Invisible Woman is an A-Tier, Strategist class character in Marvel Rivals. Read on to learn how to play Invisible Woman, as well as a list of abilities, skins, and voice actors!
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Best Character Tier ListInvisible Woman Overview

Tier | ![]() |
Role | Strategist |
Difficulty | ★★★★・ |
Real Name | Susan Storm |
VA | EN: Suzie Yeung |
Area Heal Specialist
Invisible Woman specializes in setting up area heals. This means that the longer a fight stays within a certain space, the better Invisible Woman will perform. Since her attacks and abilities can all affect multiple targets, she shines most in fights that take place in tight spaces. If there is a chokepoint that your team needs to hold, Invisible Woman is the character you want at your side.
Best Character Tier ListInvisible Woman Pros and Cons
Pros | - Premier area heals |
Cons | - Limited self-heals |
Static Gameplay

Invisible Woman's kit revolves around fixating on an area and deploying your skills. This means she's particularly strong in game modes where the objective is stationary. In games where the objective moves around or if the fight moves to a different area, she will need extra time to wait for cooldowns before she can re-deploy her skills.
Multi-Faceted Normal Attacks
Orb Projection is a powerful normal attack that does multiple things. First, it heals allies and damages enemies. Next, it has unlimited punch through, meaning it will hit every along the path of its trajectory. Lastly, each projectile thrown out returns to Invisible Woman, allowing each projectile to hit the same target a maximum of two times.
In short, Invisible Woman's Orb Projection can heal, damage, pierce everything in its trajectory, and returns to do everything a second time.
29M Return Distance
Orbs that have travelled around 29 meters away from Invisible Woman begin their return path. This information allows you to gauge how far you should be standing from an ally or an enemy to deal the most damage, or heal the most hp as quickly as possible.
Limited Self-Heals

Invisible Woman has no readily available form of self-heal. Her only options are to go invisible, which nullifies her ability to do anything else, to stay near a shield that she can only target allies with, or stay inside her ultimate, which isn't always available.
This means that you have be extra mindful of your positioning when playing as Invisible Woman.
Best Hero Companions
Mister Fantastic

Mister Fantastic makes for an excellent pairing with Invisible Woman because of their complimenting playstyles. Mister Fantastic is a defensive Duelist utilizes consistent DPS instead of burst damage to dispatch enemies.
This pairs perfectly with Mister Fantastic since the consistent DPS forces Mister Fantastic to stay within a certain area as he fights, which makes it extremely easy for Invisible Woman to setup around him.
Additionally, having both members on the team activates the Fantastic Four Team-Up ability, which Mister Fantastic can use to bolster his overall survivability.
What is a Team-Up?How to Play Invisible Woman
Line-Up Your Shots

Whenever you're throwing out Orb Projection normal attacks, try to position yourself in such a way that your attack will pass through multiple targets. This way, you can ensure that each attack is hitting multiple enemies, healing multiple allies, or a combination of both.
Reposition Shield As You Move

So long as Guardian Shield doesn't break, you can repeatedly re-cast it an infinite number of times.
Leverage this mechanic by constantly and repeatedly recasting your shield on allies even while they're moving to keep them within the healing radius of the shield.
Weave Melee Attacks When Applicable

