RAGE 2: Strategy Guide & Walkthrough
Double Cross - Story Mission Walkthrough

RAGE 2 | Double Cross - Story Mission Walkthrough

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RAGE 2 | Double Cross - Story Mission Walkthrough - GameWith

Check out this Rage 2 guide and walkthrough for the Double Cross mission. This includes gameplay tips, hints, techniques, tricks & more!

Double Cross - Story Mission Walkthrough

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Double Cross Walkthrough

Double Cross Walkthrough Chart

1 Dr. Kvasir will contact you asking you to meet him in his lab
2 Get in your vehicle and head to his lab and talk to Dr. Kvasir
3 Get back inside your vehicle and make your way to the Genetic Research Station
4 Defeat the enemies and enter the Station
5 Make your way through the station defeating enemies along the way
6 You will find yourself in a room with a group of your people imprisoned
7 Destroy the console with the pink circles to release your people
8 Progress through the lab defeating more enemies
9 Drop down through the hatch with the green light
10 Go to the next room and defeat the Cyber Crusher
11 Use the elevator to exit the room and explore the lab further
12 You will find yourself in a room with multiple prison cells and a single prisoner
13 Release the prisoner and use the Sling Chamber to push forward
14 The chamber will bring you into a large room with a large pod in the middle
15 A cutscene will trigger with General Cross
16 Defeat General Cross
17 After defeating Cross, another cutscene will trigger
18 Exit the station and head back to Kvasir's lab
19 Talk to Kvasir, and place Cross' head in the DNA Extractor
20 Mission ends after Kvasir extracts the DNA

1. Mission Prerequisite

Reach Level 5 With Dr. Kvasir

Reach Level 5 With Dr. Kvasir

In order for this mission to trigger, you will need to increase your relationship with Dr. Kvasir to level 5. This can be done by doing objectives on the map that are colored blue.

2, 18. Kvasir's Lab Location

Kvasir's Lab Location

Kvasir's lab can be found in the Northern part of the map, in the Sekreto Wetlands. It will be inside a thick forest of bamboo chutes. You are on the right track if you see several turrets in the area.

3. Genetic Research Station Location

Genetic Research Station Location

The Research Station can be found in the Southwestern part of the map, also known as the Dune Sea region. You will need to crouch through a small opening to get to its entrance.

4. ~ 8. Combat Tips

Use Focus To Pinpoint Enemies

Use Focus To Pinpoint Enemies

Use your Focus to highlight enemies in the area. You will be able to see enemy outline's through walls and allow you to plan out your attack.

Keep Moving To Avoid Getting Hit

Keep Moving To Avoid Getting Hit

You will be facing a ton of enemies in the lab. Make sure to take advantage of your speed and mobility in order to avoid getting hit by enemies.

Nanotrite Abilities Fill Up Overdrive

Nanotrite Abilities Fill Up Overdrive

Use different Nanotrite abilities such as the Shatter, and Slam in order to gain a huge advantage in battle! It will also charge up your Overdrive which temporarily lets you dish out massive amounts of damage!

Check Out All Nanotrite Abilities Here!

Find Cover & Heal When Necessary

If you need to heal, find some cover before using your Health Infusion. This will allow you to get the most out of the item, and avoid immediately getting hit after you've healed!

Check Out All Consumable Items Here!

10. Defeating Cyber Crusher - Tips

Recommended Weapon: Assault Rifle

Recommended Weapon: Assault Rifle

The Assault Rifle is a high DPS weapon that can deal a ton of damage in a short amount of time. Its fast fire rate will allow you quickly stagger the Cyber Crusher, and destroy the cylinders!

Check Out The All Weapons List Here!

Aim For The Blue Chest To Stagger It

Aim For The Blue Chest to Stagger It

The Cyber Crusher will have a blue chest which will mostly be exposed. Focus your fire there in order to stagger it for a brief period of time. Your bullets will have no effect if you shoot anywhere else.

Shoot The Blue Cylinders When It Is Staggered

Shoot The Blue Cylinders When It Is Staggered

Once you stagger the Cyber Crusher, head to its backside and look for the Blue Cylinders. Focus your fire on these cylinders to quickly bring down the enemy's HP!

The Cyber Crusher Will Have 2 Blue Cylinders

The Cyber Crusher will have 2 blue cylinders on its back. One on its left and right. Stagger it, and destroy these one by one to easily defeat it.

Dash To Dodge Its Attacks

Dash To Dodge Its Attacks

The Cyber Crusher has several slow attacks which it telegraphs to you. Most if not all of these attacks can be dodged by dashing sideways or backwards.

16. Defeating General Cross - Tips

Recommended Weapon: Assault Rifle

Recommended Weapon: Assault Rifle

The Assault Rifle is a great weapon to use against General Cross because it is effective up to the mid ranges. Since you will be keeping your distance against Cross, this is the best weapon to chip away at his health.

Use Shotgun For Crowd Control

Use Shotgun For Crowd Control

There will be points in the fight where Cross will summon fodder enemies to fight you. Since they will be chasing you, a close quarters weapon will easily be able to deal with them.

Shoot Down Hanging Pods To Bring Down Shield

Shoot Down Hanging Pods To Bring Down Shield

Cross will shield himself when he summons fodder enemies. Shoot down the pods hanging from the ceiling in order to bring down the shield, and make him vulnerable again.

Keep Distance From Cross When He Is Pounding The Ground

Keep Distance From Cross When He Is Pounding The Ground

Make sure to stay away from Cross when he is pounding the ground. The shockwaves he makes will damage you, but will only travel a certain range. If you are far enough, you can shoot at him without the shockwaves reaching you.

Use The Pod To Break His Line Of Sight

Use The Pod To Break His Line Of Sight

When Cross starts shooting at you, you can hide behind the pod in the middle of the room. Since it is a fairly big pod, it breaks his line of sight, and will absorb the bullets he fires at you.

Dash Sideways To Avoid Melee Attack

Dash Sideways To Avoid Melee Attacks

Cross will also rush at you with a melee attack. This can be dodged by dashing to the side to avoid it. It also gives you a brief moment to fire at him right after you dodge.

Story Progression & Walkthrough

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RAGE 2 Strategy Team

RAGE 2 Strategy Team

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