Red Dead Redemption 2 - Walkthrough & Guides
Crafting & Cooking in Camp

RDR2 | Crafting & Cooking in Camp | Red Dead Redemption 2

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Learn to craft and cook at the camp in Red Dead Redemption 2 with this guide. This includes different recipes, locations where you can cook, & their effects.

Table of Contents

What Can You Craft in Your Camp?

Red Dead Redemption 2 Crafting and Cooking

Arthur can craft food that he can eat in his camp while out in the wilderness. He can also craft a variety of useful items for himself and his horse while at the camp.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Cooking & Cleaning

Cooked food will help restore Arthur's Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye when consumed. Better quality meat, such as Big Game and Mature Venison, will fill up the cores more than lower quality meat.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Cooking & Cleaning

Tonics will fill up a specific core, depending on which recipe you brew. There are tonics for Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye with more potent ones completely filling up the cores.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Cooking & Cleaning

Arthur can create special ammo in the camp. These can range from explosive ammo to different types of arrows!

Throwable Weapons & Upgrades

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cooking & Cleaning

You can upgrade your trusty Throwing Knife or Tomahawk at the camp! You can also create other throwable weapons, such as Dynamites and Fire Bottles.

Check Out the All Throwable Weapons List

Hunting Items

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cooking & Cleaning

Make hunting a bit easier by crafting baits for both predators and herbivores in the area. There's also a lotion that you can craft to hide your scent while hunting.

Check Out the Hunting Tips & Tricks Here

Horse Care

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cooking & Cleaning

Items for your horse are also available for crafting at the camp. These include items, such as horse medicine, reviver, and even horse meals!

How to Cook and Craft?

Cook & Craft at the Camp

Red Dead Redemption 2 Crafting and Cooking

Players will be able to cook and craft at the camps they set up in the wilderness. The camp will also allow you to rest with your horse hitched nearby while you go on with your business.

Some Items Can Only be Crafted at Camps

Red Dead Redemption 2 Crafting and Cooking

Some recipes require a fire or a specific instrument to be crafted. You can check which recipes require a fire from the recipes menu.

How to Set Up Camp / Crafting

Red Dead Redemption 2 Crafting and Cooking

From your inventory, go to the items menu. You can select to set up camp or to craft at bottom of the selection wheel, then release L1 to activate it.

Craft / Set Up Camp while Resting

Red Dead Redemption 2 Crafting and Cooking

You can also set up camp or do crafting while you're resting. When resting, you will see the options at the bottom half of your screen.

