Learn all about the different Vendor locations in Fallout 76! Trade & sell your junk to earn caps to buy items, fast travel, & more.

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How do Factor Vendors Work?

Vendors work for specific factions or organizations as can be seen by where they are stationed. You can find out more about the different factions in the game by completing the story missions.
Shared Caps Limit Per Faction
You can only sell 200 Caps worth of items to Vendors under the same faction a day. You can continue to sell to other Vendors under different factions though.
Earn A Maximum Of 1400 Caps
With 7 factions, each with a 200 cap pool, selling your items to them will let you earn a maximum of 1400 caps!
Check Back Regularly!
Vendors refresh their inventory per day, along with their number of caps. Remember to check back often and see if there is an item that you need!
Responder Faction Vendor Locations

One of the vendors that you can encounter early in the game is in one of the earlier areas, right after you leave the Vault. Head South of Vault 76, and you will find yourself in Flatwoods.
Flatwoods Vendor Location

As you enter Flatwoods, look for a large white building, that is named the trading post. When you enter it, you will see the vendor at the end of the hall, behind the counter.
Morgantown Airport

A vendor is found in Morgantown Airport, East of Vault 76. Be careful when venturing to this location as you will find lots of scorched in the area!
Morgantown Airport Vendor Location

Once at the Morgantown Airport, head to the lone building in the area. Once you are inside, the vendor will be found behind one of the counters at the ground floor.

One Vendor is located within the town of Grafton, Northeast of Vault 76. Be ready when traveling to this location as there may be a Grafton Monster spawning within the city!
Grafton Vendor Location

The vendor will be at one of the responder buildings to your left as soon as you enter the town. Be careful as the Grafton Monster can follow you here!
Grafton Station

Just West of Grafton, there will be a train station with a vendor there as well. Just head West to the Grafton Station to find the other vendor.
Grafton Station Vendor Location

When you reach the Grafton Station, head inside the building by the train tracks. There will be a vendor waiting for you behind a counter.
Whitesprings Resort Vendor Locations
Whitesprings Resort

Whitesprings Resort has a specific vendors per item type and will only have those items for sale. They will buy all kinds of items though so you don't have to go to specific vendors to sell.
Whitespring Resort Location

The vendors can be found at the 1st floor of the resort. The shops are lined up at the middle of the building with each vendor behind their own counters.
Raider Faction Vendor Locations
Sutton Station

In the rundown station in Sutton, you can find a vendor bot! He's pretty easy to find since the station doesn't have any enemies around it and is right in the open.
Sutton Station Location

Inside the station, you can find the vendor behind the counter. Near him is also a stash in case you want to sell some things from there as well.
More Coming Soon!
Trade With Vendors For Caps & Items

Vendors are scattered all around the map to assist you on your adventures in Appalachia. There are not hostile NPC's and will allow you to trade with them when you approach them.
Vendors Sell Lots Of Items
Vendors give you many options when you decide to trade with them. They can sell you items that range from food, drinks, and junk to weapons, armors, and chems!
Items Are Not Shared Between Vendors
Each vendor does not share their pool of caps and items with other vendors in the game. Don't forget to see what wares another vendor has!