Check out this guide for a full walkthrough of the Epilogue 2 - A Quick Favor for an Old Friend from Red Dead Redemption 2, including gameplay tips, guides, & more!
Mission Walkthrough
Check Out Epilogue 2 Mission WalkthroughTable of Contents
Epilogue 2: Beecher's Hope - Mission List
A Quick Favor for an Old Friend - Mission Challenge List
Mission Challenge List
No. | Mission Challenge |
1 | Force Cortez's men to flee from Rhodes within 30 seconds |
2 | Get 5 headshots while covering Sadie with a long scoped rifle |
3 | Get 4 hip fire kills |
4 | Complete the mission without taking any health items |
Purchasing A Barn
Purchasing A Barn - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Talk to Uncle in Beecher's Hope to start this mission |
2 | After the cutscene, mount your horse and ride with him to Blackwater |
3 | Head into Blackwater's Lumber Yard to initiate a cutscene |
4 | Once you're done with the cutscene, ride out with Sadie to Painted Sky |
1~4: Story-Based Sequence

This part of the mission does not involve any combat. You'll be riding your horse with Uncle to Blackwater and meeting with Sadie Adler there.
Help Sadie With Her Bounty Target
Help Sadie With Her Bounty Target - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Once you reach Painted Sky, investigate the barn for a sign of Cortez |
2 | Pick the lock or kick open the barn door |
3 | Break free once Cortez attacks you from behind and a cutscene will start |
4 | You'll regain control on your horse, ride with Sadie to Rhodes |
5 | When you reach Rhodes, head to the sheriff's office |
6 | Get down from your horse and pick up Cortez |
7 | Once you go inside the sheriff's office, a cutscene will begin |
2. Pick The Lock Or Kick Open The Barn Door

When investigating the barn in Painted Sky, you can either pick the lock or kick the door open. This doesn't affect the story and you can choose whichever method you prefer.
3. Just Press "Break Free" To Knock Cortez Away

There's no specific timing needed to "Break Free" from Cortez. Just keep pressing the button until you're able to throw him off of you.
Deal With The Del Lobo Gang
Deal With The Del Lobo Gang - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Once the cutscene is finished, you'll regain control in the sheriff's office |
2 | Fight back against the Del Lobo gang members attacking you |
3 | Once you've run them off of Rhodes, another cutscene will begin |
4 | When you're done with the cutscene, mount up and ride with Sadie to Dewberry Creek |
5 | Follow Sadie until you reach Dewberry Creek |
6 | Head to the old water mill to find a good vantage point |
7 | Cover Sadie with your scoped rifle as she makes her way through the camp |
8 | Once you've cleared the way, head down to Sadie's location |
9 | Eliminate all enemies that are attacking you as you make your way to Cortez |
10 | Once you've reached the lake, shoot Cortez's boat to make him turn around |
11 | Another cutscene will begin and you'll face more of Cortez's men |
12 | Get rid of the backup then pick Cortez up and stow him on your horse |
13 | Ride with Sadie back to Rhodes to trigger the cutscene that will end the mission |
7. Deal Headshots With Your Scoped Rifle

It's best to aim for the head of your enemies when using your scoped rifle. It gives you a more zoomed in view so it's also easier to make these shots.
9. Use Dead Eye To Deal With Enemies At Night

This part of the mission will take place at night so it will be challenging to aim & shoot. Using Dead Eye will highlight enemy bodies & fatal regions, making it easier to shoot.
10. Just Shoot Cortez's Boat

When Cortez is out on the water, just shoot his boat with your gun to threaten him and make him turn back. Be careful not to kill him.
Next Mission: Uncle's Bad DayRed Dead Redemption 2 Related Article
Mission Walkthrough
Epilogue 2: Beecher's Hope - Mission List
Story Mission Walkthrough Per Chapter
Chapter Walkthrough | |
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |
Epilogue 1 | Epilogue 2 |