[User Name:] Raknaella
[Comments:] Just be active.
[User Name:] JustinSayne
[ID:] #7351
[Comments:] active almost every day, really just need some friends
[User Name:] Cornifer
[ID:] #8660
[Comments:] I log in everyday, looking for friends to exchange clues with!
[User Name:] Fate
[ID:] Fate#0655
[Comments:] Im logging in everyday, in need for clue exchange, would like to share support operators as well^^
[User Name:] kanyutry
[Comments:] Need friends for clues, nothing else
[User Name:] Rvier
[ID:] Rvier#0083
[Comments:] looking for friends, quite active
[User Name:] Marilyn
[ID:] Marilyn#8593
[Comments:] Anyone who log in every day follow me:D
[User Name:] Wazjig
[Comments:] New here. wazjiggin
[User Name:] Beth
[Comments:] New player here, please help me out. TY!!!
[User Name:] Bidup
[Comments:] Looking for active friends
[User Name:] Stephenos
[ID:] Stephenos#5680
[Comments:] Not really new but doesn't have much friends so looking for active friends ^_^
[User Name:] Ganner
[ID:] Ganner#5221
[Comments:] New player looking for active friends
[User Name:] Lugna
[ID:] Lugna#9380
[Comments:] new to game and looking for friends
[User Name:] Kylar
[ID:] Kylar#3159
[Comments:] New to the game and looking for friends.
[User Name:] Aushin
[Comments:] Hi everyone just starting play arknight, please add me
[User Name:] Gontzal0#3976
[Comments:] New player, need friends.
[User Name:] gdogg50#4074
[Comments:] new player need friends :)
[User Name:] Anaiscream#6302
[Comments:] Newbie, need friends for more clue exchanging!
[User Name:] SohaiZaii#5420
[User Name:] MagnvsIsk#5978
[Comments:] Returning player, clue hunting!