Check out this guide to learn more about the Divine Abduction shinobi prosthetic tool and how to use it! Find out how to efficiently use the Divine Abduction when fighting enemies.

Table of Contents
Where To Get The Divine Abduction
Large Fan Is Needed To Build Divine Abduction

In order to craft the Divine Abduction, you need to retrieve the Large Fan in the Gun Fort in Sunken Valley. It can be picked up in an item bag in front of the large Buddha statue in the room.
Gun Fort ~ Vs. Long-arm Centipede Giraffe WalkthroughFight Long-arm Centipede Giraffe To Clear Room

You need to face and defeat Long-arm Centipede Giraffe to retrieve the Large Fan needed to build Divine Abduction. He can be found in the Gun Fort in the Sunkey Valley.
Give Large Fan To Sculptor To Craft Divine Abduction
Once you have the Large Fan, talk to the Sculptor in the Dilapidated Temple. He will craft you a new Prosthetic Tool called the Divine Abduction.
What Is The Divine Abduction?
Summon Wind To Cover You & Turn Where Enemy Is Facing

The Divine Abduction encircles you with wind, keeping enemies from spotting you easily. If you face a foe and press R2, you can swiftly change where they're looking so you can deal a Deathblow.
Uses Up 3 Spirit Emblems
The Divine Abduction has a large cost of 3 Spirit Emblems per use. Due to this, it's best to use only in needed situations, when you have stealth missions or are suddenly faced with a foe you don't want to see you in the field.
How To Use The Divine Abduction
Useful In Making Deathblows
Since the Divine Abduction has the ability to make enemies turn away from you, it's an effective tool to implement fatal Deathblows. You can take down enemies quickly & easily in this way.