[User Name:] Kaminagi#7888
[Comments:] Active Player
[User Name:] Narkat#1416
[User Name:] rSyou
[ID:] rSyou#8871
[Comments:] Active daily Looking for clue Exchange
[User Name:] Alex
[ID:] Alex#6010
[Comments:] Active daily Looking for clue Exchange
[User Name:ID] Blade#2887
[Level] 101
Seeking friends for clue exchange
1. If you value a friend's support operator - use it everyday
2. Great website for additional help: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/
3. Have fun, have a great day (òÓ,)_\,,/
[User Name:] Narkat#1416
[Comments:] 60+ lvl only and R8-1 episode atleast, ty.
[User Name:] Zef
[ID:] Zef#0896
[Comments:] Looking for clue buddies!
User Name: MusaFEAR
ID: MusaFEAR#0404
Comments: why did u leave me :(((((
[User Name:] Ren#1351
[ID:] 51828125
[Comments:] waifu > meta
[User Name:] Yater
[ID:] Yater#8042
[Comments:] LV 63, Cuora/Myrtle/Blue Poison supports
[User Name:] Devour#1957
[Comments:] Let's be friends ^ω^
[User Name:] Jovin
[ID:] Jovin#0716
[Comments:] Active Player.
[User Name:] VIDZU
[ID:] VIDZU#5154
[Comments:] New Active Player HERE! :) Let's Friend! (Need Clue Exchange)
[User Name:] Cielo
[ID:] #9550
[Comments:] Clue exchange {:
[User Name:] Stevanu#2273
[Comments:] Hello, new player here. 2 6star (silver ash + exulsia) from gacha hehe
[User Name:] miru
[ID:] miru#6903
[Comments:] just want to some friends
[User Name:] QN
[ID:] QN#0717
[Comments:] Want friends for cluee ;)
[User Name:] ARC
[ID:] ARC#1291
[Comments:] Newbie Player.. looking for friends :)