Check out this guide for a full walkthrough of the Belly Of The Beast Quest from Fallout 76, including gameplay tips, guides, & more!

Table of Contents
Belly Of The Beast - Overview
Belly Of The Beast - Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Use 4 Brotherhood Emergency Transponder radios to find Taggerdy's location |
2 | Head and enter the Glassed Caverns |
3 | Make your way through the caverns towards the last transponder radio |
4 | Kill the Scorchbeast blocking you from the last transponder |
5 | Use the last transponder next to Taggerdy's body |
6 | Get out of the Caverns and head back to Fort Defiance |
7 | Use Taggerdy's terminal to learn more about the Scorched and Scorchbeasts |
Reward For Quest Completion
Reward | Amount |
Caps | 60 |
XP | 450 |
Power Armor Chassis | 1 |
2mm Electromagnetic Cartridge | 12 |
Plan: Minigun | 1 |
The amount of rewards that you receive will depend on your player level, as well as other factors, such as miscellaneous objectives.
Belly Of The Beast - Tips & Walkthrough
1. All 4 Transponder Locations
The following locations are where you will be able to find the 4 different Brotherhood of Steel transponder radios before heading to the Glassed Caverns.
1st Transponder Location

The first Transponder will be located along the road, West of Watoga. It will be on top of the walkway.
2nd Transponder Location

The second transponder is found in the middle of Watoga, at the bottom right corner of the map. You will be able to find it right next to the crashed Vertibot in the middle of town. Be careful as there are many robotic enemies in the area.
3rd Transponder Location

The third transponder is found in Survey Camp Alpha, East of Watoga. It is along the perimeter of the camp. Be careful as there will be tons of Scorched, and a Scorchbeast surveying the area.
4th Transponder Location

The fourth transponder is found at Drop Site V9, East of Survey Camp Alpha. The transponder is found on top of the lone building in the area.
2. Glassed Caverns Location

The Glassed Caverns are found at the bottom right corner of the map. It is East of Drop Site V9, and is surrounded by high level enemies such as Scorchbeasts, Super Mutants, and Scorched. Avoid encounters by using a Stealth Boy to stay hidden.
3. Stock Up On Ammo & Weapons

The Caverns features a wide array of terrain and rooms. You may encounter Scorched in tight corridors, or big rooms, so it is best to keep yourself stocked with ammo, and a variety of weapons.
4. When Fighting The Scorchbeast

Here are some things you need to remember when fighting the Scorchbeast.
Use Med-X To Resist Damage

Med-X will increase your resistance to damage for a few minutes. This will help you sustain yourself in the prolonged battle against the Scorchbeast.
Equip Power Armor

Power Armor will also add to your damage resistance, and will be very useful when fighting the Scorchbeast. Keep in mind that you will need to have a few fusion cores in your inventory in order to stay mobile in Power Armor!
Check Out How To Get Power ArmorUse The Suppressor's Sickle

The Suppressor's Sickle will reduce the damage done by enemies that it hits for a few seconds. This will be helpful since Scorchbeasts hit like a truck!
Check Out The Best Weapons HereHave Some Stimpaks At The Ready

Even if you have tons of damage resistance as it is, it is always recommended to have a few Stimpaks on you when things get sticky!
Check Out How To Get StimpaksKeep Moving
Other than the Scorchbeast, Scorched will periodically spawn to help harass you. Make sure you are always on the move to stop getting pinned down by the number of enemies in the area!
7. Taggerdy's Terminal Location

Taggerdy's terminal is located on the top floor of Fort Defiance, West of Watoga. Use the elevator to get to the top floor immediately.
Check Next Quest: Uncle Sam