Check out this guide to learn more about the Flame Vent shinobi prosthetic tool and how to use it! Find out how to efficiently use the Flame Vent when fighting enemies.

Where To Get The Flame Vent
Flame Barrel Required To Craft

You will need the item "Flame Barrel" in order to craft this tool. The Flame Barrel can be found to the side of the compound just before the stairs. Loot the fire to obtain the Flame Barrel.
Estate Path ~ Walkthrough Is Here!How To Get The Flame Barrel Video Walkthrough
Meet With The Sculptor To Craft Flame Vent

Once you have the Flame Barrel, pay a visit to the Sculptor in order for him to craft the Flame Vent. He can be found in the Dilapidated Temple.
What Is The Flame Vent?
Prosthetic Tool That Deals Damage Over Time

The Flame Vent Prosthetic Tool is a great tool for dealing some damage over time against enemies. Its range is not very far so you may need to get close to the enemies to use it!
Consumes 3 Spirit Emblems
Despite being a very strong and powerful tool, the Flame Vent uses up 3 Spirit Emblems per use, making it one of the most expensive tools to use. Only use this tool in dire situations!
How To Use The Flame Vent
Best For Enemies With Red Eyes

The Flame Vent is best used against enemies with Red Glowing Eyes. When used against these types of enemies, it will interrupt their attacks, and give you some time to get a few good hits in before they recover!