Read this Resident Evil 6 (RE6) guide for a story walkthrough of the Ada Chapter 1 mission. Includes how to escape submarine, door puzzle tips, & more.
Table of Contents
Story Progression Chart
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter |
- | Chapter 2 |
Chapter 1 - Don't Grab Attention
Don't Grab Attention Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Once you regain control, move through the submarine stealthily |
2 | Keep going through the different rooms until you reach a dead end |
3 | Grapple upward then continue on until you reach the alarm |
4 | Move forward, drop down the hatch until you get into an opulent room |
5 | Examine the door then interact with the goat bust in the room |
6 | Head to the wall behind the bust then look through the viewfinder |
7 | Change the puzzle parts to show the snake to unlock the door |
8 | Open the door to trigger a cutscene |
1-3. Head Behind Enemies & Melee To Sneak Attack

Ada needs to sneak around the submarine and make sure she will not be spotted by enemies. Sneak behind opponents and use your melee attack to down them in one hit.
5. Goat Statue Clears Viewfinder Obstruction

To clear out the viewfinder's path, make sure to interact with the goat statue first. The horns will move, allowing you to spot the painting's secret message.
7. Solve Submarine Puzzle
1st Puzzle Piece Should Show Snake Head

Interact with the first puzzle piece and change it to look like the head of the snake, as shown above.
2nd Puzzle Piece Shows Snake Jaw

When you get to the 2nd puzzle piece, check for the snake's open mouth and jaw. You'll see its fangs peeking out, so make sure to set this puzzle piece to this image.
3rd Puzzle Piece Shows Snake's Body

The 3rd puzzle piece can be interacted with and changed to reflect the snake's body, as shown in the photo above.
Last Puzzle Piece Is End Of Snake's Body

Following the image shown in the painting, the last puzzle piece should reflect the stubbed end of the snake's body.
Chapter 2 - Get Through Submarine
Get Through Submarine Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After the cutscene, move forward to reach a viewing room |
2 | Gather information from the footage then move through the submarine rooms again |
3 | Keep going until you reach a wide room with a gatling gun at the end - clear the room of hostiles |
4 | Proceed past the gatling gun and go through the doors to get a new objective - find the escape pod |
5 | Keep going forward until you find the Assault Shotgun |
6 | Follow your mission marker to find a ladder - climb it to reach a wide room |
7 | Go to the northern end of the room & shoot at the enemies across you to start a cutscene |
8 | Grapple onto the ledge above you and open a series of doors |
3. Lead Enemies To Red Laser Sight

In this area, there will be an influx of enemies. Lead them towards the red laser sight sent out by the surveillance cameras to have them damaged.
5. Assault Shotgun Is Found In This Area

When you get a new objective, you'll find the Assault Shotgun in the rooms after the bunks. It's on a table to the right side of the room.
Chapter 3 - Escape The Ship
Escape The Ship Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After going through the doors, keep moving forward to escape the destruction of the ship |
2 | Open the door marked Escape Pod then grapple upwards to reach another corridor |
3 | Run through the corridor then grapple upwards again |
4 | Crawl your way upward until before you reach the escape pod to start a cutscene & QTE |
5 | Move forward & go upward - grappling and using ladders until you reach a cutscene |
6 | After the cutscene, head to your left to go up makeshift ladders |
7 | Jump down and inspect the torpedo panel - you'll learn where the power source is |
8 | Head towards the power source and turn it on |
9 | Head back to the torpedo panel to activate it |
10 | Keep interacting with the panel until the questions finish |
11 | Grapple upward to get a cutscene and finish the chapter |
4. Follow QTE Prompt To Jump Off Falling Crate

Make sure to follow the button prompt that shows up on the screen when Ada is falling. This makes sure she jumps off before the crate crashes with her.
5. Ladders & Grapple Points Are Marked Red

This part is very fast-paced and could lead to a game over if you stay too long in one area. Make sure to spot the red grapple points and ladders to quickly make your way to safety.
8. Swim To Get To Power Switch

In this part of the mission, you'll need to swim through water to get to the power switch. Keep its location in mind before you jump into the water as you have limited amount of breath.
10. Stay Near Panel To Answer Questions

When you're answering the questions of the panel, it's best to stay near it. If you try to answer while you're too far away, you'll waste time which can lead to a game over.
Story Progression Chart
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter |
- | Chapter 2 |