All Crafting & Cooking Recipes

All Provisions Recipes List

Coffee1 x Ground CoffeeModerately restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Plain Game Bird1 x Gamey Bird MeatSlightly restores all cores
Plain Herptile1 x Herptile MeatSlightly restores all cores
Plain Exotic Bird1 x Exotic Bird MeatGreatly restores all cores
Minty Exotic Bird1 x Exotic Bird Meat
1 x Wild Mint
Fully restores Health core. Greatly restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Exotic Bird1 x Exotic Bird Meat
1 x Oregano
Fully restores Stamina core. Greatly restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Exotic Bird1 x Exotic Bird Meat
1 x Creeping Thyme
Fully restores Dead Eye core. Greatly restores Stamina and Health cores
Plain Flaky Fisk1 x Flaky Fish MeatModerately restores all cores
Minty Flaky Fish1 x Flaky Fish Meat
1 x Wild Mint
Greatly restores Health core. Moderately restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Flaky Fish1 x Flaky Fish Meat
1 x Oregano
Greatly restores Stamina core. Moderately restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Flaky Fish1 x Flaky Fish Meat
1 x Creeping Thyme
Greatly restores Dead Eye core. Moderately restores Stamina and Health cores
Plain Big Game1 x Big Game MeatFully restores all cores
Minty Big Game1 x Big Game Meat Meat
1 x Wild Mint
Fully restores all cores and yields a Gold Health core for a day
Oregano Big Game1 x Big Game Meat Meat
1 x Oregano
Fully restores all cores and yields a Gold Stamina core for a day
Thyme Big Game1 x Big Game Meat Meat
1 x Creeping Thyme
Fully restores all cores and yields a Gold Dead Eye core for a day
Plain Pork1 x Tender Pork LoinGreatly restores all cores
Minty Pork1 x Tender Pork Loin
1 x Wild Mint
Fully restores Health core. Greatly restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Pork 1 x Tender Pork Loin
1 x Oregano
Fully restores Stamina core. Greatly restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Pork1 x Tender Pork Loin
1 x Creeping Thyme
Fully restores Dead Eye core. Greatly restores Stamina and Health cores
Plain Plump Bird1 x Plump Bird MeatModerately restores all cores
Minty Plump Bird1 x Plump Bird Meat
1 x Wild Mint
Greatly restores Health core. Moderately restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Plump Bird1 x Plump Bird Meat
1 x Oregano
Greatly restores Stamina core. Moderately restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Plump Bird1 x Plump Bird Meat
1 x Creeping Thyme
Greatly restores Dead Eye core. Moderately restores Stamina and Health cores
Plain Gritty Fish1 x Gritty Fish MeatModerately restores all cores
Plain Prime Beef1 x Prime Beef JointGreatly restores all cores
Minty Prime Beef1 x Prime Beef Joint
1 x Wild Mint
Fully restores Health core. Greatly restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Prime Beef1 x Prime Beef Joint
1 x Oregano
Fully restores Stamina core. Greatly restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Prime Beef1 x Prime Beef Joint
1 x Creeping Thyme
Fully restores Dead Eye core. Greatly restores Stamina and Health cores
Plain Crustacean1 x Crustacean MeatModerately restores all cores
Minty Crustacean1 x Crustacean Meat
1 x Wild Mint
Greatly restores Health core. Moderately restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Crustacean1 x Crustacean Meat
1 x Oregano
Greatly restores Stamina core. Moderately restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Crustacean1 x Crustacean Meat
1 x Creeping Thyme
Greatly restores Dead Eye core. Moderately restores Stamina and Health cores
Plain Succulent Fish1 x Tender Succulent Fish LoinGreatly restores all cores
Minty Tender Succulent Fish1 x Tender Succulent Fish Loin
1 x Wild Mint
Fully restores Health core. Greatly restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Succulent Fish 1 x Tender Succulent Fish Loin
1 x Oregano
Fully restores Stamina core. Greatly restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Succulent Fish1 x Tender Succulent Fish Loin
1 x Creeping Thyme
Fully restores Dead Eye core. Greatly restores Stamina and Health cores
Plain Mutton1 x Gristly MuttonModerately restores all cores
Minty Mutton1 x Gristly Mutton
1 x Wild Mint
Greatly restores Health core. Moderately restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Mutton1 x Gristly Mutton
1 x Oregano
Greatly restores Stamina core. Moderately restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Mutton1 x Gristly Mutton
1 x Creeping Thyme
Greatly restores Dead Eye core. Moderately restores Stamina and Health cores
Plain Stringy Meat1 x Stringy MeatSlightly restores all cores
Plain Game1 x Game MeatGreatly restores all cores
Minty Game1 x Game Meat
1 x Wild Mint
Fully restores Health core. Greatly restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Game1 x Game Meat
1 x Oregano
Fully restores Stamina core. Greatly restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Game1 x Game Meat
1 x Creeping Thyme
Fully restores Dead Eye core. Greatly restores Stamina and Health cores
Plain Venison1 x Mature Venison MeatGreatly restores all cores
Minty Venison1 x Mature Venison Meat
1 x Wild Mint
Fully restores Health core. Greatly restores Stamina and Dead Eye cores
Oregano Venison1 x Mature Venison Meat
1 x Oregano
Fully restores Stamina core. Greatly restores Health and Dead Eye cores
Thyme Venison1 x Mature Venison Meat
1 x Creeping Thyme
Fully restores Dead Eye core. Greatly restores Stamina and Health cores

