[User Name:] Hanz
[Comments:] Returning Player.
I tried to move to genshin, but the quest is sooooooo muchhhh, im tired and just want to hug eyja back.
[User Name:] GI
[Comments:] Level 70, trying to get more friends for clues.
[User Name:] Philippe
[Comments:] level 45, newbie but active :)
[User Name:] Aelekai
[ID:] 11577927
[Comments:] Just starting out, will add all
[User Name:] Sebbers
[Comments:] Level 79, looking to fill out my list.
[User Name:] Nastibeastxx
[ID:] #7351
[Comments:] Active
[User Name:] Gurin
[ID:] #4708
[Comments:] Active
[User Name: Rygar00 ]
[ID: #7149 ]
[Comments: Just getting started looking for friends for clues ]
[User Name:] Saxtiam
[ID:] #7053
[Comments:] Looking for friends. I will add anyone.
[User Name:] PhD
[Comments:] Level 42 and will add anyone
[User Name: Pheiran]
[ID: 23466642]
[Comments: Just getting started looking for friends for clues.]
[User Name:] Zack
[ID:] #2184
[Comments:] level 84 looking for friends to trade clues
[User Name:] BLNK
[ID:] #9632
[Comments:] Mostly for sharing clues, will add anyone. I would be so glad if you come with clue #3. I am building a nice Rosmontis otherwise if you don't have her.
[User Name:] matsumura#4885
[Comments:] started a week ago, only level 33 right now, but I play daily and soon will have better operators. have wisperain lvl 30 elite 1 and rosmontis lvl 50 elite 1
really need a friend to finally finish pinboard mission, been stuck there for so many years already TT-TT
[User Name:] Jypler#8775
[User Name:] juno#1421
[User Name:] Zen#5227
[ID:] 01924137
[Comments:] Just starting, will add all
[User Name:] Lemon#6943
[ID:] 47459240
[Comments:] New player looking for friends. Support unit is Whisperain at E1 lvl 40 with her s2 equipped at rank 5
[User Name:] Oniichan#5055
[User Name:] Hoshimira#4351
[Comments:] I need thorns (s3) friends, i have surtr at s3m3 :D