There is a chest underneath a pile of leaves in the Stellar Fishing Ground on the small southern island's middle level.
I forgot the picture for my previous submission, apologies!
Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Elegant Burgundy which is apart of the Scarlet Dream outfit. You have to shrink into Momo and go inside a tree.
Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Uniform Companion which is apart of the Chic Elegance outfit. You have to push a rock towards some rubble to unveil the chest.
Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Gentle Curves which is apart of the Scarlet Dream outfit. You simply have to defeat some enemies.
Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Binary Beads which is apart of the Scarlet Dream outfit. You simply have to defeat some enemies.
Wishing Woods chest that contains the sketch for Scarlet Story. You have to break a box and enter a tiny space as Momo.
I found a chest that's not on the map, on top of the column exactly where I'm standing (just a regular brown/blue chest)
There's a chest right where I'm at in Wishing Woods containing the Bringing Flowers earrings for the Scarlet Dream outfit.
i've found a chest that is no on the map.
Where my character is, inside a cart