[User Name:] Cobalt#2334
[Comments:] ( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)
[User Name:] whereami34w
[Comments:] thanks
[User Name:] Spekhov#9204
[ID:] #9204
[Comments:] For evey friends benefits
[User Name:] Riviera#1780
[Comments:] Filling friend list (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
[User Name:] JKris#3159
[ID:] #3159
[Comments:] Friends for daily clue exchange
[User Name:ID] Blade#2887
[Level] 92
1. Update friend remarks to identify valued trade partners. Add these players to your FL. They are reliable clue traders like myself:
2. Do 7 contingency contracts using a friend's operator each day. Help all your friends.
3. Great website for additional help: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/
4. Have fun, have a great day (òÓ,)_\,,/
[User Name:] Selvannas#0808
[Comments:] looking to fill my friend list. Started played for now 1 month. Active daily. Will trade clues as best as I can.
[User Name:] Collin#0111
[Comments:] I'm active daily and will try my best to hook u guys up with clues
[User Name:] SkyWind#1907
[Comments:] Daily Exchange. New player.
[User Name:] DrDelfin
[ID:] 3691
[Comments:] 40 lvl, looking for friends to trade clues to replace those who dropped out from the game, support: E1 Silverash, E2 Shirayuki
[User Name:] Meepmeep
[Comments:] Looking for friends to trade clues, platinum and hoshiguma (sniper/tank) support units
[User Name:] CommandoJones#980
[Comments:] new player, active daily
[User Name:] Ancient#2959
[Comments:] Daily exchange
[User Name:] Jony#4086
[ID:] 4086
[Comments:] new player, active daily, excahnging clues
[User Name:] SecretKey#9947
[Comments:] active daily, ready to visit and swap clues!
[User Name:] hela#5040
[Comments:] looking for active friend
[User Name:] Damda#7660
[Comments:] Lvl 49, clue exchange etc
[User Name:] Legion#83453
[Comments:] new player, daily active. add me for clue trade and visit
[User Name:] DJDAN#8845
[ID:] 96027108
[Comments:] LV 27 player looking for some friends for clues and a bunch of other stuff
[User Name:] Crixus#4574
[Comments:] New Player play daily