Check out this Ghost Recon Breakpoint guide to learn how to upgrade weapons in the gunsmith. Including Mk. upgrades, dismantling parts, passive bonuses, and more!
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How To Upgrade Weapons
Unlock Mk. Upgrades In Skill Tree

Before you can upgrade your weapons, check the game's skill tree and be sure to unlock the Mk. Upgrades. This allows you to upgrade your weapons from the gunsmith options.
Check Out All Skill Tree!Have Enough Upgrade Materials

You'll need upgrade materials in order to upgrade your chosen weapon. These are usually metal parts or specific weapon parts that you can get by dismantling weapons that you don't need anymore.
Check Out How To Farm Resources!Choose Weapon To Upgrade

Open your menu and check your loadout, choose the weapon you want to upgrade and press the corresponding button to open up the gunsmith. Here you can upgrade your weapon, customize its appearance, and change its attachments.
Check Out All Weapons List!Upgrade All Parts To Reach Higher Mk.

You can choose to upgrade some or all of the available options for your chosen weapon. However, for you to reach a higher Mk. for that weapon, you'll need to unlock all upgrades in that current Mk.
Can Upgrade Up To 3 Times
If you've unlocked all the Mk. upgrade skills, you can upgrade your weapon for a total of 3 times. This will greatly improve its statistics and will provide 3 passive bonuses.
Weapon Upgrade Benefits & Uses
Improves Weapon's Statistics & Performance

Upgrading weapons will improve its performance, whether in its accuracy, handling, range, mobility or recoil. Upgrades can also improve the reload speed and ammo capacity of the gun.
Complete Mk. 3 Upgrade Give 3 Passive Bonuses

When you've fully upgraded a weapon 3 times, it'll unlock 3 passive bonuses per Mk. These can be added damage & mobility after kills or added stats to performance improvements.
Upgrades Are Applied to Same Weapons

When you've done any upgrades to a specific weapon, when you pick up another one of the same type, the upgrade will automatically apply. This means you don't have to keep upgrading the same weapon all over again.