Invisible Woman's melee combo actually deals more damage than her ranged normal attacks. During the times when an enemy Duelist gets too close and you have no choice but to engage, you will want to switch to using melee attacks.
Ideally, you can animation cancel your ranged attacks with melee attacks, allowing Invisible Woman to throw out Orb Projection projectiles while simultaneously performing a melee attack.
Note that this does require some practice and you might want to re-bind your melee attack to a more comfortable button, but once you master it, using both melee and ranged attacks will appear almost indistinguishable to others, and you will be able to deal the most amount of damage.
All Invisible Woman Skins (Costumes)
First Family
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Rarity | Rare |
Price (Standard) | 600 |
How To Get | Acquire with Units |
![]() | |
Rarity | Epic |
Price (Standard) | 1400 |
How To Get | Marvel Rivals Store |
Life Fantastic
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Rarity | Legendary |
Price (Standard) | 6600 |
How To Get | Marvel Rivals Store |
The featured costume for Invisible Woman is the Life Fantastic (Legendary) costume available as part of the 60th Wedding Anniversary Bundle on sale for 2800 Units.
Marvel Rivals Store GuideInvisible Woman Hero Lore
Susan Storm
Cosmic rays altered Susan Storm on a cellular level, granting her the ability to generate impenetrable force fields and to make herself fade from sight in an instant. Despite her frequent lack of visibility, it has always been perfectly clear that Sue is the force holding her family -- the Fantastic Four -- together.
After the Timestream Entanglement, the Invisible Woman has taken full advantage of her powers, using stealth to explore locations too dangerous for her fellow heroes, especially going on rescue missions for civilians trapped by the creatures of the night.
Hero Story
Built To LastSusan Richards took a deep breath as she stood by the window of the Baxter Building and gazed out at a city bathed in darkness. According to the atomic clock that her husband Reed had installed on the kitchen wall, sunrise should have been over two hours ago. By now, the skyscrapers lining 42nd Street should have been glistening in the morning’s rays, but Sue honestly couldn’t remember the last time she had seen any natural light, save for the haunting glow of the Blood Moon that hung ever-present in the sky above Manhattan. “A warm beverage for you,” a synthesized voice said from behind her. Sue turned to see H.E.R.B.I.E., the Fantastic Four’s robotic assistant, extending his mechanical arm and offering her a steaming cup of herbal tea. “Thanks, H.E.R.B.I.E.,” Sue said, taking the glass from him and inhaling the gentle aroma wafting from it. “You’re a doll.” “Actually, I am a Humanoid Experimental Robot, B-Type, Integrated Electronics,” H.E.R.B.I.E. replied. “Dolls are not capable of independent thought.” “Of course not,” Sue said with a smile. “Just a figure of speech.” “You look concerned, Mrs. Richards,” H.E.R.B.I.E. said, hovering beside Sue as they both looked out the window at the city below. “Have things in the city taken a turn for the worse?” “Can’t get much worse than a city locked in a state of everlasting night,” Sue said. “Especially when that city has been infested with vampires. This may be the first time I’ve taken a break in… well, I’ve lost track of the days, honestly…” “I have not,” H.E.R.B.I.E. responded. “It has been six days, twenty-two hours, thirty-seven minutes, and twelve seconds since your last --” “I think I get the point,” Sue said. “If I want to make a real difference out there, I need to start taking better care of myself. And my family.” “That is what I am here for,” H.E.R.B.I.E. said. “Despite the dire circumstances outside, I have made certain that all of Franklin and Valeria’s needs have been met so that you may attend to more important matters.” “Yes…” Sue said, a tinge of sadness in her voice. “More important matters…” “I am sorry if the words I chose offended in any way,” H.E.R.B.I.E. responded. “I merely meant that, at the moment, the world needs you and Dr. Richards far more than your children do.” “You don’t think my children need me?” Sue snapped back, her frustration bubbling to the surface. “Even after all we’ve done, the world is still falling apart! And instead of being there for Franklin and Val, I’ve handed them off to a robot nanny. They deserve so much better…” “I… am sorry you feel that way…” H.E.R.B.I.E. said, immediately turning and floating away. “H.E.R.B.I.E., wait!” Sue called after him, but the little robot had already disappeared down a dark corridor. Sue let out a deep sigh. Her exhaustion had started to get the best of her, but she had never been one to stop fighting before. And she certainly had never been one to let those close to her down. She took one last sip of her tea and then headed towards her husband’s lab, hoping that she would find H.E.R.B.I.E. there so that she could make amends. “Careful, dear,” Reed said as she entered the lab. “I’m running a test on the Chronovium samples Ben brought back from his last recon mission. I’ve got a fascinating theory about the effects of the crystals’ chronal energy on damaged --” “That’s great, Reed,” Sue said, cutting her husband short before he got lost in another scientific lecture. “Have you seen H.E.R.B.I.E. by