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Hawkeye - Abilities, Skins, Tier and Tips

Hawkeye - Abilities, Skins, Tier and Tips

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Marvel Rivals | Hawkeye - Abilities, Skins, Tier and Tips - GameWith

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Hawkeye is an C-Tier, Duelist class character in Marvel Rivals. Read on to learn how to play Hawkeye, as well as a list of abilities, skins, and voice actors!

Table of Contents

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Best Character Tier List

Hawkeye Overview

TierRank C
Real NameClint Barton
VAEN: Andrew Kishino

Master the Bow and Arrow

When you’re playing as Hawkeye, you’re either hitting headshots or you’re going to be reported for throwing matches. That’s the reality of playing this hero and is also a clear indicator of the difficulty level and skill ceiling required to master the bow and arrow.

Best Character Tier List

Hawkeye Pros and Cons

Pros- Can one-shot, headshot enemies
Cons- Requires great aim

One Shot!

Marvel Rivals Hawkeye

Hawkeye is the only character in the game who can one-shot, headshot every strategist and duelist except Wolverine and Mister Fantastic. A good Hawkeye player can instantly delete backlines and take out huge chunks of HP out of vanguards.

Can’t Escape!

Hawkeye is a great target for any mobile character such as Ironfist, Spiderman, Star-lord, Psylocke, and Scarlet Witch. His lack of an escape tool leaves him very vulnerable and will die instantly when flanked.

Hawkeye Abilities

Marvel Rivals Hawkeye Abilities

Best Hero Companions

Cloak and Dagger

marvel rivals cloak and dagger

Dagger can help Hawkeye stay alive while Cloak’s
Terror Cape can turn hopeless situations around by blinding sneaky divers and setting them up for a quick elimination instead.


marvel rivals namor

Namor can be a great hero to play alongside Hawkeye. Hawkeye's Hypersonic Arrow can be particularly annoying for vanguards and aerial heroes, while his critical hits can help shred vanguards. In return, Namor can place a turret near Hawkeye to provide protection.

How to Play Hawkeye

Headshot or Bust!

To effectively play as Hawkeye, you need good aim and better-than-average shooting mechanics which you can hone by practicing in quick play matches or in the practice range. Hawkeye is a hero that relies heavily on a player's ability to land headshots to be successful. If you're a Hanzo main in Overwatch, you'll feel right at home with this hero. If not, invest time and effort into improving your aim.

Use Ultimate from Above

Hawkeye’s ultimate ability, Hunter’s Sight only works when enemies are in your line of sight. Your goal is to capture as much afterimages as possible so it’s better to activate this ability from higher ground and unleashing your primary on squishy targets first and vanguards last.

All Hawkeye Skins (Costumes)

Tiger's Eye

Hawkeye - Tiger's Eye
Price (Standard)600
How To GetAcquire with Units in the Hero Profile Cosmetics section


Hawkeye - Freefall
Price (Standard)1400
How To GetMarvel Rivals Store

The rarest costume for Hawkeye is the Freefall (Epic) costume which can be purchased individually at the store for 1400 Units or included in the Freefall bundle for 2200 Units.

Marvel Rivals Store Guide

Hawkeye Hero Lore

Clint Barton

Clint Barton is one of the greatest marksmen alive. He may not have superpowers, but his natural ability to hit virtually any target earned him a place alongside Earth's mightiest heroes. As Hawkeye, he's been known to take down an entire enemy fleet with nothing more than a quiver full of arrows.

For a time, Clint distanced himself from the Avengers, setting off on a quest for vengeance as the assassin called Ronin. He returned to the fold older and wiser, just in time to infiltrate Hydra's Charteris Base and rescue the captured Winter Soldier.

Hero Story

Going South For The Winter
All Hawkeye knew when he got on board the Quinjet was that he was heading out on a solo rescue mission and it involved Hydra. That suited him. Extended mission prep wasn't really his style. You only needed a certain amount of information to take a smart approach; overpreparation could dull your senses, keep you from being aware and responsive when things changed in the field. As they always did. No plan survived contact with the enemy for long. For the first hour or so, as the craft arrowed south from a Helicarrier stationed just above of the big island of Hawaii, Clint kept to himself, watching the water go by. He'd never been a sparkling conversationalist, so silence suited him.

"How you doing back there, stranger?" Agent 13 shouted back from her seat at the controls. Clint had nearly forgotten she was there after two hours or so staring into the endless blue expanse of the Pacific. Clint decided it was time to make some conversation. "So-so. We headed to Antarctica or what?"

"Bingo," Agent 13 said. "Although it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you go south from Hawaii, you hit either New Zealand or Antarctica."

"Never said I was a genius, but I can read a map." Clint got up from his seat and started arranging his gear on a worktable: Bow, arrows, swords, body armor, comms equipment, night vision goggles, emergency field rations. Then he broke open the kit bag with his name on it and found cold-weather gear. "So, let me guess. You want me to stop Hydra poaching dinosaurs in the Savage Land."

"You wouldn't need cold-weather gear for that."

"I would until I got there, unless you're going to fly me to the border and risk Sauron sending a million pterodactyls after this Quinjet."

"No Savage Land for you, Hawkeye," Agent 13 said. "We are in fact going to Ross Island, which is only technically an island because it's connected to the mainland of Antarctica by a two-mile thick sheet of ice."

"Yeah, the Ross Ice Shelf. I've heard of it."

"The target is a Hydra base on Ross Island. More specifically, the target is Bucky Barnes."

