Marvel Rivals
Marvel Rivals Guide Wiki
All Achievement List and Guide

All Achievement List and Guide

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Marvel Rivals | All Achievement List and Guide - GameWith

This is an Achievement Guide for Marvel Rivals. Read on to see a list of all achievements as well as how to get them in Marvel Rivals!

Table of Contents

List of All In-Game Achievements

Marvel Rivals currently has 4 different sets of achievements! Click through each of the tabs to see the achievement list for each set!

Galacta's Guide Overview

Galacta's Guide is a set of achievements that focus tasks outside of actual gameplay. Adding friends, watching Highlights, and daily logins are some of the tasks you will encounter from this set.

Galacta's Guide Achievement List

Gold AchievementAlways on Duty
Unlock 5 hero costumes.
20 Achievement Pts.
Gold AchievementHeroic Honor
Read 33 hero stories.
20 Achievement Pts.
Gold AchievementMultiversal Veterans
Raise the Proficiency of 2 heroes to Captain.
20 Achievement Pts.
Gold AchievementSticking Around
Log in for 30 days.
20 Achievement Pts.
Gold AchievementWhat a Team-Up!
Read 15 Team-Up stores.
20 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementChallenge Accepted
Complete 20 missions.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementSelf Made
Earn 3,000 Chrono Tokens.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementDoom's Rise
Unlock all Doom's Rise gallery cards.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementEternal Night Falls
Unlock all Eternal Night Falls gallery cards.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementRising Star
Reach level 20.
10 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementHello, World!
Send your first message in the chat.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementMember When...?
Relieve a Highlight in your Career.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementYou Do You
Use the customizable wheel once.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementFamily Matters
Listen to 1 conversation between members of the Fantastic Four.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementWindow Dressing
Switch up 5 different nameplates.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementFirst Family
Read all 4 of the Fantastic Four's hero stories.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementNow THAT's a Party!
Add 20 friends.
5 Achievement Pts.

Rivalry Rising Overview

The Rivalry Rising set of achievements involve tasks related to general gameplay. Scoring the MVP title, joining Tournaments, and playing certain game modes are some of the tasks you will find in this set.

How to Get MVP

Rivalry Rising Achievement List

Gold AchievementInevitable!
Win 100 matches.
20 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementAll Eyes on Me!
Score MVP 5 times.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementHere to Represent
Join a Tournament match with your faction.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementRing Master
Rank Gold or higher in Competitive mode.
10 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementSix-Sided Victory
Score 6 poitns ina single game of Doom Match.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementMaster of Modes
Complete 1 Arcade match.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementHeating Up!
Take down 50 AI enemies in Practice VS. AI.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementAssemble!
Team up wit ha friend for a match.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementOnslaught!
Land a 3-player KO streak.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementOn Fire!
Win 3 consecutive matches in Quick Match.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementThumbs Up
Upvote 1 player.
5 Achievement Pts.

Heroic Journey Overview

The Heroic Journey set is a collection of challenges that involve playing as, with, or even against certain heroes and performing specific actions. Many of these achievements involve using abilities under specific conditions to complete them.

