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Renara 10

There is a chest underneath a pile of leaves in the Stellar Fishing Ground on the small southern island's middle level.

mouthfulofmilk 9

I forgot the picture for my previous submission, apologies!

mouthfulofmilk 8

Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Elegant Burgundy which is apart of the Scarlet Dream outfit. You have to shrink into Momo and go inside a tree.

mouthfulofmilk 7

Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Uniform Companion which is apart of the Chic Elegance outfit. You have to push a rock towards some rubble to unveil the chest.

Anonymous 6

Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Gentle Curves which is apart of the Scarlet Dream outfit. You simply have to defeat some enemies.

mouthfulofmilk 5

Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Binary Beads which is apart of the Scarlet Dream outfit. You simply have to defeat some enemies.

mouthfulofmilk 4

Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Scarlet Story. You have to break a box and enter a tiny space as Momo.

Anonymous 3

I found a chest that's not on the map, on top of the column exactly where I'm standing (just a regular brown/blue chest)

mouthfulofmilk 2

There's a chest right where I'm at in Wishing Woods containing the Bringing Flowers earrings for the Scarlet Dream outfit.

Anonymous 1

i've found a chest that is no on the map.

Where my character is, inside a cart

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