Check out this guide for a full walkthrough of Final Departure Quest from Fallout 76, including gameplay tips, guides, and more.

Table of Contents
Final Departure - Overview
Final Departure - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Head to the Morgantown Airport |
2 | Enter the Morgantown Airport Terminal |
3 | Loot the Overseer's Cache to find out what happened to the responders |
4 | Leave the Terminal |
5 | Find and interact with the Responder's Laboratory Terminal in Morgantown |
Reward For Quest Completion
Reward | Amount |
Patrolman Sunglasses | 1 |
Purified Water | 1 |
Responder Police Uniform | 1 |
Cop Cap | 1 |
.10mm Rounds | 33 |
Caps | ~ |
XP | ~ |
The amount of XP and Caps that you receive will depend on your player level, as well as other factors, such as miscellaneous objectives.
Final Departure - Tips & Walkthrough
1. Morgantown Location

You can find Morgantown West of Vault 76. It's a bit of a walk from Flatwoods, but you can fast travel to nearer areas that you discovered for some caps.
3. Move Around while Fighting with Scorched Enemies

Unlike Ghouls, Scorched enemies can use weapons and are a bit harder to fight than ghouls. Move around the terminal to prevent being ganged up on when dealing with them.
Be Careful of Petrified Corpses

There are a few petrified corpses which glow a bright green in the dark inside the Terminal. Make sure to stay clear of them as they release radiation when disturbed.
3. Overseer's Cache Location in Morgantown

You can find the Overseer's Cache in one of the rooms at the 2nd floor of the Morgantown Airport Terminal. Loot the items inside it to progress through the quest.
5. Responder's Laboratory Terminal Location

The Responder's Laboratory Terminal can be found at the 2nd floor of the third hangar in the base! It's behind a wall that you can go around to.
Don't fight Against Machinegun Turret Near A Control Tower

After exiting the 2nd floor of the terminal, you will see a control Tower at right. There is a Machinegun turret on the second floor. It is strong and has nothing to do with story progression, do not fight against it!
Check Next Quest: An Ounce Of Prevention