Heroic Journey Achievement List

Silver AchievementGrip of Hunger
As Venom, snare 4 enemies with a single use of Cellular Corrosion.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementVengeace for the Milano!
As Star-Lord, land 10 KOs with assists from the Guardians of the Galaxy.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementPunishment of the Moon
As Moon Knight, hit 4 enemies with a single use of Hand of Khonshu.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementDivine Justice
As Thor, strike down 4 enemies with a single use of God of Thunder.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementBouncing Ideas
As Mister Fantastic, bounce 5 times with a single use of Brainiac Bounce.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementNo More Mutants
As Scarlet Witch, take down Mutant enemies 10 times.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementWest Coast, Best Coast
As Hawkeye, partner with the Avengers to land 10 KOs.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementLady of the House
As Invisible Woman, assist the Fantastic Four members 10 times.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementMight of Fuxi
As Iron Fist, land 3 KOs with a single use of Living Chi.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementRage Uncaged
As Wolverine, lad 3 KOs with a single use of Last Stand.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementWay of the Butterfly
As Psylocke, contest the mission area for 60 seconds ina single match.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementSnack Attack!
As Jeff the Land Shark, swallow 4 enemies with a single use of It's Jeff!
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementFamily Ties
As Adam Warlock, forge a soul bond with 3 allies from the Guardians of the Galaxy.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementAquatic Assault
As Namor, summon Monstro Spawn to land 10 KOs in a single game.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementWatch Your Step!
As Peni Parker, blase 3 enemies with a single use of Arachno-Min.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementArmos Race
As Winter Soldier, land 3 KOs wit ha single use of Kraken Impact.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementHomo Superior
As Magneto, assist Mutant allies 10 times.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementSpider-Sense Tingling!
As Spider-Man, detect an enemy with Spider-Sense and land a winning counterattack.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementFlawless Design
As Iron Man, hit 4 enemies with a single use of Invincible Pulse Cannon.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementDeadly Bites
As Black Widow, land 3 KOs with critical hits in a single match.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver Achievement
As Squirrel Girl, land 3 KOs with a single use of Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementMultiverse Tour
As Luna Snow, complete a match on 5 maps with different themes.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementDemon's Roar
As Magik, land 3 KOs within a single transformation into Darkchild.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementVicious Vines
As Groot, imprison 4 enemies with a single use of Strangling Prison.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementKing of the Dead
As Black Panther, land 3-player KO streak in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda: Hall of Djalia.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementSymphony of Light and Dark
As Cloak & Dagger, assist allies in achieveing a team wipe.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementTerror of the Ten Realms
As Hela, land a 3-player KO streak in Yggsgard: Yggdrasil Path.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementGo Get 'Em, Guardians!
As Rocket Raccoon, revive the Guardians of the Galaxy members 5 times.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementJustice for All!
As Captain America, land 3 KOs with a single use of Freedom Charge.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementVictory in Bloom
As Mantis, assist allies in achieving a team wipe.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementPerilous Portal
As Doctor Strange, land 1 terrain KO with the portal.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementGod of Treachery
As Loki, land one KO by stabbing from behind.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementTo Me, My X-Men!
As Storm, assist X-Men members 10 times.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementSmoke Screen
As the Punisher, land 3 KOs amidst the smoke of Scourge Grenade in a single game.
10 Achievement Pts.
Silver AchievementSmart is New Smash
As Bruce Banner, land 1 KO within 3 seconds of calming down from the Hulk to Banner.
10 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementGetting Chummy
As Namor, land 1 KO with an assist from Jeff the Land Shark.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementRed Reuinion
As Black Widow, partner with Winter Soldier to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementThe Odinson Returns!
As Thor, take down an enemy Loki.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementLike Old Times
As Captain America, partner with Winter Soldier to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementShattered Reality
As Scarlet Witch, take down an enemy Scarlet Witch.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementTo Solve Everything
As Mister Fantastic, partner with Iron Man to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementPsychic Sisters
As Mantis, assist Psylocke in landing 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementClash of Kings
As Black Panther, take down an enemy Namor.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementPuny God!
As Monster Hulk, slam an enemy Loki with World Breaker.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementVengeance & Glory
As the Punisher, partner with Captain America to land1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementNo Love Lost
As Storm, partner with Black Panther to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementBrotherly Love
As Loki, asisst Thor in landing 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementInner Strength
As Doctor STrange, knock out the Hulk's soul with the Eye of Agamotto.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementArrow's Bite
As Hawkeye, partner with Black Widow to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementRodent Rampage
As Rocket Raccoon, assist Squirrel Girl in landing 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementRagnaröked
As Hela, partner with Loki to take down an enemy Thor.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementStreet Justice!
As Cloak & Dagger, assist Spider-Man in landing 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementTree Talk
As Groot, issue a ping and receive a response from allies.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementMaster and Apprentice
As Magik, partner with Doctor Strange to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementMoonlit Hel
As Moon Knight, partner with Hela to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementFrozen Fathoms
As Luna Snow, freeze an enemy Namor with Absolute Zero.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementStark Fan Club Founder
As Squirrel Girl, partner with Iron Man to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementBeard Bros!
As Iron Man, partner with Doctor Strange to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementBroken Bond
As Venom, take down an enemy Spider-Man.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementWeb, White, and Blue
As Spider-Man, partner with Captain America to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementHouse of M
As Magneto, partner with Scarlet Witch to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementBrothers in Arms
As Winter Soldier, land 1 KO with an assist from Rocket Raccoon.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementSpider-Fighters
As Peni Parker, partner with Spider-Man to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementA Better Plan
As Star-Lord, issue the "Fall back!" ping 3 times.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementKing in Gold
As Adam Warlock, take down an enemy Venom.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementWanna Make a Snow Shark?
As Jeff the Land Shark, partner with Luna Snow to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementJian and Katana
As Psylocke, partner with Iron Fist to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementLearn THIS, bub!
As Wolverine, take down an enemy Magneto.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementThe New Agents of Atlas
As Iron Fist, land 1 KO with an assist from Luna Snow.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementDaughters of Liberty
As Invisible Woman, partner with Black Widow to land 1 KO.
5 Achievement Pts.