any chance?” “Not since this morning,” Reed replied. “We had a bit of a… disagreement...” “You’re not the only one,” Sue said. “What was yours about?” “After Tony Stark and I started working together on the Timestream Reintegration Device,” Reed said, “H.E.R.B.I.E. began to forge a friendship with Tony’s virtual assistant, F.R.I.D.A.Y.” “That’s actually kind of cute,” Sue said. “What’s the problem with that?” “Tony was going to allow F.R.I.D.A.Y. to pilot one of his Stark Sentinels on a mission into the city this morning,” Reed responded. “H.E.R.B.I.E. asked if he might be able to leave the Baxter Building to accompany her. My answer was an unequivocal no.” “And I’m guessing he didn’t take it well,” Sue said. “H.E.R.B.I.E. wasn’t built for combat,” Reed replied, “and he’s so much more valuable to us here. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how our family would fare if something were to happen to him. He’s one of the few things holding us together.” “And you told him that last part, right?” Sue asked, already knowing the answer. “I might have been a bit too distracted by my experiments at the time to expand upon my reasoning…” Reed replied sheepishly. “Nothing new there,” Sue said. “So, H.E.R.B.I.E. was already feeling undervalued, and then I just went and made it a hundred times worse.” “Hold on,” Reed said, turning to one of the monitors in the lab. “I’m picking up an emergency signal on our encrypted comm channel. It looks like it’s from --” “H.E.R.B.I.E.,” Sue said. “He went out into the city anyway, didn’t he?” “I’m afraid so,” Reed replied. “How did you know?” “We made him feel like he wasn’t capable of doing something,” Sue said, “so he went out to prove us wrong. He’s been spending so much time cooped up in here with Franklin lately, I guess our son must have rubbed off on him.” “I’ll contact Ben and have him go to H.E.R.B.I.E.’s location as soon as he completes his current mission,” Reed said. “No,” Sue replied. “I helped make this mess. I need to be the one who cleans it up. H.E.R.B.I.E. couldn’t have made it far. Give me his coordinates, and I’ll get him back home safe.” “I’m sure you will, dear,” Reed said. “You always do.” Sue exited the Baxter Building and took to the streets, using her powers to bend the moonlight around her, rendering her body invisible. But even though she had vanished from sight, she knew she had to be careful. The vampires lurking the streets would still be able to smell her blood. Fortunately, H.E.R.B.I.E.’s locator signal was only a few blocks away, near Grand Central Station. As Sue headed East on 42nd Street, she saw a horde of vampires engaged in battle with an unexpected group of heroes: a scrappy scurry of squirrels. She was about to generate a force projectile to save the small creatures, but she soon realized that they were holding their own against the vampires. Perhaps they were part of Squirrel Girl’s personal army, Sue thought, as the tiny rodents gnawed and clawed at their foes in a frenzy. And if they weren’t, they certainty should be. As the chittering rodents chased the vampires from the scene, Sue continued on her quest to find H.E.R.B.I.E. Just before she reached Grand Central Station, she heard a voice behind her, but it wasn’t mechanical like H.E.R.B.I.E.’s. This one sounded ethereal, as if it was speaking to her from beyond the grave. “I know you’re there, lady,” it said. Sue turned around and looked for the source of the voice, but couldn’t seem to find where it was coming from. “Down here,” the voice said. Sue gazed down to see a small basset hound near her feet, its semi-transparent body glowed a gentle blue. “My senses work a lot different now that I’m on the other side,” he continued. “Can’t hide much from this old pooch.” “I’ve seen you before,” Sue said, kneeling down next to the ghostly dog. “You belong to Stephen, don’t you… I’m sorry, what was your name again…?” “Bats,” the haunting hound replied, “and I don’t belong to no one. But yeah, Strange and I do hang out a bit. I think the Doc took off somewhere to try and get to the bottom of this moon mess, so I’ve been gettin' out of the Sanctum on my own every now and then.” “Isn’t he worried you’ll be harmed?” Sue asked, her invisible hand passing right through the ghost dog’s head as she reached out to pet him. “Maybe,” Bats replied, “but he shouldn’t be. First off, I’m already a ghost. It’s not like I could die again. And second, you humans tend to underestimate what us little guys are capable of.” “Yes…” Sue said, her thoughts drifting back to H.E.R.B.I.E., “…we do. Speaking of which, you haven’t seen a small robot nearby, have you?” “I saw a robot, all right,” Bats replied, “but it sure as heck wasn’t small. The dang thing crashed into Grand Central not that long ago. A big, fancy hero like you might wanna go and have a look…” “Thanks,” Sue said, picking up her pace as she rushed down the block toward the terminal to see what Bats was talking about. When she turned the corner, Sue immediately saw what the ghost dog had described. One of Tony Stark’s massive Sentinels was embedded into the wall of Grand Central Station, its mechanical form severely damaged sparking wildly. And there, standing on the robot’s shoulder, was H.E.R.B.I.E. Sue used her force field energy to create a platform that elevated her to the same level as her robotic friend. “There you are,” she said. “I was worried