Read this Resident Evil 5 (RE5) guide & walkthrough for main story mission Chapter 2-2 "Train Station". Including Popokiramu boss fight tips, emblem locations, treasures, and more!
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Chapter 2-2 Walkthrough
Train Station Mission Walkthrough
No. | Procedure |
1 | Go out the door and move forward through the train depot |
2 | Use the ladder to get up and move across the top of the train cars |
3 | Jump down the mine cart then use the elevator to go down |
4 | Pick up the lantern. Either use it or give it to Sheva to light the way |
5 | Continue moving forward through the mines |
6 | Open the gate together with your partner |
7 | Clear the enemies that appear in the mine shaft |
8 | Continue going deeper down the mines |
9 | Use the elevator to go up |
10 | Climb up the stair to the side of the house |
11 | Open the locker to get the Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle |
12 | Go out the house through the 1st floor |
13 | Climb up the ladder on the side of the mountain |
14 | Go down the other side of the cliff. Continue moving forward |
15 | Push the cart with your partner. Continue moving forward |
16 | Jump down the ravine |
17 | Defeat the Popokarimu |
Chapter 2-2 Mission Tips
1. Move Forward Through the Train Station
Shoot Bombs Attached to Train Cars

There are bombs attached to the train cars that will explode when you get too close. Use a pistol to safely detonate it from a distance.
Use a Shotgun to Deal with Adjule Dogs

There are multiple Adjule or enemy dogs roaming around the Train Depot. Make it easier to deal with them by using a shotgun. The Spread can hit multiple of them at a time!
4. ~ 6. Move Further Down the Mines
One Character Must Hold the Lantern

The Lantern is essential to go through the mines. When playing solo, it's best to have Sheva hold the lantern so you can focus on shooting down any enemies instead.
Beward of Enemies Hiding in the Dark

With a small light source, it's easy to look over enemies that are hidden in the dark. Always have your weapon at the ready and fully loaded in case an enemy jumps you.
6. Open the Gate Together with Your Partner
Partners Must Alternate Between Opening Gate

One person will be left behind to open the gate while the other passes through. Once they're on the other side, they need to open the gate again so the other one can get to the same side.
Enemies will Appear to Ambush

Make sure that the person who first opens the gate and gets left behind is fully stocked with weapons and ammo as an ambush will happen to them. You can also open the gate then close it immediately to get away from them.
6. Clear Out Enemies at Mine Shaft
Prioritize Enemies Holding Crossbows

Take out enemies armed with crossbows first when it comes to this fight. Since they can shoot you from a distance, they'll continue to take cheap shots at you while you're busy dealing with other enemies.
10. ~ 12. Go Inside the House
Enemies Will Shoot at You from Distance

Make sure to stay under cover as you go through the small house. Enemies on the other side of the canyon will fire at you and come to attack you if they see you.
Use Sniper Rifle to Take Down Machine Gun

Enemies will make use of the Machine Gun to gun you down even while you're in the house. Wait for the machine gun to stop firing then use a sniper rifle to take down whoever is manning it.
Loot a Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle from Locker

One of the Lockers inside the small house has a Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle. If you don't already have a Sniper Rifle, use it to take down the enemy on the machine gun.
13. ~ 15. Go Through the Mountain Pass
Prioritize Taking Down Enemies with Dynamites

Enemies with Dynamites will continue to throw them at you, dealing huge amounts of damage at a time. Deal with them as soon as they appear to prevent losing a lot of health from them.
Popokiramu - Boss Fight Tips
Deploy Proximity Bombs to Stun Popokiramu

Proximity Bombs will go off whenever the Popokiramu gets to close to it. This will cause it to take huge amounts of damage and become immobile for a short while.
Loot Proximity Bombs Around the Area

There are multiple Proximity Bombs lying around the area that you can use. However, it has a limited supply so make sure to use them at the right times.
Use Grenades to Bring it Down when Flying

Grenades can be used to hit the Popokiramu and bring it back down to the ground when it's flying. Similar to Proximity Bombs, it will become immobile for a while, leaving it open for attacks.
Beware of Sticky Residue

The Popokiramu will fire a string of sticky substance that will stop Chris & Sheva from moving. If you do get hit, do the button prompt as quickly as possible to get out of it!
Chapter 2-2 Emblem Locations
Chapter 2-2 Emblem 1 - On Electricity Tower

As soon as you leave the starting point, check the area above you. The emblem will be on an electricity tower without any wires.
Chapter 2-2 Emblem 2 - Right Side Of Mine Bridge

When you head into the mines, keep going forward until you reach a wooden bridge. Check your right and you'll spot the emblem above you.
Chapter 2-2 Emblem 3 - Top Of Mine Buildings

After you leave the mines, climb up the tall red ladder and look towards the buildings you just came from. You'll spot the emblem on the roof of the mine buildings.
Check Out BSAA Emblem LocationsStory Progression Chart
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