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Scrapper Class Overview

Lost Ark | Scrapper Class Overview | LA

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Lost Ark | Scrapper Class Overview | LA - GameWith

Scrapper is an Advanced Class of Martial Artist in Lost Ark. Learn more about the Advanced Class - Scrapper, Skills List, Tripod, Stats, Skins (Outfits), Combos and so much more.

Table of Contents

Class Related Guide

Scrapper Overview

Scrapper Class Overview

Class Martial Artist Weapon Heavy Gauntlets
Gender Female PVP Tier B
Difficulty ★★★☆☆ PVE Tier B
Stats Overview
Atk. Power ★★☆☆☆
Mobility ★★★★☆
Defense ★★★☆☆
Support ★☆☆☆☆
AoE Radius ☆☆☆☆☆

Scrappers use Heavy Gauntlets to perform combos by using Stamina Skills and Shock Skills alternatively. They also have high damaging attacks as well as excellent mobility.

Scrapper Best Builds

Combat Stats Priority (PVE)

Crit ★★★★★
Specialization ★★★☆☆
Domination ☆☆☆☆☆
Swiftness ☆☆☆☆☆
Endurance ★★☆☆☆
Expertise ☆☆☆☆☆

Scrapper - Unique Mechanic

Stamina Energy & Shock Energy

Scrappers consumes either Stamina Energy or Shock energy to perform their skills and combos to deal damage. Using one energy type will increase the other energy type subsequently.

Scrapper - Skill List

Scrapper Skills

Req. Lvl
MP Cost
(Skill Lv. 1)
Charging BlowCharging Blow (Normal)
Stamina 15
Shock 20 Create
Charge quickly to inflict 74 Damage 3 times, then land a strike with your gauntlet, inflicting 95 Damage.
Weak Point: Lv. 1
Stagger: Low
Attack type: Back Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Crushing SmiteCrushing Smite (Combo)
Stamina 15
Shock 15 Create
Launch up to 3 shockwaves forward, inflicting 147, 147, 197 Damage.
Stagger: Mid
Attack type: Back Attack
Fierce Tiger StrikeFierce Tiger Strike (Normal)
Stamina 15
Shock 20 Create
Deliver 2 swift blows to inflict 82 Damage twice, then knock foes down for 164 Damage.
Stagger: Low
Attack type: Back Attack
Dragon AdventDragon Advent (Point)
Stamina 30
Shock 20 Create
Focus [Fire] energy to leap to the target location within 10 meters attacking foes for 845 Damage, knocking them down.
Stagger: Mid-High
Attack type: Back Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
JudgementJudgement (Normal)
Shock 10
Stamina 15 Create
Leap into the air and strike down, inflicting 408 Damage. Foes on the ground take 82 additional Damage and are knocked down.
Weak Point: Lv. 1
Stagger: Mid
Attack type: Frontal Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Roundup SweepRoundup Sweep (Normal)
Shock 20
Stamina 30 Create
Throw a diagonal punch to inflict 545 Damage.
Stagger: Low
Attack type: Frontal Attack
Counter: Yes
Instant HitInstant Hit (Normal)
Stamina 30
Shock 15 Create
Land a flashing strike, inflicting 489 Damage and stunning foes for 3s.
Attack type: Frontal Attack
Counter: Yes
Death RattleDeath Rattle (Normal)
Shock All
Stamina 20 Create
Release all condensed shock energy, inflicting 1366 Damage and knocking foes back. Depending on the amount of shock energy you have, Damage +15% if shock energy is between 0-25%, +30% if it's between 26%-50%, +45% if it's between 51%-75%, and +60% if it's between 76%-100%.
Weak Point: Lv. 2
Stagger: Mid-High
Attack type: Back Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Earthquake ChainEarthquake Chain (Normal)
Stamina 30
Shock 20 Create
Stomp the ground, inflicting 801 Damage to nearby foes and knocking them down.
Stagger: Mid
Attack type: Back Attack
Critical BlowCritical Blow (Charge)
Shock 30
Stamina 25 Create
Concentrate energy onto your gauntlets, and then launch a powerful shock energy attack, inflicting 271 Damage. Hold down the skill hotkey to charge. When overcharged, this skill inflicts 408 Damage, and then 951 Damage with the following wave attack.
Weak Point: Lv. 2
Stagger: Mid-High
Attack type: Frontal Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Chain Destruction FistChain Destruction Fist (Normal)
Shock 40
Stamina 25 Create
Smash the ground to shake the earth. You attack foes up to 4 times for 175, 263, 438, and 876 Damage, the Damage radius increasing from 3 meters to 5 meters with each hit. The last strike will launch foes in the air.
Weak Point: Lv. 2
Stagger: High
Attack type: Back Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Battering FistsBattering Fists (Holding)
Stamina 15
Shock 20 Create
Throw a punch to inflict 113 Damage. Hold the skill hotkey for up to 1s to launch a flurry of jabs to attack foes for 75 Damage 6 times. Then dash 2 meters forward for 113 Damage, followed by a hook that inflicts 452 Damage.
Weak Point: Lv. 1
Stagger: Mid-High
Attack type: Back Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Continuous PushContinuous Push (Holding)
Stamina 25
Shock 20 Create
Charge while swinging your fists. Each hit inflicts 172 Damage. Use the skill again and hold it down to attack 10 times over up to 4s. On hit, incoming Damage -5% for 1s. Stacks up to 10 times. You are immune to Paralysis while this skill is active.
Stagger: High
Attack type: Back Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
True Rising FistTrue Rising Fist (Combo)
Shock 20
Stamina 50 Create
Deliver a rising attack forward to inflict 150 and 601 Damage. Use the skill again while in the air to land at the target location with a smash, inflicting 751 Damage. Damage +50% against pushed foes.
Stagger: Mid-High
Attack type: Back Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Iron Cannon BlowIron Cannon Blow (Combo)
Stamina 25
Shock 30 Create
Land an elbow strike that inflicts 208 Damage, then turn around to strike again, inflicting another 249 Damage. Use the skill again to land powerful punches while moving slightly forward, inflicting 374 Damage.
Weak Point: Lv. 1
Stagger: Mid
Attack type: Back Attack
Shredding StrikeShredding Strike (Normal)
Shock All
Stamina 20 Create
Concentrate energy onto your arms for 1s while facing forward, and then instantly glide 3 meters forward, inflicting 362 Damage along the way and throw a punch, inflicting 844 Damage. This skill's Damage varies, depending on the amount of Shock Energy you have. (0 - 25% Shock Meter: +15%, 26 - 50% Shock Meter: +30%, 51 - 75% Shock Meter: +45%, 76 - 100% Shock Meter: +60%)
Weak Point: Lv. 2
Stagger: Mid-High
Attack type: Frontal Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Chain Of ResonanceChain Of Resonance (Normal)
Stamina 20
Shock 10 Create
Launch a shockwave forward to inflict 226 Damage, then pull foes to you, inflicting 289 Damage.
Stagger: Low
SupernovaSupernova (Normal)
Shock 50
Stamina 20 Create
Blow up the condensed shock energy to inflict 104 Damage and pull foes together while inflicting 52 Damage, then land a finishing blow that inflicts 888 Damage.
Stagger: Mid-High
Attack Type: Back Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity

Scrapper - Combo

Scrapper Combo

Currently Unavailable. This section will be updated as soon as possible.

Scrapper - Skins (Outfits)

Scrapper Skins

Currently Unavailable. This section will be updated as soon as possible.

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