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Anonymous 3302

[User Name:] jono#5007
[Comments:] Returning player

E2M3 Myrtle, E2 Bagpipe lv60, E2 Exusiai lv60

Anonymous 3301

[User Name:] Damyval#5775
[Comments:] Returned player, clue exchange

Anonymous 3300

[User Name:] Moth#2281
[Comments:] New-ish player (new account due to losing access to email, but have played since 2020), active everyday, multiple times a day.

Anonymous 3299

[User Name:] Vaizaado#2674
[Comments:] New player, active daily, looking for clue exchange or really any friends on here

Anonymous 3298

[User Name:] BuNNyScary#8924
[Comments:] Clue exchange. Active daily. New player. (Server Global)

Anonymous 3297

[User Name:] Akira#9517
[Comments:] New player. Active Daily

Anonymous 3296

[User Name:] Chisato#9202
[ID:] 82004101
[Comments:] clue exchange, active daily

Anonymous 3295

[User Name:] Mattz#3522
[Comments:] new player

Anonymous 3294

[User Name:] vKyUn#5721
[Comments:] Returned player. Seeking for active players to exchange Clues and borrow Operators

Anonymous 3293

[User Name:] Nkylve#3130
[ID:] 92425577
[Comments:] Clue exchange. Active daily.

Anonymous 3292

[User Name:] Matilda#1243
[Comments:] Returning player, looking for active friends for clues exchange.

I can offer Whisperpain E2 lvl 51, Thorns E2 lvl 90 S3M3, Texas Alter E2 lvl 68 S3M1 (for now, I'm in the process of upgrading her).

Anonymous 3291

[User Name:] Kailu#6377
[Comments:] I'm daily active, looking for anyone pretty much

Anonymous 3290

[User Name:] Haru#2967
[Comments:] Looking for active friends

Skyrimer 3289

[User Name:] Skyrimer#7763
[Comments:] looking for active friends
mlynar and texas no mastery

Anonymous 3288

[User Name:] Jiken#9406
[Comments:] looking for active friends to share clues with

Anonymous 3287

[User Name:] Olive#9121

Anonymous 3286

[User Name:] Fab#6412
[Comments:] Looking for active friends

Anonymous 3285

[User Name:] Haru#2967
[Comments:] Looking for active friends

Anonymous 3284

[User Name:] Valdras #1579
[ID:] 39742755

I've got a raging clue to share

Anonymous 3283

[User Name:] xdxdxd#6370
[Comments:] just tryna get some friends, returning player :D

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