Check out this guide to learn more about the Shinobi Loaded Umbrella shinobi prosthetic tool & how to use it! Find out how to efficiently use the Loaded Umbrella when fighting enemies.

Table of Contents
Where To Get The Loaded Umbrella
Buy "Iron Fortress" From Blackhat Badger For 1,600 Sen

To unlock the Loaded Umbrella, you need to purchase the "Iron Fortress" item from the Blackhat Badger. He can be found in the Ashina Castle.
Great Serpent Shrine ~ Under Shrine Valley WalkthroughHow To Get To Blackhat Badger
Go To Old Grave Sculptor's Idol & Check Un-Fenced Area

Fast travel to the Sculptor's Idol (Old Grave) and move to the left. Check the area by the ledge that doesn't have a fence blocking your patch.
Drop Down Hole From The Area With No Fence

From the ledge, peer down over it to find a hole in the roof. Jump down into the hole and you'll find the Blackhat Badger here.
Meet With The Sculptor To Craft Loaded Umbrella
After purchasing the Iron Fortress, head back to the Dilapidated Temple and talk to the Sculptor. He will outfit you with a new Prosthetic Tool called the Loaded Umbrella.
What Is The Loaded Umbrella?
Tool Mainly Used For Defense

The Loaded Umbrella is a great way to defend against foes - big or small. It protects you from all-around attacks when it is brought out. However, be wary of enemies that have low sweeping moves as the Loaded Umbrella can't protect well against these.
Needs 1 Spirit Emblem Per Use
The Loaded Umbrella uses up 1 Spirit Emblem each time you use it to defend yourself. Since the cost is not that high and it can be used to defense against a lot of strong attacks, it's recommended to keep this item equipped, especially in hard boss fights.
How To Use The Loaded Umbrella
Effective Defense From All-Around Attacks

The Loaded Umbrella is a very effective defense method against attacks that come from all sides. This is useful against normal mobs & bosses that are surrounded by a lot of enemies.
Deployed Longer Than Normal Deflects

The Loaded Umbrella will be deployed in the fight far longer than your normal guard. This gives you more time to protect yourself against enemy attacks than a typical deflect.
Useful Against Boss Battles
You can actively use this Prosthetic Tool in many boss battles that have dangerous attacks. Guarding with the Loaded Umbrella also inflicts damage on the enemy's Posture Gauge, making it faster for you to deal a devastating Deathblow to your foe.