Check out this guide for a full walkthrough of the Stranger Side Mission - The Smell of the Grease Paint from Red Dead Redemption 2, including gameplay tips, guides, & more!
Mission Walkthrough
Talk To Marjorie In Van Horn Trading Post
Talk To Marjorie In Van Horn Trading Post - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | In Van Horn Trading Post, go into the saloon |
2 | You'll find Miss Marjorie arguing with the bartender inside the saloon |
Talk To Miss Marjorie In Van Horn Trading Post Saloon

Miss Marjorie will be arguing with the barkeep inside the saloon in Van Horn Trading Post. Talk to her to start this mission.
Subdue Bertram
Subdue Bertram - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After talking with Miss Marjorie, a cutscene will trigger |
2 | When the scene ends, you'll regain control and Bertram will start attacking you |
3 | Subdue Bertram by beating him up with your fists |
4 | Once you've beaten Bertram up, another cutscene will trigger |
3. Defend Yourself From Bertram By Blocking

Use the "Block" button to defend yourself from Bertram's hits. He hits strong and has a high HP so defend well to sustain your health in the fight.
Find Magnifico
Find Magnifico - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After exiting the saloon, mount your horse and follow your mini-map to Magnifico's location |
2 | Once you find him, a cutscene will trigger and Magnifico will disappear in a colored cloud of smoke |
3 | Follow the colored smoke until Magnifico leaves 3 of them |
4 | Go through the 3 smoke clouds and Magnifico will appear then disappear again |
5 | Continue to chase after Magnifico until he disappears into a clearing |
6 | Search the clearing - you'll find him on top of a tree |
7 | He'll disappear again so continue to follow the colored smoke until you reach train tracks |
8 | He'll eventually run into Miss Marjorie along the way |
2. Use Your Mini-Map To Know Magnifico's Direction

Magnifico will be difficult to chase so use your mini-map to see where he's headed next. His icon disappears after a while so keep your eye on it.
4. Go Through The 3 Clouds

You need to go through the three colored smoke clouds to initiate Magnifico's appearance.
8. Miss Marjorie Will Eventually Catch Magnifico

Just continue to follow Magnifico's colored smoke clouds and he'll eventually pop into the path of Miss Marjorie & Bertram after the train tracks.