"Don't tell me," Clint said, as a cold knot formed in the pit of his stomach. Bucky had worked so hard to get free of the brainwashing he'd suffered after World War II. What a terrible thing it would be if he'd been mind-controlled again. Clint thought hard about whether he'd be able to follow through on a mission to eliminate Bucky Barnes. He'd done worse during his Ronin years, but he'd also left Ronin behind. He was Hawkeye again. He was an Avenger.

"It's not what you think, judging by the expression on your face," Agent 13 said. "Three days ago, Barnes was sent to infiltrate and gather intel about Hydra activity inside Charteris Mount. Infiltration was successful and we got some brief communications from Bucky during the mission's first few hours, but as of eight hours after infiltration, comms were interrupted and we presume he's been a Hydra captive since then."

Anything could have happened to Bucky in three days, Clint thought. But he was tough, as tough as anybody, and if there was a chance to get him out alive, that's what Clint would do. "Why Charteris Mount?"

"Well, because it's tunneled into Erebus Ice Shelf. But Hydra probably also likes the mythological associations."

"You gonna make me ask?"

"I thought you'd never ask," she said. "In Greek mythology, Erebus was the son of Chaos and one of the primordial gods. Also, that's the name the Greeks gave to the gate between the world of the living and the underworld."

"Yeah, Hydra would go for that."

"Behind every myth is a bit of truth. Some of Bucky's comms were pretty scrambled, but we have a basic idea that the base is built on a much older set of ruins. It's likely there's an occult angle."

"An occult angle," Clint repeated. "So, like, I should expect to run into monsters from the Greek underworld?"

"That's all I can tell you. Also, they're doing some kind of super-soldier research. Bucky was loud and clear about that."

Clint thought about this while he got just the edge he wanted on his twin swords. He sheathed them and selected his arrowheads, going with a standard assortment of explosive, nonlethal, and ordinary bladed tips. He felt a pre-mission calm descend over him, and that was good. That hadn't happened much while he was Ronin.

"So," Agent 13 said from the cockpit. "You ready?"

"For this mission, or to be an Avenger again?"

She chucked him on the shoulder. "Once an Avenger, always an Avenger. I was talking about the mission."

Once an Avenger, always an Avenger. Clint wasn't sure about that.

Then again, even when he was an Avenger, he hadn't always felt like one. It wasn't easy feeling like you were an equal member of a team when all you could do was shoot a bow and the other team members could call lightning or lift a hundred tons.

If he was being honest with himself, that was why he'd left. That was why he'd become Ronin.

The thing was, once you'd been a hero -- an Avenger -- and once you understood how powerful it could be to change things, to make things better with your own hands... you couldn't just stop caring. Or maybe some people could, but Clint couldn't. So he stopped being Hawkeye, and he adopted a new moniker: Ronin. A samurai with no master. He kept an eye out for situations that might need his help. He trained in some new ways of fighting. He reinvented himself. For a couple of years, he'd been doing things the Avengers would never have noticed. Street-level, local things. More like Spider-Man might do. Then that expanded into bigger-scale operations, against drug kingpins, human traffickers, the kind of people normal law enforcement couldn't get to and Super Heroes didn't notice because they were too busy fighting Thanos or Dormammu or Doctor Doom.

Ronin traveled the world, and by and large, he made it a better place. There were a lot of people alive because of Ronin, but there were also a lot of people that never got back up. Bad people? Sure. But one night, in a mansion high above the smoggy sprawl of Istanbul where he'd just eliminated an arms trafficker and his entire armed retinue of maybe twenty bodyguards, Clint realized he'd stopped holding himself to any standard beyond what he thought was right. He was very close to going off the rails, becoming a pure vigilante nut like Frank Castle. It was only a few steps from there to the kind of deluded villain who thought he was doing the world a favor, a Vulture or Killmonger.

He needed people around him to keep him on track, and the only people who could do that were the Avengers.

So he'd come home, picking up the Hawkeye mantle yet again -- but with a few changes, traces of Ronin that he would always carry with him. Maybe someday he would be free of the guilt he still carried over some of the things he'd done. He'd never hurt anyone he considered innocent, but, in the heat of battle, sometimes you couldn't tell who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The moral clarity of a fight against Hydra was something Clint Barton badly needed.

"Okay. We're five minutes out. Time for last-minute notes. You'll find a vehicle stashed near your landing site. Its beacon will activate once it detects you on the ground."

"Hope you left the keys in the ignition," Clint said.

Ignoring him, she went on. "There is a large hangar bay with several doors built into the flank of the mountain. That's the only obvious approach without using demolitions to get into one of the lower access shafts. Intel recommends you stay on the upper levels because honestly, we have no idea what's down below."

"Monsters," Clint said. "Got it."

Agent 13 shrugged. "Probably not? But you never know. Get in, get Barnes, and get out. If Barnes is..." She hesitated. "If Barnes can't be recovered, your priority is to get the info and get out yourself."

"You mean if he's dead. Just say it."

Her eyes flashed. "Yes. If he's dead," she said, biting off each word. Turning her back on him, she went back to the cockpit. Clint stayed where he was, in the back of the cabin, alone with his thoughts. Which was never the healthiest place for him to be.

What if Bucky was...gone...again? Mind-controlled again?

Deep inside, Clint felt a Ronin-like cold certainty that he would know what to do.

No. Bucky would survive. Hawkeye would find him. Not Ronin. Hawkeye. Tomorrow morning, they would both be watching the sun rise as Agent 13 piloted them back toward Hawaii.

"We are in the drop zone," Agent 13 said calmly. "Will open the cargo door on your go."

"Go," Clint said.

The Antarctic wind stole the air from his lungs. Clint steadied himself, got a bead on the ground, and jumped.
Coming Soon, Stay Tuned!
Hit The Bullseye
Coming Soon, Stay Tuned!
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