Check out the location and solution of the Ancient Aqueduct Challenge Tomb in The Hidden City in this walkthrough.

Table of Contents
Ancient Aqueduct Reward & Location
Where Do You Find Ancient Aqueduct?

Location | The Hidden City |
Reward | Skill "Jaguar's Paw" |
You can find the entrance to the Ancient Aqueduct Challenge Tomb north east side of The Hidden City. You can find two Base Camp, "Temple of Kukulucan" and "Subterranian River" near its location.
Check Out the The Hidden City Guide!What Reward Do You Get in Ancient Aqueduct?
Jaguar's Paw

Jaguar's Paw will enhance your chance of knocking down your enemies when you melee them; opening a chance for finishers. This skill can be very useful when engaging an enemy in close quarters.
Check Out All Skill List!Ancient Aqueduct Walkthrough
Ancient Aqueduct Walkthrough
The Ancient Aqueduct Challenge Tomb's main focus is on puzzle solving by manipulating with the water level. There are several combats in between, so stay on guard.
No. | Procedure |
1 | Upon reaching an open area with waterfalls, head across the area and climb up the cliffside. |
2 | You will be greeted with a cutscene, where Lara's will put away her pistol in a satchel. Basecamp can also be found near by |
3 | Swim across the water to arrive at the aqueduct, Head down to the bottom of the aqueduct |
4 | Kick the raft from its original position, tether to the barricaded door |
5 | Go back up the aqueduct, pull lever to change water level, opening the barricaded door |
6 | Travel through the door, axe your way through the wall to reach the next area |
7 | Axe the lever next to the door to drain water |
8 | Tether the wooden barricade, you will be assaulted by enemies. Fend them off |
9 | Travel across the opened barricade where the enemy were, cut the rope on the raft and kick it to the next room |
10 | Go back up the aqueduct, pull lever to rise the water level. Swim underwater to the next room |
11 | Jump on the raft and up to the room. You will be ambushed by enemies |
12 | Use the crank to raise the water level. Crank will snap, permanently raising the water level |
13 | Ride on the raft and tether it to the water wheel to approach it |
14 | Tether the waterwheel to the round anchor seen next to the hanging platform. Get back on your raft and climb the tree tower in the center of the room. |
15 | Jump on the lowered platform and across to the next room |
4. Use Raft To Solve Puzzles

You will be using this raft throughout the entirety of this Tomb. Keep this close with you while you traverse the map.
8. Keep Your Distance When In Combat
When fighting your enemies, be sure to keep your distances since these enemies especially excels in close quarter combat. Make your shots count by aiming for headshots.
14. The Tether Will Snap After A While

The Tether on the water wheel and the anchor will snap after a while. Make your way across quickly to reach your goal.
14. Walk Your Way Across The Tree Tower

Climb on top of the tower beam before you make your jump.
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