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About Forums

Forum is where you can exchange information on games and communicate with other users. There is a set of regulations for the forum of each game. Please ensure you have read them before making a post.

Important Topics

  • Please ensure you have read the terms of use thoroughly before making a post.
  • Making multiple posts within a short amount of time is prohibited. Please allow some time before making a subsequent post.
  • Please refrain from posting contents and images that are unrelated to the game.
  • Please refrain from posting a comment on a topic that is unrelated to the forum.
  • Posts relating to buying or selling accounts is prohibited.
  • Transferring, exchanging and buying and selling of account codes within the forum is prohibited.
  • Any posts attacking another user will be deleted and reported, and the user will be banned from the website.

Making a Post

1.Click on the form

2.Enter the required fields

Fill in the required fields of the form. Make sure that it is within the word and image size limits when making a post.

3.Click on Post button

Click on the Post button to post your comment.

Post function will be unlocked after 24 hours upon visiting GameWith for the first time

You will not be able to make another post until at least 24 hours have passed since you have visited the website for the first time on the browser that you are using.
Once 24 hours have passed, you can make a post normally. This system is in place to prevent misuse of the Forums.

Check the browser mode of Safari on your iPhone

If you are using Safari on an iPhone, click on the bottom right button and check if it is in private browsing mode.

If the background of the Private button is white, you are currently using private browsing mode. Click on the Private button and turn off private browsing mode.

Check the browser mode of Chrome on your Android device

If there is a glasses icon on the left of the address bar, you are in Incognito mode. Close the incognito tab and open up a regular tab.

Replying to a post

  • 1. Choose the post that you want to reply to
  • 2. A form will appear when you click on the ”Reply” button.
  • 3. Fill in the required fields on the form. Complete it within the specified word and image size limits.
  • 4. Once you have filled in the required fields, click on the “Post” button to complete your reply.

Prohibited Actions & Bans

A forum ban will be imposed if following conditions have been noted during monitoring of the forums or via reports by other users. If you have seen activities in violation of regulations in any of the forums, please report it directly to GameWith.

Forum bans are permanent as of this point.

Immediate Bans

Any users posting topics as below will be subject to immediate bans.

  • Posts and images that use inappropriate, violent or any other subject material that may offend people.
  • Disclosure of personal information and other information that violate the privacy of other people (credit card information, social security number, any private contact details such as phone number, email address and social network account information, images of other people, works and altered works of other people, etc.).

Bannable offence after second violation

In the following cases, users will be subject to forum ban when violating these offenses more than once.

  • Posts with use of slander and defamatory expressions (discriminating expressions regarding race, gender, physical appearance or religious beliefs, insults and judgements without a basis that maybe harmful to another user).
  • Disclosure of other users’ account images and private communication.
  • Posting invitation links (allowed in appropriate forums).
  • Provocative and nuisance posts.
  • Posts that inconvenience other users or obstruct the running of the website (falsified information, acts leading to public humiliation, conduct that overload the server, spreading false information, etc.)
  • Creating posts that are unrelated to the forum.
  • Creating posts with the aim of meeting people.

Post Deletion 

Following posts will be deleted. Additional forum bans may also be enforced.

  • Unrelated posts
  • Multiple posts in quick succession
  • Posts that may negatively impact another user’s experience of the forum
  • Invitations for specific gender (“there are x number of male and x number of female members”, “women welcome”, “the clan leader is a woman”, etc.)