Achieve 100% Completion in Red Dead Redemption 2 with guide! This includes all the challenges, collectibles list and tips, and more.
Check Out What to Do in End Game HereChallenges in Red Dead Redemption 2
From hunting down different species of animals to winning card games, challenges test out your skills and even your luck when it comes to the game.
Bandit Challenges

Become a desperado and commit all the crimes you could. The goal is to become infamous with the amount of crimes you do and the bounty you get on your head.
Gambler Challenges

Empty the pockets of your opponents by gambling them under the table. Win rounds of Poker, Blackjack, Dominoes, and Five Finger Fillet to complete this challenge.
Herbalist Challenges

Show off your knowledge with herbs by crafting and cooking different potent tonics and cooked food. Complete this challenge by crafting items with herbs!
Check Out Crafting & Cooking Guide HereHorseman Challenges

Domesticate wild horses, develop your bond with your horse, and ride them along through your journey. Your bond with your horses are essential to this challenge.
Check Out How to Get Horse HereMaster Hunter Challenges

Hunt the most dangerous animals and get their pelts are rewards. Become a master hunter to complete this challenge.
Check Out the Hunting Tips & Tricks HereSharpshooter Challenges

Prove your standing as a master marksman by shooting flying birds, reaching the highest level of Dead Eye, and getting long-range kills with scoped weapons.
Weapons Expert Challenges

Accept the challenge and master the most difficult weapons to use in the game! Use Dynamite, fire bottles, throwing weapons, and knives to kill enemies and animals alike.
Check Out the Throwable Weapons List HereExplorer Challenges
Get on your horse and explore the vast country. Discover new places and points of interest to complete this challenge.
Check Out the World Map & Locations HereSurvivalist Challenges
Make use of the resources given to you by mother nature to survive and create new items that can help you inside and outside of battles!
Collectibles in Red Dead Redemption 2

There are a number of collectibles in the game for you to search and hunt for. These can range from abandoned shacks in the middle of nowhere to knickknacks such as limited edition cigarette cards.
Some Collectibles in the Game
Cigarette Cards

There are 144 Cigarette Cards for you to find and collect throughout the map! There are 11 brands with 12 cards each that you can track in your compendium.

People have gone and hung up Dreamcatchers in different locations. Search for 20 Dreamcatchers to complete this collectible.
How to Track Challenges / Collectibles
Challenges are Recorded in the Challenges Tab

You can keep track of your progress in each challenge in the Challenges Tab in the Player Menu. Open a specific challenge to see your objectives.
Track Collectibles in the Total Completion Tab

The Total Completion Tab has a section that shows all the collectibles you've found in the game. You can also check the Compendium Tab for a more in-depth look at your Cigarette Cards progression.