I just added u, did u have max S3M3 Eyjafjalla
[User Name:] cgxixi
[Comments:] I need S3M3 max Eyjafjalla immediately. Also clue exchange, thank you.
[User Name:] Ethaaaan#2524
[User Name:] mukeshcfc#6987
[User Name:] sinned#1509
[User Name:] Sodou#9434
[Comments:] missions /clues
[User Name:] Stain#8979
[Comments:] mission
[User Name:] geopardmon#7614
[Comments:] Time flows as life does, and life goes as time does.
[User Name:] Yuaxvii#1489
[Comments:] Add me! I'm a new player, and also trade clues ya
[User Name:] Reborzth#2711
[Comments:] LVL94 Looking for Ethan support unit
[Support Units:] E2 MeteoriteE2
E2 Silverash S3M3
E2 Eyjafjalla S3M3 MAX LV.
[User Name:] Chad98#0326
[ID:] 48541927
[Comments:] LVL78. Looking for people to exchange clues. Active player.
[User Name:] Ardar#7357
[Comments:] Looking for clue exchange.
[User Name:] Snow#5866
[Comments:] New to this game. I need friends.
[User Name:] K4th#3310
[User Name:] Yinrong#6564
[Comments:] New player need friends.
[User Name:] Foscore#9086
[Comments:] LF Friends with Eyjafjalla S3!! >.< I'm active and will trade clues everyday =D
[Support Units:] E2 BlueP S1 M3, E2 Thorns S3 M3,E2 Hoshi S2
[User Name:] Frimozz#3475
[Comments:] Level 13
[User Name:] PoH#8004
[Comments:] Active daily
[User Name:ID] Blade#2887
[Level] 94
1. Update friend remarks to identify valued trade partners. Add these players to your FL. They are reliable clue traders like myself:
2. Do 7 contingency contracts using a friend's operator each day. Help all your friends.
3. Great website for additional help: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/
4. Have fun, have a great day (òÓ,)_\,,/
[User Name:] Getkong#6248
[Comments:] LV 79 active daily