Check out this guide to learn more about the Loaded Axe shinobi prosthetic tool & how to use it! Find out how to efficiently use the Loaded Axe when fighting enemies.

Where To Get The Loaded Axe
Shinobi Axe Of the Monkey Required To Craft

You will find the Shinobi Axe of the Monkey in the Offering Shrine in the compound. There will be 2 guards stationed directly in front of the Shrine. Use stealth to dispatch them to easily acquire the item.
Estate Path ~ Walkthrough Here!Meet With The Sculptor To Craft Loaded Axe

Once you have the Shinobi Axe of the Monkey, you will be need to visit the Sculptor in order for him to craft the Prosthetic Tool for you. He can be found residing inside the Dilapidated Temple.
What Is The Loaded Axe?
Prosthetic Tool For Heavy Attacks

The Loaded Axe is a useful tool for dealing massive damage to enemies. Using the Loaded Axe will allow you to perform a heavy attack, and deal massive damage to an enemy's vitality and posture!
Check Out The Posture System HereConsumes 2 Spirit Emblems
Despite being a powerful tool, the Loaded Axe consumes 2 Spirit Emblems per use. Try to ration the number of times you use the Loaded Axe in order to avoid using up most of your Spirit Emblems.
How To Use The Loaded Axe
Break Enemy Shields With This Tool

You can use the Loaded Axe to destroy enemies that have wooden shields equipped. This way, you can start breaking their posture without those pesky shields in the way.
Obliterate An Enemy's Posture
For enemies without shields, you can also use the Loaded Axe to deal massive damage to both their HP and Posture! If you break their posture this way, you can follow it up with a Shinobi Deathblow.
Check Out Posture System Explained