Check out this Risk of Rain 2 guide to learn how to join and play with friends and others in multiplayer! Find out how to play multiplayer, gameplay tips and tricks, and more!

Table of Contents
Difference Between Multiplayer & Singleplayer
Escape the Planet With Other Survivors

Looking for a way off this new world can be lonely at times. Luckily, Risk of Rain 2 allows you to join and play multiplayer with other players!
Play With Up To 3 Other Survivors

The minimum number of players in a multiplayer session will be 2 players, and the maximum number of players is 4.
Choose Between Private & Public Lobbies
Multiplayer lets you choose between joining a lobby with random players, or your own created lobby where you can invite friends to play the game with.
Money & XP Are Shared

XP and Money (including Lunar Coins) are shared between allies. This makes saving up for an expensive chest, terminal, equipment barrel, and more! The only money which is not shared comes from Blood Shrines.
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How To Join & Play Multiplayer
Step 1: Select Multiplayer From Menu

From the main title screen, you will be presented with a menu at the bottom left of your screen. Select the Multiplayer button to go to the Multiplayer page.
Step 2: Join A Multiplayer Game

From here, you will be given some options on the type of multiplayer game you want to join - friends only, with other strangers, etc. Listed below are the options you can choose from:
The QuickPlay option will automatically find other players that can join you and your lobby, letting you get in on the action as fast as possible!
Start Private Game
Clicking on this option will start a private match with all players in your lobby. No one else outside of your own lobby will be able to join the game.
Join Clipboard Lobby
This option will allow you to join a lobby specific to the ID found on your clipboard.
Invite Friends On The Top Right Corner

You will be able to invite friends to your lobby by clicking the "+" sign found on the top right corner of the screen. Clicking this will bring up your friend's list which you can then invite to your game!
Step 3: Ready Up & Play

After joining a lobby, ready up by picking your Survivor, difficulty, and artifacts! The game will start once everyone in the lobby clicks ready!
Check Out The All Survivor List Here!Multiplayer Gameplay Tips
Focus Fire On Tough Enemies

One of your highest priorities is to focus your fire on tough and tanky enemies! Whenever you see an enemy that may be tough to bring down, ping them so that you and your team can focus their fire on them as well!
Ping Points Of Interest

Always use the ping system to highlight points of interest to you and your teammates. You can ping items such as the teleporter, Multishop Terminals, even bosses for your team to fight!
Check Out Chests & Interactive Environments HereCommunicate With Your Team
Surviving won't be easy without any communication! Make sure to talk or chat with your team to keep tabs on what's happening on their side.
Share Items With Teammates

It will be much easier to survive on the planet if all members of the team are well equipped with strong items and equipment. Make sure to ask teammates how many items they have and allow them to loot if need be!
There Is A Chance To Respawn

It's not over if you flatline during a run! You can be revived if your team teleports to a new area. You will still earn your share of XP from the previous area since XP is shared between allies.