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Just Cause 4 - Walkthrough & Guides
Prisa Hack - Story Mission Walkthrough & Guide

Just Cause 4 | Prisa Hack - Story Mission Walkthrough & Guide

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Check out this guide for a full walkthrough of storyline mission Prisa Hack from Just Cause 4, including gameplay tips, guides, and more!

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough
Check Out All Storyline Mission List!

Table of Contents

Prisa Hack - Mission Prerequisite & Unlocks

Finish Cesar's Theory Mission

You need to watch the cutscene from the mission "Cesar's Theory" to unlock Prisa Hack.

Check Out Cesar's Theory Walkthrough Here!

Find The First Scanner

Find The Scanner - Walkthrough Chart

1Once you're inside the Prisa Automovil compound, find the first scanner
2When you've found the first scanner, interact with the console to find out which car you need to open the warehouse
3Follow the waypoint to the location of the Prisa Sol 21 Sport Sedan
4Find the car inside the showroom and drive it back to the warehouse
5Once the warehouse is open, interact with the console to turn it on
6After turning on the console, deal with any enemies that show up & head out of the warehouse to find the 2nd scanner

1. Find Scanner - Hint & Tips

Use Waypoint To Find Scanner

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

You can easily spot the first scanner by following your waypoint. This will lead you to the console and help you check what vehicle you need to open the warehouse.

3. Find Sol 21 Sport Sedan - Hint & Tips

Follow Waypoint To Find Showroom

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

The showroom where you can get the sports car will be marked with a waypoint. Follow it to find the location of the showroom.

4. Search Showroom For Sport Sedan - Hint & Tips

Use AR Scanner To Identify Sport Sedan

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

You can identify the sportscar on display by using your AR scanner. There will be other vehicles in the area and this makes it easier to find.

5. Turn On Console - Hint & Tips

Press 1st, 3rd, & 4th Console To Turn It On

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

You need to interact with the console in the right sequence to turn it on. Press the 1st from the left, the 3rd from the left, and the 4th from the left panels to activate the console.

Find The Second Scanner

Find The Second Scanner - Walkthrough Chart

1After turning the first console on and clearing out your enemies, locate the 2nd scanner
2Interact with the 2nd scanner to find out the vehicle you need - a Prisa Azor 3
3Follow the waypoint to the location of the Prisa Azor 3
4Find the vehicle on a scenic overlook and drive it back to the 2nd scanner
5Once the warehouse is open, interact with the console to turn it on
6After turning on the console, deal with any enemies that show up & head out of the warehouse to find the 3rd scanner

1. Find The 2nd Scanner - Hint & Tips

Use Waypoint To Find 2nd Scanner

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

You can locate the 2nd scanner you need to interact with via your waypoint.

3. Find Prisa Azor 3 - Hint & Tips

Follow Waypoint To Find Overlook

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

The vehicle you need will be parked in a scenic overlook a bit away from the automobile compound. Use the waypoint to locate the area.

4. Find Vehicle In Overlook - Hint & Tips

Utilize AR Scanner To Identify Vehicle

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

Use your AR scanner to identify the Prisa Azor 3 among the parked vehicles.

5. Activate Console - Hint & Tips

Press 1st & 3rd Panels To Activate Console

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

In order to turn on the console in the 2nd warehouse, you need to press the 1st and 3rd panels. This must be done in the right sequence.

Find The Third Scanner

Find The Third Scanner - Walkthrough Chart

1After turning the 2ndconsole on and clearing out your enemies, locate the final scanner
2Interact with the 3rd scanner to find out the vehicle you need - a Prisa Vivesa Bike
3Follow the waypoint to the location of the motorcycle
4Find the bike in a parking lot inside the compound - drive it back to the final scanner
5Once the warehouse is open, interact with the console to turn it on
6After turning on the console, you will be locked into the warehouse
7Destroy the 3 circuit panels on top of you to open the doors & get out

1. Find The Final Scanner - Hint & Tips

Follow Waypoint To Find Last Scanner

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

The last scanner will also be in the compound. It can be found by following the direction of the waypoint on your screen.

3. Locate Prisa Vivesa Bike - Hint & Tips

Use On-Screen Waypoint To Locate Motorcyle

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

Once you've activated the final scanner, follow the on-screen green waypoint to find where the motorcycle is parked in a small shaded parking lot.

4. Identify Bike In Parking Lot - Hint & Tips

Activate AR Scanner To Identify Prisa Vivesa Bike

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

Using your AR scanner, you can scan the parking lot and identify the motorcycle. Drive it out of the lot and back to the warehouse scanner.

5. Turn On Console - Hint & Tips

Interact With 4th, 3rd, & 2nd Panels

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

Press the 4th from the left, the 3rd, then 2nd panel from the left to activate the console and turn it on.

Destroy Circuit Panels - Hint & Tips

Shoot Turret Inside Warehouse

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

When the warehouse locks you in, a turret will activate and start shooting at you. It will immediately start attacking, so shoot them down before it can deal too much damage.

Circuit Panels Can Be Found On Warehouse Walls

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

You need to destroy the 3 circuit panels on the warehouse walls. There is one above the console and one each on your left & right.

Reboot The System

Reboot The System - Walkthrough Chart

1After you've overridden the compound system, locate the console to hack it
2Stay within range of the console, defending yourself from enemies until the hacking process finishes
3Once the hacking process is complete, the mission will end

Locate Console - Hint & Tips

Follow Waypoint To Find Console

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

The final console you'll need to hack can be found by following the direction of the waypoint on your screen.

Stay In Range Of Console - Hint & Tips

Use Rocket Launchers To Deal With Choppers

Just Cause 4 Prisa Hack Walkthrough

At this point, Black Hand ops will be attacking you. Defend yourself and use rocket launcher to take down their choppers.

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