Chronoverse Saga Overview

The Chronoverse Saga largely involves playing in specific maps and interacting with the structures and features present in that map. Since maps are chosen at random before the start of the game, it can be difficult to target specific achievements from this list.

Always Try to Win

Some of the achievements here require completing certain objectives while playing on a specific side. Some achievements can only be completed while you're on the attacking side, while others can only be completed while you're on the defending side. Always just try your best and you will complete this list eventually!

Chronoverse Saga Achievement List

Bronze AchievementAll or Nothing!
Help Spider-Zero repair the Web of Life and Destiny in Tokyo 2099.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementAs You Wish
Help the Master Weaver repair the Web of Life and Destiny in Tokyo 2099.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementEnter the Hydra
Activate the entrance to Frozen Airfield in Hydra Cherteris Base.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementCall of the Hive
Open the Maveth Portal in Hydra Charteris Base.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementHalfway Dropout
Halt Spider-Zero's advance to Budokan in Tokyo 2099.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementFor Asgard!
Destroy the sapping device and save Yggdrasil in Yggsgard.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementLoki's Accomplice
Help Loki maintain his rule in Yggsgard.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementNot on my Watch
Shut down the production line of Super-Soldier in Hydra Charteris Base.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementCut off One Head
Destroy the Hydra Cherters Base.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementExplosive Sendoff
Deliver Knull's Essence underground in Klyntar.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementEye Witness
Listen to Public Eye's internal comms in Tokyo 2099.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementPublic Relations
Listen to Stark-Fujikawa's promo broadcast in Tokyo 2099.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementTough Business
Listen to the Fujikawa Mall's uniform ad broadcast in Tokyo 2099.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementKnowledge of Sin
Activate the Vibrani-Chronovium force field stabilizer in the Imperial Institute of Science of the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementI Say Thee Nay!
Safeguard the sapping device to wither Yggdrasil in Yggsgard.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementHistrionic Perfection
Use 1 emote on the throne in Yggsgard.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementThe Path to the Spider's Nests
Escort Spider-Zero to Budokan in Tokyo 2099.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementWhispers from the Web
Listen to Spider-Zero's holographic message in Tokyo 2099.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementLet Her Speak!
Chat with Spider-Zero's holographic message in Tokyo 2099.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementMystical Power
Unleash the spiritual energy of the Heart-Shaped Herb in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementMind Palace
Listen to Shuri's findings in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementShero of Wakanda
Listen to General Okoye's message in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementVeni Vidi V...?
Spray 1 time toward the Celestial Codex in Klyntar.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementPapers over Digital
Stop H.E.R.B.I.E. from scanning all pages of the Darkhold when Eternal Night falls on New York.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementNo More House Call
Save Doctor Strange from the astral plane when Eternal Night falls on New York.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementA Hounding Conversation
Talk with Bats the ghost dog when Eternal Night falls on New York.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementDoor to Door
Use 2 different portals in a single game when Eternal Night falls on New York.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementSpore Sport
Shatter 50 Symbiote Spores in Klyntar.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementDivine House Divided
Listen to the chat between K'Liluna and Bast in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementWakanda Forever
Purify Bast, the Panther God, in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementSpreading Darkness
Stop Bast, the Panther God from returning to her rightful place in the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementScientific Strength
Advance the Vibrani-Chronovium research in the Itnergalactic Empire of Wakanda.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementWakey Wakey
Shatter 1 hibernation pod in the Super-Soldier Factory of Hydra's Charteris Base.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementFactory Setting
Trigger Stark Sentinel's Reverse-Destruction when Eternal Night falls on New York.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementSave the Trees!
Scan all pages of the Darkhold with the help of H.E.R.B.I.E. when Eternal Night falls on New York.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementIllusive Truth
Shatter the deception and unveil the mural's truth in the Throne Room of Yggsgard.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementTyrant Tumbles
Shatter the Loki statue area in Yggsgard's Bifrost Garden.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementWide Open
Blast the protective barrier of Frozen Airfield in Hydra Charteris Base.
5 Achievement Pts.
Bronze AchievementWe Are Safe... For Now
Stop Knull's Essence from going underground in Klyntar.
5 Achievement Pts.

