Check out this Blue Rabbit (Blupee) guide in Hyrule Warriors Age Of Calamity (Switch)! Learn more about what Blue Rabbits (Blupees) are, locations & rewards!
Table of Contents
What Is Blue Rabbit (Blupee)?
Fairy Rumored To Bring Good Luck

Blue Rabbits (Blupees) are a special type of fairy that looks like blue-glowing rabbit. They are rumored to bring "good luck" to those that can strike it before it disappears.
Check out the Fairy Guide here!Runs Away & Disappears If Approached

Blue Rabbits will attempt to run away if you get close, then disappear completely in a few seconds. This means you only have a few seconds to land your strike before Blupee is gone for good.
May Drop Rupees If Struck
It is rumored that if you were able to strike the Blupee with attacks before it disappears, it drops a heft amount of Rupees, hence its name "Blupee". If so, they are a good bonus if you're short on Rupee.
Check out How To Earn Rupees Fast here!Blue Rabbit (Blupee) - Confirmed Locations
Blue Rabbit Appearance Is Random
Based on gameplay, Blupee will appear randomly in all missions. Even if you find it in a place before, it may not be there when you go back again.
Blue Rabbit - Confirmed Sightings Locations
The following section will be updated when more info becomes available, so check back often!
Chapter 2 - Daruk, The Goron Hero - Hot Springs

A Blupee was spotted near the Hot Springs are during Ch.2 Daruk, The Goron Hero mission. It can be found near the crossroads after you walk past the hot springs.
Check out Daruk, The Goron Hero Walkthrough here!