Check out this Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice guide and walkthrough from Ashina Dungeon to the fight vs. Great Shinobi - Owl after acquiring both Shelter Stone & Lotus of The Palace. This includes boss fight tips, techniques, tricks & more!

Story Progression & Walkthrough
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Table of Contents
Abandoned Dungeon ~ Vs. Lone Shadow Vilehand Walkthrough
Mibu Village ~ Water Mill Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | From the Sculptor's Idol (Ashina Depths - Wedding Cave Door), fast travel back to Ashina Castle - Abandoned Dungeon |
2 | From the idol, traverse back to Ashina Castle. Eavesdrop on the sitting guard then kill him |
3 | Sneak past the giant enemy and his wolves by grappling towards the gate roof |
4 | You'll notice a guard running away from something. He's being chased by a red Shinobi. You can run past him by heading straight to the gate |
5 | Pick up the pellet along the way beside the tree |
6 | Jump down to the moat below to trigger a tutorial pop up about underwater breathing |
7 | Pick up the Yashiriku's sugar and descend down the water and pass through the underwater passage |
8 | Kill the Treasure Carp along the way to obtain treasure carp scale |
9 | Continue swimming until you reach a dead end, then swim up to the surface. Grapple up until you reach a tree with an item. |
10 | Grapple up to the nearby roof, and grapple up again to the roof. Be careful of the Shinobi enemies here |
11 | Continue grappling up towards the rooftops. Go down the stairs and commune with Ashina Gate Idol |
12 | Head back up to the roof tops and make your way to the Upper Tower - Ante Chamber and reactivate the idol |
13 | Proceed to the Ashina Dojo to fight Lone Shadow Vilehand (*) |
(*)Lone Shadow Vilehand is a skippable mini boss.
1. Ashina Castle Idols Are Locked

At this point of the story, Shinobis have attacked the Ashina Castle, and most idols except the Abandoned Dungeon have been locked. You'll have to make your way to the Ashina Dojo from here.
11. Commune With The Idols To Reactivate Them

Make sure to commune with the idols that have been locked to reactivate them.
12. Heading Straight Up Takes You Straight to Owl

Along the way, there will be ladders and paths the Shinobis laid out to easily reach the Castle Lookout. You can use this to reach Owl faster and skip the Lone Shadow Vilehand fight, however, it's recommended to activate first the idol at the Ante Chamber and Ashina Dojo.
13. Fight With Lone Shadow Vilehand Is Optional

Upon activation of the idol in the ante chamber, you can come back out towards the rooftops and head up straight to Owl.
Available Items
Items That Can Be Found
Item | Effect |
Pellet | Medicine Pelltes that slowly restore Vitality |
Yashiriku's Sugar | Halves Max Vitality and Posture while grating a large Attack Power Boost |
Scrap Iron | Widely used for basic reinforcement, it can serve as a base material for Prosthetic Tool upgrades |
Mibu Possession Balloon | Have a higher chance of obtaining items |
Vs. Lone Shadow Vilehand ~ Vs. Great Shinobi Owl Walkthrough
Ashina Depths Water Mill Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After beating Lone Shadow Vilehand, reactivate the Ashina Dojo idol |
2 | Go outside and grapple up to the Castle Lookout and talk to Owl |
3 | IMPORTANT: To progress the story further, choose the second option. Choosing the first option will trigger the Shura Ending |
4 | Choosing the second option triggers the fight with Great Shinobi Owl |
5 | After killing Owl, talk to Kuro |
3. IMPORTANT: Choose The 2nd Option

This choice will impact which ending you trigger. The first will lead to the Shura ending, and the 2nd will progress the story further.
Check Out How To Unlock Endings & RequirementsLone Shadow Vilehand Boss Fight Battle Strategy
Lone Shadow Vilehand Boss Fight Tips
Check Out How to Beat Lone Shadow VilehandUse Puppeteer Ninjutsu On The Purple Shinobi

When entering the dojo, there will be a Purple Shinobi to the left. Sneak up to him, land a deathblow and use Puppeteer Ninjutsu on him to have him help you fight Vilehand |
Moves The Same As Lone Shadow Longswordsman

His moveset is pretty much the same as Lone Shadow Longswordsman, focusing on quick strikes and kicks. Parry his moves to deal posture damage.
He Has A Poison Attack

His main difference from the other Lone Shadow boss is that he has a lunging poison attack. Step dodge these attacks instead of parrying as this can afflict you with poison even if guarded.
Lone Shadow Vilehand Moves & Attacks
Lunging Poison Strikes

He lunges straight at you to strike with his poison daggers. Step dodge these attacks since parrying will increase your poison gauge.
Perilous: Sweep Kick

He lowers his body and charges in for a sweeping kick. Jump to avoid this attack.
Sword Slashes

A quick two-slash combo. Parry this to deal posture damage.
Spinning Kick

He spins up for a spinning kick. Parry to deal posture damage.
Overhead Kick

He jumps up and slams down to you with a kick. Parry to deal posture damage.
Flying Kick

He jumps up and does a flying kick towards you. Parry to deal posture damage.
Charging Slash

He pulls back his sword and rushes in for a quick slash attack.
Great Shinobi Owl Boss Fight Battle Strategy
Great Shinobi Owl Boss Fight Tips
His Moves Are Slow To Recover

His moves are powerful but recover slow, especially his shuriken to slam attack. Use this window to do some quick damage on him.
He's Your Master, So Expect The Same Tricks

He will occasionally use the same tricks you have, such as fire crackers and shurikens. He also has smoke bombs.
How To Beat The Great Shinobi Owl: Boss Fight GuideIgnore His Plea For Mercy

When you first fight him and reach the second phase, he will plea for mercy. Ignore as he will throw a smoke bomb for a cheap shot.
Great Shinobi Owl Moves & Attacks
Heal Disable

He throws a green ball at close range to disable your healing items. Avoid this by jumping or dodging backwards.
Two Shuriken Throw > Slam Attack

He throws two shurikens at you and jumps to the air for a slam attack. Parry the shurikens and step dodge to the right since parrying the slam will deal great posture damage to you if not properly timed.
Jump > Shuriken Fan

He jumps on your sword to propel him back and then throws a fan of shurikens at you. Deflect and parry this move.
Shuriken > Charging Slash

He throws a quick shuriken at you then quickly charges in for a strong slash attack. Parry this move or jump to avoid posture damage. This can knock you back if deflected.
Two Slash Combo

A slow two slash combo which can be parried.
Slash Attack

A slow single slash attack. Parry this attack.

Uses firecrackers to stun you. Dodge back to avoid getting stunned.

On the second phase, he will occasionally throw smokebombs when you're close. Prepare to parry, don't run backwards since you will lose your lock and your back will be facing him directly, leaving you vulnerable to his slash.
Jumping Poison Attack

On the second phase, instead of throwing shuriken after jumping on your sword, he will throw poison on the floor. Avoid the move by dodging back, and avoid the affected area as it can still deal poison damage.
Story Progression & Walkthrough
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