All Tonics Recipes List

Special BittersTBATBA
Potent Bitters1 x Sage
1 x Burdock Root
Fully restores Stamina and Fortifies moderately
Special Miracle TonicTBATBA
Potent Miracle Tonic4 x Indian Tobacco
4 x Ginseng
4 x Sage
Fully restores Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye and fortifies immediately
Special Health CureTBATBA
Potent Health Cure1 x Ginseng
1 x Yarrow
Fully restores Health and Fortifies moderately
Special Snake OilTBATBA
Potent Snake Oil1 x Indian TobaccoFully restores Dead Eye and fortifies moderately

All Ammo Recipes List

Revolver Cartridges - Explosive1 x Revolver Cartridge - Express
1 x Animal Fat
Explodes on impact with target, increasing damage
Shotgun Slugs - ExplosiveTBATBA
Pistol Cartridges - Explosive1 x Pistol Cartridge
1 x Animal Fat
Explodes on impact with target, increasing damage
Rifle Cartridge - Explosive1 x Rifle Cartridge
1 x Animal Fat
Explodes on impact with target, increasing damage
Repeated Cartridges - Explosive1 x Repeater Cartridge
1 x Animal Fat
Explodes on impact with target, increasing damage
Revolver Catridges - Split Point1 x Revolver CartridgesSlightly increased damage and slower Dead Eye drain when chambered
Rifle Catridges - Split Point1 x Rifle CartridgesSlightly increased damage and slower Dead Eye drain when chambered
Pistol Catridges - Split Point1 x Pistol CartridgesSlightly increased damage and slower Dead Eye drain when chambered
Repeater Catridges - Split Point1 x Repeater CartridgesSlightly increased damage and slower Dead Eye drain when chambered
Shotgun Shells - Buckshot IncendiaryTBATBA
Arrow - DynamiteTBATBA
Arrow - PoisonTBATBA
Arrow - Fire1 x Arrow
1 x Animal Fat
1 x Flight Feather
Sets fire to target and surroundings
Arrow - Improved1 x Arrow
1 x Flight Feather
Increased damage and speed
Arrow - Small Game1 x Arrow
1 x Flight Feather
1 x Shotgun Shells - Regular
Designed for hunting small game without damaging the pelt

All Throwable Weapons & Upgrades Recipes List

Dynamite - VolatileTBATBA
Improved Throwing Knife1 x Throwing Knife
2 x Eagle Feather
Increases damage and range
Poison Throwing KnifeTBATBA
Fire Bottle - VolatileTBATBA
Fire Bottle1 x Guarma Rum
1 x Animal Fat
Spreads fire upon breakage
Tomahawk - HomingTBATBA
Tomahawk - Improved1 x Tomahawk
1 x Hawk Feather
Increase damage, range, and impact force

All Hunting Items Recipes List

Potent Predator Bait1 x Gritty Fish Meat
1 x Blackberry
Attracts pristine predators in the vicinity
Potent Herbivore Bait1 x Vanilla Flower
1 x Violet Snowdrop
1 x Bay Bolete
Attracts pristine herbivores in the vicinity
Predator Bait1 x Stringy Meat
1 x Blackberry
Attracts average predators in the vicinity
Cover Scent Lotion1 x Scent GlandsUsed to block human scent. Reduces animal detection

All Horse Care Recipes List

Horse Meal3 x Currant
3 x Beets
3x Hay
A decent meal for the horse. Fully restores Horse Cores, and yields gold cores for a day
Special Horse StimulantTBATBA
Potent Horse Stimulant1 x Safe
1 x Common Bulrush
Fully restores Horse Stamina and Fortifies moderately
Special Horse MedicineTBATBA
Potent Horse Medicine1 x Ginseng
1 x Common Bulrush
Full restores Horse Health and fortifies immediately
Special Horse ReviverTBATBA
Horse Ointment1 x Sage
1 x Common Bulrush
1 x Yarrow
Greatly restores Horse Health Core and fully restores Stamina Core and yields a Gold Stamina Core for a day
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