a later date)
Check Out Multiplayer Tips & Guides Here!

Survive The Onslaught Or Zombify Everyone!

The Infected Game Mode pits two teams against each other: Survivors & Infected. As survivors, your goal is to survive until the timer runs out. As infected, your goal is to infect and turn all players into zombies!

Survivor Team Advantages

Choose From Preset Classes

As survivors, you will be able to choose your loadout from a number of premade classes. Each of these classes have their own unique primary & secondary weapons, equipment, perks, and wildcards!

Win If At Least 1 Survivor Still Stands

Survivors win if at least one survivor remains when the timer runs out. Sometimes, hiding can be the best way to survive the zombie apocalypse!

Infected Team Advantages

Timer Resets After Every Survivor Turns

Despite the infected team starting with only one randomly chosen player, the timer resets every time a survivor is newly-turned into an infected player!

Infected Can Respawn

There is no limit to the number of times an infected player will be able to respawn. A survivor will only have one life. Dying by infected or suicide will immediately cause them to turn infected!

Official Tweet

New Blackout Map: "Alcatraz"

New Blackout Map: Alcatraz
Released OnApril 9, 2019
Platforms- PS4
- Xbox One
- PC
Check Out Blackout Mode Here!

Close Quarters Battle Royale

Close Quarters Battle Royale

The new blackout map: Alcatraz is a smaller map compared to the original blackout map. It features tight corridors and claustrophobic spaces to keep the action fast-paced!

Max Of 40 Players Per Match

Since the map is considerably smaller than the original map, the maximum number of players per match has been lowered to quads of 40.

Alcatraz Map Features

5 Total Redeployments

Each player will have a total of 5 redeployments before the final circle. This feature is only eligible as long as one other member of the squad is alive at the time of redeployment.

Wall Buy Weapons

Players will be able to pick up weapons from the walls. However, once a weapon is picked up this way, it will disappear.

Official Video

Skill Divisions In League Play

Skill Divisions In League Play

Skill Divisions In League Play

Each player will be assigned a skill rating based on their standing against the current overall competitive population. Players will then be placed into current Skill Divisions for better matchmaking in League Play.

Check Out The World League Hub Here!

Skill Divisions Reference Table

Skill DivisionPart Of
MasterTop 2%
EliteTop 13%
ExpertTop 15%
AdvancedTop 20%
CompetitorTop 50%

SOURCE: CoD: BO4 Official Reddit Page

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CoD: BO4 Strategy Team

CoD: BO4 Strategy Team

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