Check out this Grounded game Patch 0.2.2 patch notes guide! Includes all the Patch notes for 0.2.2, fixes to save files issues, and release date of the patch!!!
Table of Content
Patch Notes 0.2.2 - Overview

Release Date | September 10, 2020 |
The fifth patch for Grounded has officially gone live on 9/10, 2020. The change is simple, a bug fix related to save files. If you have experienced it, update your game and see if the problem is now fixed!
Patch 0.2.2 Changes
Patch 0.2.2 Fix |
Fixed an issue introduced in 0.2.1 that caused some saves to fail to load for some players. |
Patch Notes 0.2.2 Patch Notes - Notes From Developer
Keep in mind that Grounded is still in early access, so there will lots of issues to deal with. If you encounter any issues, make sure to let Obsidian know so they can work on fixing it!
Message From The Developers
Source: Obsidian Official Website!!!
If you continue to encounter any of these issues after updating your game or stumble across a new issue, please reach out to us directly at When you contact us, please include the following:
- Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam).
- Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you let us know how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if you know this).
- Description of issue.
- Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable.
Patch Notes 0.2.2 - Unofficial Patch Notes
In this section, we list up changes we confirmed in the game, but these changes were not announced by official patch notes.
Changes We Confirmed
- (Name Change) Woven Fiber was renamed to Crude Rope.
- (Name Change) Spider Web was renamed to Web Fiber.
Previous Patch Notes
Click the following buttons to see the section of previous patch notes!!!
Click Here To Read Patch Notes 0.2.1Patch Notes 0.2.1 - Overview

Release Date | September 5, 2020 |
The fourth patch for Grounded has officially gone live on 9/5, 2020. Updating your game will be allow you to access the updated content.
Patch Notes 0.2.1 - Top Community Issues
List Of Fixed Top Community Issues
Source: Obsidian Official Website!!!
Top Community Issues Fixed |
The chat log will now show your own messages in the lobby and in the game. |
Ants will no longer be able to steal items from containers out of reach from them. |
You can now overwrite saved games. |
Save Games are grouped by playthrough in the Save / Load menu. |
Fixed an issue where the camera would go inside the player while in the 3rd-person camera when near specific building structures. |
Grub audio has been adjusted. |
Better render performance when dealing with dynamic shadow culling. |
Patch Notes 0.2.1 Patch Notes - Major Issues Fixed
List Of Fixed Major Issues
Source: Obsidian Official Website!!!
Major Issues Fixed |
Added a message that will notify PC players when their system clock does not match the server clock. This issue prevented these players from hosting or joining games. |
Save Games now show an icon indicating if that save was made while playing single-player or multiplayer. Affects only new saves going forward. |
More accurate handling of cloud save upload/deletion for Xbox and Win 10 Store versions of the game. |
Save Game max storage on Xbox / Win 10 has been increased from 256 MB to 1GB (takes effect on reinstall). |
Fixed issue with saves triggered while having an unplaced building blueprint could cause the save not to be able to load. |
Patch Notes 0.2.1 Patch Notes - Game Changes
List Of Game Changes
Source: Obsidian Official Website!!!
Included gas damage effect that was missing from the Fresh Defense mutation. |
Fixed items that are moving around with physics at the time of save not being saved into save games. |
Fixed clients not being able to see other players aim their bodies when they look up and down. |
Added Acorn Shovel+ recipe and Pebblet Foundation recipes that will become available at BurgL's Tech Chip Swap Shop when completing the Chipslueth Cold Blooded BURG.L quest by turning in the Stained BURG.L Chip. |
Enlarged mint container and resized the mints to make them slightly smaller so players can get into the Ice Cap container more easily. |
Collectible SCA.Bs properly disappear on clients when picked up. |
Included a fix for the missing leaves throughout the world. |
Slime Mold Stalk patches properly disappear on clients when the entire stalk is collected. |
Water Fleas no longer leave the water to fly around the backyard. |
Patch Notes 0.2.1 Patch Notes - UI Fixes
List Of UI Fixes
Source: Obsidian Official Website!!!
UI Fixes |
Adjusted the interactable highlight to be less intrusive. |
Fixed a certain key item showing an audio log model instead of a sheet of paper model. |
Patch Notes 0.2.1 Patch Notes - Items/Equipment/Resource Changes
List Of Item/Equipment/Resource Changes
Source: Obsidian Official Website!!!
Changes |
Added a unique icon to the Simple Bed. |
Gas Arrows can now be picked up as regular arrows after being shot. |
Gas Arrows now deal twice as much damage. |
Gas Arrow recipe now produces 2 arrows instead of 1. |
Feather Arrow recipe now produces 2 arrows instead of 1. |
Fixed an issue where players would respawn inside the Simple Bed instead of next to it. |
Weapons now do the proper damage type when thrown. |
Fixed Tropicop juice box not spawning juice drops from the straw. |