[User Name:] Cecilia#3753
[Comments:] new to arknights, need friends for missions.
[User Name:] Maekawa#8292
[ID:] 99526001
[User Name:] Viserion#5198
[Comments:] Level 31, new to arknights, need friends for missions. please add my acc.
[User Name:] timrook#4524
[Comments:] started playing
[User Name:] Ghalagar#5063
[Comments:] Recently started playing and loving it! Add me guys!
[User Name:] Kolt#9588
[User Name:] Akira#2969
[Comments:] I nees clues so please add me ;-;
[User Name:] nobodytt#5835
[Comments:] New player wanting to trade clues
New player. Trade clues and Im active daily
[User Name:] Lion#6480
[Comments:] late new fan of Arknights. please add me so i can use your high level waifu/husbando. would also trade clue and have a clue party!
[User Name:] Annie#4890
[ID:] 22558679
[Comments:] Level 66 returning player looking for active friends :)
[User Name:] Naga#10979
[Comments:] add me, lets trade clues all day!
[User Name:] Calen#3482
[Comments:] Active newish player - Looking for friends to exchange/visits etc
[User Name:] jemmu
[Comments:] Looking friends for clues and credits.
[User Name:] KC#6167
[Comments:] Active player looking for friends to exchange clues.
[User Name:] Terru#3661
[Comments:] Looking to fill up friend list, I try to field useful units for current content so feel free to add me even if you are low level.
[User Name:] Tearu#7180
[Comments:] Looking for clue exchange / base visits
[User Name:] myoldjokes
[ID:] 6089
[Comments:] do you want to be my friend ?
I can pay you ! Please
[User Name:] Giest#1429
[Comments:] need more active friends
[User Name:] Lukemil#5374
[ID:] #5374
[Comments:] Looking for friends to exchange clues! - E2 Angelina and E2 W support.