The first to draw wins. Find out how to win duels, how to get to duels, and what you get from winning duels in Red Dead Redemption 2 in this guide.
Table of Contents
Rules of Dueling
Limited to Sidearms

When fighting in duels, players and enemies are only able to use revolvers or pistols to shoot down each other. It won't be much of a quickdraw if you'll bring out a rifle.
Check Out the All Weapon List & Types HereIt's a One-on-One Battle
Duels can only be fought one-on-one. Don't expect any backups or friends because in duels, it's only you and your gun.
Disarm or Kill Enemies to Win

A duel will only end if one of the players are either disarmed or killed. You can choose whether to end the life of your enemies or spare them.
Tips to Win Duels
Fill Up the Draw Meter Slowly

Keep your hold on the Draw button to completely fill out the meter at the bottom right of the screen. The more filled the meter, the more time you will have to aim and shoot at your opponent.
Choose to Spare your Enemies

It's up to you whether you want to kill or spare your opponents in duels, but in sparing enemies, you will get a boost in your Honor and get special perks. Disarm them by shooting their hand or arm.
Check Out the Honor System & Benefits HereWays to Get Challenged in Duels
Mission-Required Duels

Arthur will have to participate in some duels as you go through the Main Story Line and Side Quests. Getting beaten in these duels will have Arthur fail the mission and you'll have to redo it again.
Be Caught Cheating in Games

Poker players do not take cheating lightly. If you get caught cheating, there's a chance on of them will challenge you to a duel.
Get Challenged by Townsfolk
Random townsfolk can challenge you to duels when you ride into their town. Accept the challenge and show off your skills to the town.