Check out this Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice guide to learn about the game's style skill tree, which skills and abilities to prioritize, effects of each skill & more.

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Combat Style & Skill Tree List
How To Unlock Skills
How To Unlock Shinobi Arts Esoteric Texts

Talk to the Sculptor after earning one Skill Point or filling up your experience bar once. He'll give you the Shinobi Arts Esoteric Text after.
How To Unlock Prosthetic Arts Esoteric Text

Talk to the Sculptor after fitting three different Prosthetic Tools. You'll unlock the text when you've given the Sculptor three different materials to create Prosthetic Tools.
Check Out The All Prosthetic Tools List Here!How To Unlock Ashina Arts Esoteric Text
Talk to Tengu in the Ashina Castle after you've completed his quest for him. You need to eliminate a couple of enemies for him to unlock this skill tree.
How To Unlock Senpou Esoteric Text
In order for you to unlock the Temple Arts Esoteric Text, you will need to reach a temple in the Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo area. Below are the steps needed to get there.
Step 1: Exit The Main Hall

From the Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo Main Hall Sculptor's Idol, make a left, and take the first right. You will see a door to your left that leads outside. Exit that door to find a new doorway in front of you.
Step 2: Continue Following The Path

After entering the doorway, continue following the path until you drop down into a relatively large area. Turn around to see an area with a small opening.
Step 3: Crouch To Pass Through The Small Cave

Crouching down will let you enter and pass through the small cave. You will know you're in the right area when there is water around you and your feet.
Step 4: Reach The Summit

After exiting the cave, climb upwards to find yourself in an area with a lot of mutated enemies. Grapple upwards to reach the summit and the temple. Open the temple to find the Senpou Esoteric Text.
How to Get Mushin Esoteric Text

Step 1: Unlock a Secret Technique of at least 1 Skill Tree

The Esoteric Text will only be given to you once you've unlocked the Secret Technique of any of the skill trees that you have. You don't need to unlock all the skills of a skill tree just get to the the end of it.
Option 1: Talk to Tengu at the Great Serpent Shrine (Before Interior Ministry Invasion)
Head on over to the Great Serpent Shrine where you will find Tengu. Talk to him and he'll give you the Mushin Esoteric Text. You can only find him there before the Interrior Ministry attack in Ashina.
Option 2: Talk to Emma in Ashina Castle (After Interior Ministry Invasion)

If the Interior Ministry have already invaded Ashina, Tengu will not be in the Great Serpent Shrine anymore. You can still get the Mushin Esoteric Text by talking to Emma there who will then give it to you.
All Skills & Effects List
Shinobi Arts Skill Tree- Combat Style Abilities & Skills

Skill Name | SP Cost | Effect |
1. Whirlwind Slash | 1 | Spinning attack that hits several targets. |
2. A Shinobi's Karma (Latent Skill) | 2 | Increases max amount of Spirit Emblem stack. |
3. Mid-air Deflection | 1 | Can guard from enemy attacks while mid-air. |
4. Breath of Life: Light (Latent Skill) | 5 | Heals health with successful Deathblow. |
5. A Shinobi's Karma (Latent Skill) | - | Increases max amount of Spirit Emblem stack. |
6. Mid-air Combat Art | 3 | Can perform Combat Arts in mid-air. |
7. Mikiri Counter | 2 | Counter attack by stepping on enemy's weapon. |
8. Run and Slide | 1 | Slide into crouch from sprinting. |
9. Suppress Presence (Latent Skill) | 2 | Silent movement when in stealth. |
10. Shinobi Eyes (Latent Skill) | - | Increases Posture damage after successful Mikiri Counter |
11. Suppress Sound (Latent Skill) | 3 | Increases stealth movement. |
12. Vault Over | 2 | Jump over and behind an enemy with broken Posture. |
13. Shadowrush | 6 | Long-range thrust into an enemy to be used to vault into the air. |
Prosthetic Arts Skill Tree- Combat Style Abilities & Skills

Skill Name | SP Cost | Effect |
1. Chasing Slice | 1 | Close gap towards enemies with a forward slice after use of Prosthetic Tools. |
2. Mid-air Prosthetic Tool | 3 | Can use Prosthetic Tools in mid-air. |
3. Fang and Blade | 2 | Simultaneous attack with specific Prosthetic Tool and sword or follow-up attack from Prosthetic Tool. |
4. A Sculptor's Karma (Latent Skill) | 2 | Increases max amount of Spirit Emblem stack. |
5. A Sculptor's Karma (Latent Skill) | 3 | Increases max amount of Spirit Emblem stack. |
6. Projected Force | 1 | Releases power of specific Prosthetic Tool into a forward direction. |
7. Grappling Hook Attack | - | Use Grappling Hook to launch towards enemy with a rolling sword attack. |
8. Nightjar Slash | 2 | Spinning jump move that can close or enlarge gap from foes. |
9. Emma's Medicine: Potency (Latent Skill) | 4 | Recovery item effects are increased. |
10. Nightjar Slash Reversal | 3 | Spinning leap attack that can close or enlarge gap from foes. |
11. Emma's Medicine: Aroma (Latent Skill) | 5 | Recovery item effects are increased. |
12. - | - | - |
Ashina Arts Skill Tree- Combat Style Abilities & Skills

