Just Cause 4
Just Cause 4 - Walkthrough & Guides
Garland King's New Star - Story Mission Walkthrough & Guide

Just Cause 4 | Garland King's New Star - Story Mission Walkthrough & Guide

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Check out this guide for a full walkthrough of story mission Garland King's New Star from Just Cause 4, including gameplay tips, guides, and more!

Just Cause 4 Garland King
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Table of Contents

Garland King's New Star - Mission Prerequisite & Unlocks

Unlocks Booster

You'll unlock the booster in this mission - these are small booster rockets that can be attached to surfaces to push them a certain direction.

Tether Boosters Onto Rustbucket

Tether Boosters Onto Rustbucket - Walkthrough Chart

1Once you regain control, equip the boosters into your grappling hook loadout
2Locate the Rustbucket anchored on the pier - attach the boosters onto the boat
3Watch the Rustbucket ram into the Black Hand boat - this will trigger Garland's escape

Using Your Boosters - Hints & Tips

Attach Boosters On Rustbucket To Move It

Just Cause 4 Garland King

In this part of the mission, you'll be taught & shown the basics of how boosters work. Attaching them to surfaces such as the back of the Rustbucket will move it in a specific direction.

Cover Garland's Escape

Cover Garland's Escape - Walkthrough Chart

1Jump on top of Garland's van as it leaves the filming spot
2Defend & cover the van from incoming enemy fire
3When you reach a blue car on the side of the road, Garland will get down from the van & get inside the blue car - drive the van
4Follow the arrows on the road to find a Black Hand Outpost

2. Defend & Cover The Van

Use Air Lifter & Boosters To Get Enemy Vehicles Away

You can switch between your air lifter & boosters to get enemy vehicles out of the way. This will deal with them in a much quicker manner.

3. Drive Garland's Van- Hints & Tips

Fake Garland's Death By Driving Her Van

Down the road, Garland will stop driving, get off, and get inside a blue car by the side of the road. You need to drive her van to proceed with the mission.

Go Through Blackhand Outpost

Go Through Blackhand Outpost - Walkthrough Chart

1When the van is in your control, drive through the Black Hand Outpost
2Keep driving down the road - luring away the Black Hand soldiers
3Just continue driving the van until you're prompted to wreck the van
4Drive car off the pier down the road, ending the mission

1~4. Drive Garland's Van- Hint & Tips

Just Keep Driving to The Pier

You don't need to do anything or get rid of the Black Hand in pursuit of you, simply drive the van until it prompts to wreck it. You will then need to drive the car off a ramp in the pier and into the water (or explosive filled cargo ship) to destroy it.

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