Achievement Rewards

Galacta's Guide Rewards

Galacta's Guide Rewards List
Achievement Pts.4080120160
RewardMarvel Rivals - Chrono TokensChrono TokensMarvel Rivals - Gallery CardGallery CardMarvel Rivals - Gallery CardNameplateMarvel Rivals - TitleGalacta's Favorite

Completing achievements in Galacta's Guide will award players with Chrono Tokens, the Your Biggest Fan Gallery Card, No one rivals Doom Nameplate, and the Galacta's Favorite title!

Rivalry Rising Rewards

Rivalry Rising Rewards List
Achievement Pts.4080
RewardMarvel Rivals - Chrono TokensChrono TokensMarvel Rivals - TitleRising Rival

There are only 2 rewards that can be claimed from the Rivalry Rising set: 200 Chrono Tokens and the Rising Rival title.

Heroic Journey Rewards

Heroic Journey Rewards List
Achievement Pts.4080120160
RewardMarvel Rivals - 100 UnitsUnitsMarvel Rivals - 100 UnitsUnitsMarvel Rivals - 100 UnitsUnitsMarvel Rivals - 100 UnitsUnits
Achievement Pts.200240280320
RewardMarvel Rivals - Ivory BreezeIvory BreezeMarvel Rivals - 100 UnitsUnitsMarvel Rivals - 100 UnitsUnitsMarvel Rivals - 100 UnitsUnits
Achievement Pts.360400440480
RewardMarvel Rivals - 200 UnitsUnitsMarvel Rivals - Jovial StarJovial StarMarvel Rivals - 200 UnitsUnitsMarvel Rivals - TitleHeroic Ally
Achievement Pts.510540
RewardMarvel Rivals - 200 UnitsUnitsMarvel Rivals - 200 UnitsUnits

The Heroic Journey set is one of the few places where players can acquire Costumes and Units for free. By completing all of the challenges here, players can collect a total of 1,500 Units, as well as the Ivory Breeze costume for Storm and Jovial Star costume for Star-Lord.

Chronoverse Saga Rewards

Chronoverse Saga Rewards List
Achievement Pts.4080120160
RewardMarvel Rivals - Celestial CodexCelestial CodexMarvel Rivals - Spider TotemSpider TotemMarvel Rivals - Thread of FateThread of FateMarvel Rivals - Hive StatueHive Statue
Achievement Pts.4080120
RewardMarvel Rivals - TitleChrono-ExplorerMarvel Rivals - 200 UnitsUnitsMarvel Rivals - 200 UnitsUnits

The Chronoverse Saga rewards players with Collectibles. Currently, these items function as little more than lore items. You can find all of your owned collectibles by heading to the store and accessing your Inventory.

How to Access Achievements

Access Via Career Page

Marvel Rivals - Achievements Page

You can quickly and easily browse through your achievements by heading to your Career page on the top right side of your screen. Then, click on the rightmost tab marked Achievements to see a complete list of achievements, as well as acquire rewards!

What Are Achievements in Marvel Rivals?

Challenging Tasks

Achievements in Marvel Rivals are a set of challenging tasks that require luck and/or skill to complete. These tasks award players with various resources, costumes, cosmetics, and collectibles!

137 Achievements to Collect

Gold AchievementGold: 6Silver AchievementSilver: 43Bronze AchievementBronze: 88

At the time of writing, there are a total of 137 achievements to complete. As Marvel Rivals is a live service game, we expect even more achievements to be added in the future!

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Marvel Rivals Strategy Team

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