Skill Name | SP Cost | Effect |
1. Ichimonji | 2 | An overhead, heavy sword attack. |
2. Ascending Carp (Latent Skill) | 2 | Increase damage to enemy's Posture after successfully deflecting. |
3. Descending Carp (Latent Skill) | 1 | Increase damage to enemy's Posture a few seconds after deflecting. |
4. - | - | - |
5. - | - | - |
6. - | - | - |
7. - | - | - |
Temple Arts Skill Tree- Combat Style Abilities & Skills

Skill Name | SP Cost | Effect |
1. Praying Strikes | 2 | Successive elbow & arm strikes that prevent counterattacks. |
2. Virtuous Deed (Latent Skill) | 3 | Improves the amount of Sen obtained from enemies and improves item drop rates |
3. Praying Strikes - Exorcism | 3 | Unleash a flurry of quick attacks, inflicting damage while preventing counterattack. Then use a heavier blow using one's entire body to complete the combination |
4. Most Virtuous Deed (Latent Skill) | 4 | Improves the amount of Sen obtained from enemies and improves item drop rates |
5. Senpou Leaping Kicks | 3 | A combined anti-air counter and sweep attack counter, followed up with a combination of kicks |
6. Devotion (Latent Skill) | 3 | Increases the amount of time a Buddhist candy is effective when used |
7. High Monk | 4 | The Secret Technique of the Senpou Style, this adds sword slashes and additional kicks to the Senpou Leaping Kick |
Mushin Arts Skill Tree- Combat Style Abilities & Skills

Skill Name | SP Cost | Effect |
1. High Monk | - | - |
2. Shadowfall | - | Perform a long-range rushing thrust attack, then leaping in the air |
3. Shadowrush | - | Perform a long-range rushing thrust attack, leap into the air, then do a spinning slice |
4. Spiral Cloud Passage | - | - |
5. Ashina Cross | - | Draw your sword from its shealth and slice in a cross pattern at high speed |
6. Empowered Mortal Draw | - | Draw the Mortal Blade and cut through enemies with an extended-range sword |
7. Living Force | - | After using certain Prosthetic Tools, the sword is imbued with the Tool's effect |
Recommended Skills To Unlock First
Check Out How To Farm Skill Points Here!Chasing Slice

How To Use | Press R1 after using Prosthetic Tool |
Effect | After using Prosthetic Tool, dash forward to close distance then attack |
When using Prosthetic Tools such as the Loaded Shuriken or Firecracker, you can press R1 to dash forward, close the distance between you and your enemy, then deal an attack.
Grappling Hook Attack

How To Use | Press R1 while moving around with Grappling Hook |
Effect | Does an attack while moving with your Grappling Hook |
A Grappling Hook Attack that can be dealt by pressing R1 while you're traversing along with your Grappling Hook. You can deal damage to enemies even if you're on the move.
Mikiri Counter

How To Use | Press ◯ when enemy does thrust attack |
Effect | Steps one enemy's blade and cancels the attack. Does major damage to enemy Posture. |
An effective Skill against enemies with spears or thrust attacks. Press the ◯ at the right time to execute this move successfully.
Other Recommended Skills
Emma's Medicine

How To Use | Latent (Passive) Skill |
Effect | Increases effectiveness of recovery items. |
Emma's Medicine and other Skills such as Breath of Life give you more effective recovery options. This makes it easier to survive the battles and last longer in fights.
Combat Style / Skill Tree Overview
Learn Combat Arts, Techniques & Passive Abilities

In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Sekiro progresses via a skill tree system which unlocks Combat Arts or Techniques, which are active abilities which you use by pressing a corresponding button. You can also learn passive abilities via the skill tree. Skill Points are used to progress through the Skill Tree.
Unlock New Skill Trees with Esoteric Text
You will unlock new Skill Trees by acquiring special "Esoteric Text" items throughout your journey. These Esoteric Texts can be acquired from certain NPCs or hidden in the map.
How To Get Skill Points
Players will earn Skill Points through gaining experience. Beating bosses and enemies reward you experience, and gaining a certain amount of experience nets you Skill Points.
Check Out How To Earn Skill Points Fast HereHow & Where To Spend Skill Points
Skill Points are spent at any Sculptor's Idol which can be found across the world. Each skill will require a number of Skill Points to unlock.
Check Out How To Use Sculptor's Idols Here