Check out this Blood Moon stage Guide for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (Switch). Find out how to unlock Blood Moon, rewards, how to beat, & more!
Table of Contents
What's Blood Moon Battlefields
Harder Versions Of Existing Stages

After you've beaten the main story, Blood Moon shows up randomly and replace one of the main story stage. Once the Blood Moon appears, the difficulty of that main story stage become much higher and you'll be able to challenge the harder version of the stage you've already beaten.

↑ A Blood Moon will rise over an existing stage, making more dangerous enemies spawn there.
Enemies Get Much Tougher

The enemies and bosses you'll face in Blood Moon battlefield are much tougher. Their HP and attack increase significantly so make sure you raise characters' level and equip the best weapon beforehand.
How To Unlock Blood Moon Battlefield
You Need To Beat The Main Story

Blood Moon Battlefield unlocks after you've beaten the last main story stage, The Future Of Hyrule. After beating the game, clear couple of stages until the Blood Moon appears.
Check Out Story Walkthroughs From HereRewards Of Blood Moon Battlefields
Weapons With Better Seals Might Drop

We've confirmed that the weapons with rare seals (seals with yellow frame) and seals with better effects (++ seals) drops from Blood Moon Battlefield. If you want to farm weapon with better seals, play Blood Moon Battlefields repeatedly.
Check Out All Weapons & Seals List HereTips To Beat Blood Moon Battlefields
Reach Recommended Level

Steady but sure way to complete Blood Moon stages is to simply level up your characters until they reach the recommended level. Bosses and enemies are much tougher in Blood Moon stage and if your characters' level are too low, the difficulty gets much higher.
Check Out How To Level Up Fast From HereChoose Easier Stage To Clear
Since Blood Moon stages are identical to the main story stages but with tougher enemies, one Blood Moon stage is easier to clear than the other. If the Blood Moon stage is too difficult to beat, just complete other stage and wait till the Blood Moon disappears and reappear with the different stage.
What To Do When Blood Moon Disappears
Blood Moon Sometimes Leaves The Battlefield

Blood Moon sometimes leaves the battlefield and disappear after you've cleared other stages. Blood Moon will reappear again after you've cleared other stages. However, the Blood Moon reappears on different stage each time so make sure you clear the Blood Moon when it appears.