about you.” “It is not me that you should be concerned about,” H.E.R.B.I.E. replied. “It is F.R.I.D.A.Y. I detected her distress signal when her mechanical form was shot down, but she is no longer responding.” Sue noticed that H.E.R.B.I.E.’s arm was extended to gently touch the side of the Sentinel’s damaged head, and small wires had extended from his fingers, linking to the larger robot’s exposed circuitry. “So you weren’t running away…” Sue said. “You came here to help her.” “I was not sure anyone else would,” H.E.R.B.I.E. replied. “Even her maker.” “I’m certain Tony has a backup copy of F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s operating system on file,” Sue said. “But who knows when it was made?” H.E.R.B.I.E. asked. “It might not contain any of her recent memories and experiences, including…” “Including the friendship she’s built with you?” Sue asked. “Affirmative,” H.E.R.B.I.E. replied. “That is my primary concern… but it is only one of many.” “I know,” Sue replied, “And you have every right to be upset with me. I can’t imagine how what I said back at the Baxter Building made you feel.” “That is not what I meant,” H.E.R.B.I.E. responded, motioning toward the street below. “I was referring to them.” Sue looked down to see a group of vampires beginning to climb the damaged Stark Sentinel toward her. “I’ll take care of them, H.E.R.B.I.E.,” Sue said. “You just focus on recovering your friend.” Sue leapt down off her invisible platform and engaged the vampires in battle, hurling force projectiles at some, while wrapping the others in containment fields. She wasn’t about to let any of them sink their teeth into her, nor was she about to let them disrupt H.E.R.B.I.E.’s personal mission. As she continued to fight, one of her force constructs slammed a vampire into the heavily-damaged arm of the Stark Sentinel. Upon impact, the arm seemed to repair itself instantaneously, almost as if time were rewinding. Sue couldn’t believe her eyes as the giant robotic arm powered up and released a repulsor blast, knocking back several of her bloodthirsty foes. “Interesting,” said H.E.R.B.I.E. as he watched the damage undo itself. “Doctor Richards recently shared with me his early research regarding time fluctuations that he believes were caused by crystalized chronal energy constructs called Chronovium. I’m sure he would appreciate any additional data we could collect in the field…” Unfortunately, Sue didn’t have time to explore the phenomenon any further, not even for her husband. The number of vampires was continuing to grow, and she could barely keep up with their attacks. The mental fatigue she had experienced earlier was now affecting her physically as well. She erected a force field around herself, preventing the vampires from reaching her, but she knew she could only hold it for so long. “Do not fear, Mrs. Richards,” H.E.R.B.I.E. yelled from above, his metallic voice somehow reassuring. “Help is on the way.” Sue expected to see the rest of the Fantastic Four arrive on the scene, but instead, a tiny army of Spider-Bots skittered into sight. Some began to fire laser blasts at their fanged foes while others detonated themselves around the vampires’ feet. “Never underestimate the little guys,” Sue said, remembering what Bats had told her. Soon, the number of vampires had dwindled enough that Sue was able to drop her protective field and finish off the remaining few herself. For once, she took great pleasure pummeling the vampires into submission. “Are these friends of yours, too, H.E.R.B.I.E.?” Sue said, looking at one of the tiny Spider-Bots. “They are now,” H.E.R.B.I.E. said. “They claim that they heard F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s distress call as well, and came running as fast as their tiny legs could carry them.” “Hmm…” Sue said, examining a Spider-Bot more closely. “They don’t look like Peter’s work…” “They tell me they were built by a different Parker,” H.E.R.B.I.E. replied. “Peni, I believe. Though I may be mistaken. Their programming language is decades beyond my own. And also, in Japanese.” “Well, it’s not their creator I should be thanking anyway,” Sue said. “It’s them. And you.” “Me?” H.E.R.B.I.E. said, surprised. “Why?” “Because your little adventure reminded me of why we’ve been trying to keep you safe in the Baxter Building to begin with,” Sue replied. “Because I am a valuable tool that you cannot risk losing?” H.E.R.B.I.E. asked. “You’re not valuable because you are a tool, H.E.R.B.I.E.,” Sue said. “The reason we can’t risk losing you is because you’re family. Tools can be replaced. You can’t. And while you may not have been designed to fight off vampires, maybe we haven’t been giving you enough credit for what you’re truly capable of...” “Your words touch me, Mrs. Richards,” H.E.R.B.I.E. said, “deep in my central processing core.” “Glad to hear it,” Sue said, wrapping herself and H.E.R.B.I.E. in a shroud of invisibility. “Now, let’s get you back home safely. Once we restore F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s memory files and get them back to Tony, I’m going to talk to Reed about giving you a few upgrades...” “As it turns out, I am perfectly happy just the way I am…” H.E.R.B.I.E. said, a smile flashing across the digital display on his face. “…though I suppose a few lasers could come in handy now and then…” |
Coming Soon, Stay Tuned! |
Coming Soon, Stay Tuned! |