Check out this guide to learn more about the Firecracker shinobi prosthetic tool & how to use it! Find out how to efficiently use the Firecracker when fighting enemies.

Where To Get The Firecracker
Robert's Firecrackers Required To Craft

You need "Robert's Firecrackers to create the Firecracker Prosthetic Tool. It is an item that you can purchase from two vendors for 500 Sen but you can only use one to create the Firecracker Prosthetic Tool.
Two Vendors To Get Robert's Firecracker From
You can get Robert's Firecrackers by purchasing them from the Battlefield Memorial Mob before your fight with Gyoubu Oniwa or the Crow's Bed Memorial Mob in the Ashina Outskirts. They sell the item for 500 Sen.
Ashina Castle Gate Fortress ~ WalkthroughMeet With The Sculptor To Craft Firecrackers

After purchasing Robert's Firecrackers, talk to the Sculptor in the Dilapidated Temple to craft the Firecracker Prosthetic Tool.
What Is The Firecracker?
Tool To Stagger Enemies

The Firecracker is great for blinding enemies. Using it in key moments will blind multiple enemies due to its wide range. Since it also damages posture, you may be able to follow up with a few Deathblows as well!
Consumes 2 Spirit Emblems Per Use
Despite being a useful tool, the Firecracker consumes 2 Spirit Emblems per use. This means that you may only use it a number of times before needing to go back and commune with a Sculptor's Idol.
How To Use The Firecracker
Useful Against Beasts & Bosses

The Firecracker is great to use against Beast type enemies and bosses such as the "Blazing Bull" or Gyoubu Oniwa's steed. This staggers them, and gives you an opportunity to perform multiple attacks!
Blinds Enemies In A Wide Area
The Firecracker will be able to blind enemies in a wide area around you. It is advantageous to use this when you are starting to get overwhelmed by the number of enemies rushing you.
Only Has A Short Range
The Firecracker only has a short range of effectiveness. It is not advised to actively rush enemies just to blind them. Only use this as a defensive tool!