Check out this Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice guide and walkthrough on how to get the Purification Ending by defeating Owl (Father) in the Hirata Estate. Includes gameplay tips and guides.

Table of Contents
Defeat Owl (Father) Walkthrough
Defeat Owl (Father) Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head inside the burning Hirata Estate |
2 | *Optional: Defeat Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer |
3 | Grapple up the tree trunk and up the tower to the left |
4 | At the ravine to the side of the Hirata Estate, grapple across the tree trunks to get to the other side |
5 | Drop down to the cliff with a temple |
6 | Go inside the cave hidden behind bamboo shafts |
7 | Continue forward and wall jump up to get out of the well |
8 | Turn left to find the Hirata Estate Main Hall Sculptor's Idol |
9 | Head across the pond to get to the Audience Chamber entrance |
10 | Defeat Juzou the Drunkard |
11 | Head inside the building and move forward till you get to the Hirata Audience Chamber Sculptor's Idol |
12 | Follow the hallway and continue down to the basement |
13 | Talk to Owl |
14 | Defeat Owl (Father) |
1. Getting To Hirata Estate - Tips
Father's Bell Charm Required

In order for you to be able to get to the Hirata Estate, you will need to present the Father's Bell Charm to the Buddha Statue in the Dilapidated Temple.
Check How To Get The Father's Bell Charm2. Defeat Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer - Tips
Head Straight Up Tower to Escape Lone Shadow Masanaga

The boss fight against Lone Shadow Masanaga is entirely optional and choosing not to fight him will not hinder your progression. You can easily escape him by grappling up the tower upon entering his area.
6. Go Inside the Cave - Tips
Multiple Guards in Front of the Cave

Seeing as the cave ends in a deadend, it's better to take care of the men guarding the cave first. You can take them on one by one by baiting them to follow you to the temple side.
9. Head Across the Pond - Tips
Use Passage Under House to Remain Undetected

From the hole in front of the Main Hall Sculptor's Idol, there's a passage under the house you can get to by crouching. You'll be able to traverse through the area and to the pond without being detected.
11. Head Inside the Audience Chamber - Tips
Multiple Enemies are Inside the Audience Chamber

2 spear-wielding enemies and another couple of archers will be inside the Audience Chamber. You can lead them outside to have a wider area to maneuver around.
Lone Shadow Masanaga Boss Fight Battle Strategy
Masanaga will Whistle to Summon Dogs

Masanaga will whistle and call for dogs to join your fight against him. The dogs will all be aggressive to you, attacking you while being pressured by Masanaga as well.
Check Out How To Beat Lone Shadow Masanaga!Prevent Masanaga from Calling Dogs

The dogs are extremely hard to handle especially when having to defend against Masanaga. Stop him from calling dogs by attacking him whenever he tries to whistle for them.
Attack Masanaga Immediately Upon Entering the Estate

Masanaga will call for his dogs as soon as he sees you. You can prevent it by rushing and attacking him. This will get you a few hits before he starts to counter your attacks.
Stay Away from Burning Sides of the Estate

Getting cornered in one of the burning walls is a bad place to be as the burn damage will kill you if you stay too long in it. Jump or dodge to the side to get out of it.
Defeat Masanaga by Destroying his Posture

Masanaga is extremely offensive, attacking you with multiple combos at a time. Take advantage of this by parrying his attacks and continuously damaging his posture until it gets high enough for a deathblow.
Dodge Back or Forward Against Swipe Perilous Attack

One of Masanaga's Perilous moves is a low swipe attack that can easily be escaped by either dodging back or forward. He'll be vulnerable for a couple of counterattacks right after it.
Use Mikiri Counter Against Kick Perilous Attack

After a series of kicks, Masanaga will end his combo with a perilous kick move. You can Mikiri Counter the attack, dealing damage to his posture and stunning him enough for a few of your own strikes.
Juzou the Drunkard Boss Fight Battle Strategy
Use Shuriken to Lure Shinobi & Juzou to the Pond

The fight against Juzou becomes easier in the pond as he'll be too far away from other enemies to join the battle. Hit the Shinobi with a shuriken for them to chase you.
Check Out How to Beat Juzou the DrunkardDefeat the Shinobi First

Juzou won't chase you to the edge of the pond, but the Shinobi will. Defeat him first to make the fight against Juzou a one on one.
Possible to Do Assassination Deathblow on Juzou

It's possible to do an Assassination Deathblow on Juzou, but it requires him to be away from other enemies and unaware of your position. You can do this after he's chased you and is on his way back to his original position.
Attack Juzou from Side or Back

Juzou's main weakness is his inability to immediately turn when being attacked from the back or the side. Attack him from those ends, but make sure to be ready to parry his moves.
Counterattack after Low Swipe Perilous Move

The low swipe perilous move can easily be dodged by jumping up. While you're up there, you can do a couple of swings at Juzou before landing back down.
Dodge Back for Grab Perilous Attack

Jumping will not work when Juzou does his Grab Perilous Attack. The best thing to do is jump back to escape his reach then rush forward to hit him again.
Owl (Father) Boss Fight Battle Strategy
Owl (Father) Boss Fight Video Guide
Check Out How to Beat Owl (Father)Owl (Father) is Stronger than Great Shinobi Owl

Your second fight against Owl will play differently from when you did in the Ashina Castle. He's tougher and requires more hits to be able to bring down.
Lower the Health, Higher the Damage to Posture

Owl's Posture will only receive significant damage if you bring down his health first. With full health, Owl's posture damage immediately goes down.
Be on the Defense Against Owl

You'll need to be on the defense throughout your whole fight with owl, waiting for openings rather than rushing him with attacks. Doing otherwise will easily get you killed.
Attack Owl After his Firecracker Sword Sweep

After Owl does his Firecracker Sword Sweep, he'll be open to an attack! Rush to his side to be able to get a hit or two at him.
Counterattack After Owl's Overhead Sword Swing

You can either jump back or parry Owl's Overhead Sword Swing, but right after make sure to rush forward to strike Owl as he tries to stand up.
Mikiri Counter Thrust Attacks

Owl has varying Thrust Attacks that you can easily Mikiri Counter. One is a simple Thrust Attack, then the other is one he does after throwing Firecrackers.
Second Phase Includes New Attacks

Once you've lowered Owl's HP node to 1 HP, he'll have new moves that are powerful and deceptive, fit for a shinobi at his prime.
Keep Running Until Owl Reappears

Owl will vanish and trade places with his mysthical owl. Continue running around the arena until he reappears then immediately lock on to him.
Perilous Fire Owl & Thrust Combo Counter

Owl will also have a new perilous attack involving throwing a fiery owl at you then immediately doing a thrust. Jump to escape the fiery owl then do a Mikiri Counter for the thrust attack.
Check Out How To Get Purification Ending Part 1