Find out the different ways you can fast travel in Red Dead Redemption 2, including how to fast travel in your camp and how to use stagecoaches, and trains!
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How to Fast Travel in Camp?
Fast Travel Available at the Map in Arthur's Tent After Upgrade

The map behind Arthur's tent in the camp will act a fast travel hub where players can select and view available areas they can go to. Selecting an area will have Arthur traveling there with his horse.
Upgrade Camp Lodging Twice to Get the Fast Travel Map

To be able to fast travel in the camp, players will have to upgrade the camp's lodgings through the ledger behind Dutch's tent. Buy the upgrades for $ 436 to first upgrade Dutch's Tent, then another $ 260 to add the Fast Travel map to Arthur's tent.
Check Out Best Ways to Earn Money HereProgress Through the Story to Unlock Fast Travel

Fast Travel is not immediately available in the game. You'll have to move through the main story first to be able to get access to a camp, as well as the other travel points in the game.
Check Out Story Mission Walkthrough HereWhere Can You Fast Travel To?
Travel Across Discovered Cities & Towns

Major towns and cities will become available to fast travel to as soon as you are unlock them in the map. Some points of interest will also be available for fast traveling.
Check Out the World Map & Locations HereSee Available & Restricted Areas for Travel
The map will mark out all the areas that you can fast travel to. However, if you have a bounty in one of the areas, it will be unavailable for fast travel until you can pay off your bounty.
Other Fast Travel Options
Use Stagecoaches to Travel

There are stagecoaches in most towns and cities that you can use to travel between points. Talk to the coachman to see available areas for travel and their corresponding prices.
Can't Be Used if You Have a Bounty

Stagecoaches will be unavailable for use if you have a bounty in the town or city that they are in. Pay your bounty at train stations or post offices to be able to use their service.
Able to Fast Travel to Areas Where You Have a Bounty
The stagecoaches are not restricted to areas where you are bounty-free. Going to the areas where you have a bounty is allowed, but the stagecoach will then be unavailable for you to use.
Travel via Trains

Trains are another option for fast travelling, but they can only travel between train stations. Not all areas have a train station so the areas you can travel to with the train are a bit limited.
Buy Train Tickets from Stations

Purchase a ticker at a Train Station to be able to use the train. Just go up to the ticket booth and talk to Station Clerk to see the available train stations and how much their tickets cost.
Things to Know Before Fast Traveling
Stock Up Your Horse's Inventory

When fast travelling, it's best to have all of the items you might need in your horse's inventory as a precaution. Stock up on ammo, weapons, and medicine when traveling to areas where you may not have access to stores.
Bring a Change of Clothing
Always have a set of summer and winter clothes in your horse's inventory when traveling. This will help you when weather conditions suddenly change in areas that you fast travel to.
Horse Will Follow when Using Trains, Stagecoaches

You'll find your horse to where you're headed if you use a stagecoach or train to travel! Try whistling as soon as you get to your location to quickly find them.